Today, Matchvs and Egret have officially signed a partnership. The two parties reached consensus on market, products and services, and jointly targeted the H5 game field to release front-end and back-end integrated solutions. In this collaboration, Matchvs will provide a back-end networking solution for Egret Engine, which aims to help developers solve the cost and efficiency challenges of online game development.

The lack of playability and fixed traffic entry points for H5 games has long been a sore point for the industry, leading to low user retention. However, with the introduction of massive users on wechat and QQ social platforms, the number of H5 game users has so far developed to hundreds of millions of market scale. As H5 games themselves are cross-platform and portable, combined with social attributes, the online game market has a great space for imagination.

The average development cycle for even a simple online game is one to three months, with development costs ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands, and a large portion of that goes to paying server developers for labor costs. In addition, the high concurrency pressure, software upgrade and maintenance problems have become a pain point for many developers. The networking service provided by Matchvs greatly reduces the creation threshold of developers and greatly improves the development efficiency.

As the first commercial game server engine in China, Matchvs has been focusing on the development of networking server engine in recent years, and has formed a one-stop service from the bottom network link, interaction realization, matching to the server. By focusing on the logic of the game, you can build a networked standard game in a short period of time. To put it simply, Matchvs is similar to a set of cloud services of mechanism, providing CP side with a complete set of battle solutions. Developers can not only complete the development of online battle game without network programming foundation and back-end developers, but also transform the standalone game into online battle game through simple access.

In this cooperation, the networking +GS server framework services provided by Matchvs will be fully integrated into the workflow of egret engine. When using Egret for initial development or retrofitting of a project, developers can choose to access the Matchvs SaaS layer’s API for “proximity” node access, player matching, and game data communication. PaaS provides the GameServer Framework development Framework and hosting platform to expand the networking capability of the server without its own server resources. The GameServer logic is deployed in PaaS to expand the capabilities of the server.

As the basis of H5 game industry chain, H5 engine technology has matured from developing only lightweight games in the past to fully supporting the development of heavy games. Egret Technology, as the world’s leading PROVIDER of H5 game engines, has built a complete set of development tools including Egret Engine and Egret3D, with 250,000 active developers worldwide, relying on years of technology precipitation and continuous technological innovation in the FIELD of H5 games.

At present, the Games developed by the egret engine are popular on wechat mini Games, QQ Play, Facebook Instant Games and other major platforms. Such as “Pirates come”, “The strongest bomb”, “Circle of friends”, “Let’s Farm”, “LOL Headshot”, “Legend comes” and other small head games are all developed with the Egret engine.

After this cooperation between Egret and Matchvs, the two sides will complement each other’s advantages and provide developers with flexible, professional and reliable front-end and back-end integrated solutions, further reducing the development threshold and cost, and improving the development efficiency and stability.

In the near future, Egret and Matchvs will launch a support event for developers to help small and medium-sized teams reduce their game development costs and provide traffic exposure. In the future, both parties will continue to help and meet the diverse needs of developers with innovative technology and an open mind, and jointly promote the ecological prosperity of the H5 game industry.