1. Download and install Egret engine:


2. Command line (Win+R key enter CMD) :

For those who like command line, they can create, build, publish and update the Egret H5 project through command line. Use Egret Wing to develop and manage projects if you don’t like it.

Reference: edn.egret.com/cn/docs/pag…

3. Use the TypeScript

Egret projects are developed using the TypeScirpt language. TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript. For details, see:

1, TyptScript website to download and documentation: www.typescriptlang.org/ 2, TypeScript detailed manual reference TypeScript faced (in Chinese) : www.gitbook.com/book/zhongs… 3, Egret community teaching document (xiao Bai can see this oh) : bbs.egret.com/thread-886-…

4. Open The HelloWorld Egret Engine, click the Tool, install Egret Wind and open it.

Once you’re familiar with Egret development you can create AN Egret game project or AN Egret EUI project, which includes many of the default configurations. Now the first step to learning Egret is to start with an Egret game project.

5. Understand the project structure:

  • SRC directory, which holds our code. The code we write is placed under the SRC directory.
  • The bin-debug directory is the debug directory in which the project is compiled and run. Generally, you should not modify the contents in this directory.
  • The LIBS directory, which houses our library files, including the Egret core library and other extensions. Of course, if you add a third party library in the future, you will also put it here.
  • The resource directory, where our resource files are stored, contains a default.res.json configuration file that is used to configure the resources.
  • The template directory, which is the directory needed during project debugging, usually does not need to modify the contents of this directory.
  • Json configuration file for the egretProperties.json project. You will use the modules field in the configuration file to configure the modules in the project.
  • Index.html is the entry file that the project accesses, where we can configure the project rotation and zoom mode background color, etc.
  • Favicon. ico an ICO.