With VS Code, you can sync your configuration to the cloud, so that when you change computers, you can sync your configuration to the local computer with one click, and there’s no need to reinstall plug-ins or reconfigure software.

We can also share the configuration with other users and use other users’ configuration for our own use.

Synchronize your local configuration cloud to GitHub:

(1) Install settings-sync.

(2) After installing the plug-in, log in to the plug-in using the GitHub account.

(3) After login in vscode interface, you can select a gist of others; Or you can just ignore it and create your own GIST.

(4) Use the shortcut keys Command + Shift + P, enter sync in the displayed Command box, and select Update/Upload Configuration to upload the latest configuration to GitHub.

Synchronize configuration from cloud to local when switching to another computer:

(1) When we move to another computer, we can install settings-sync in VS Code.

(2) After installing the plug-in, log in to the plug-in using the GitHub account.

(3) After login, the previous synchronization record will automatically appear on the interface of the plug-in:

In the above image, we click on the latest record to synchronize the latest configuration from the cloud to the local:

If the remote configuration fails to be synchronized to the local PC, the network may be faulty. In this case, you can use the shortcut keys Command + Shift + P, enter sync in the Command box that is displayed, and choose Download Configuration.

Using someone else’s configuration:

If we want to use someone else’s configuration, we first need that person to provide you with gist. The specific steps are as follows:

(1) Install settings-sync.

(2) Use the shortcut key “Command + Shift + P”, enter sync in the displayed Command box, and select “Download Configuration”.

(3) On the screen that pops up, choose “Download Public Gist” and enter the Gist that others share with you. Note that this step does not require logging into a GitHub account.