This is the seventh day of my participation in the More text Challenge. For details, see more text Challenge

The previous article introduced [efficiency tools] Chrome extension for you to enable efficient development, more (2)Vscode extension and other Vscode related to some efficient configuration, and work used in the extension, tool methods, etc. -, –

Only when the reference, according to the need to eat, deficiencies, welcome each big man not hesitate to give advice, complement perfect, welcome to share

  • He that would do a good job must sharpen his tools. Practice promotes the development of science and technology
  • This article shares some interface debugging tools to help you improve your development efficiency

Interface debugging tools:Insomnia

[source address] : image warehouse – Gitee, original warehouse – Github, [download address] : (need science \ learn online) official website, official website download

This tool you may not know, perhaps by \ wall’s sake. But physical level of responsibility, remember the first time you saw love,

Nice and easy to use also became the first to push an interface debugging tools.

Insomnia is a cross-platform REST API client built on Electron

Can be used to:

  • Creating an HTTP request
  • View the entire transmission
  • Organize everything: Create workspaces or folders, and easily import and export data
  • View and passJSONPathFilter the data returned by the view interface

First, let’s look at her appearance level.

Can create individual HTPP request, can also create folders, unified work request interface, convenient and quick. Create a GET request and POST request to upload the file and return the result.

The following figure tests the POST request localhost:2113/ POST, uploads the file, and displays the returned result

Filtering data through JSONPath:

Start building, designing, testing better APIs through spec-first development driven by an APIOps CI/CD pipelines.

throughJSONPathFilter data:

Possible reference rules are as follows: [JSONPath]

JSONPath rules Functional specifications
$.store.books[*].title To obtainstoreAll of thebooks
$.store.books[?(@.price < 10)].title To obtainstoreThose whose price is less than 10books
$.store.books[-1:] To obtainstoreThe last one inbooks
$.store.books.length To obtainstoreHow much of thebooks

More powerful features for you to discover [Nidongde]

Of course, there are many easy to use plug-ins, here are some plug-ins, just for reference,

These can be customized according to their own needs, can greatly improve the efficiency of the code word, do you get it?

Welcome to comment out your private plugin =, =

Today’s announcement will be updated tomorrow:

The following should have below, tomorrow will update other, more users, more popular interface debugging tools -, -..

  • postman
  • Chrome plug-ins:Postman Interceptor
  • postwoman
  • Vscode plug-inREST Client
  • .

Stay tuned for Hahah ~