52 Effective Ways to Write High-quality iOS and OS X Code in Effective Objective-C 2.0

  • Effective Objective-C 2.0: Effective Objective-C 2.0: Effective Objective-C 2.0
  • Effective Objective-C 2.0: Effective Objective-C 2.0: Effective Objective-C 2.0

Books introduce

One of the worst recommended books, this book summarizes and explores 52 little-known and overlooked features and pitfalls of Objective-C programming, from syntax, interface and API design, memory management, frameworks, and more. This book contains a lot of code for practical examples that provide a solution for writing objective-C applications that are easy to understand, easy to maintain, easy to extend, and high school. In addition to the core parts of the language, the book shows you how to use the classes in the Foundation framework and how to integrate popular system libraries such as the Great Central distribution into your projects.

The book consists of 7 chapters:

  • Chapter 1: General Theory Techniques related to the core concepts of Objective-C
  • Chapter 2: Techniques related to the important features of object-oriented languages (objects, messages, and runtimes)
  • Chapter 3: Introduces techniques related to interface and API design
  • Chapter 4: Techniques related to protocols and classifications
  • Chapter 5: What are the mistakes in memory management and how to avoid them
  • Chapter 6: Introduces techniques related to block and great central distribution
  • Chapter 7: Tips for using The Cocoa and Cocoa Touch system framework


To get the most out of the book, the authors suggest skipping and turning directly to the chapters that are most interesting or relevant to your current job. You can read each tip separately, or you can skip to other topics based on the items cited. Related tips are grouped into chapters, and the reader can quickly find tips that address a particular feature of the language based on chapter headings.

The author did not disturb the order of these 52 knowledge points. While keeping the main points in the book, the author added his own summary and extension. Readers can read through three ways: table of contents, key points and author summary.

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