Eclipse tuning usually feels slow to start and slow to use when you don’t set Up Eclipse, but you can make a big difference if you configure some of eclipse’s parameters. 1. When Eclipse starts up, it always searches for the JRE to run, and it is often this search process that slows Eclipse down. (If not, wait for the progress bar to appear in 2-3s, and the progress bar will appear directly after setting.) Just add the -vm parameter in eclipse.ini
2. Cancel all plug-ins to be activated at startup (activation is the same when used) and other relevant actions to be performed at startup.
3. Disable automatic update
Reduce Eclipse card problems caused by JVM memory reclamation. The main problem is that when the JVM does a memory reclamation in Client mode, it stops all other work and does not perform other tasks until the collection is complete, during which Time Eclipse gets stuck. Therefore, properly increasing the size of the MEMORY applied by the JVM to reduce the number of its reclamation or even no reclamation, will be a significant improvement in the phenomenon of congestion. The heap memory is set primarily with the following JVM parameters:
-Xmx512m | Maximum total heap memory, typically set to 1/4 of physical memory |
-Xms512m | The initial total heap memory is usually set to the same size as the maximum heap memory, so that the heap size does not need to be adjusted according to the current heap usage |
-Xmn192m | Young with heap memory, sun officially recommends 3/8 of the entire heap |
The composition of heap memory | Total heap = Young band heap memory + old band heap memory + persistent band heap memory |
Young with heap memory | This is where the object was first created |
Old band heap memory | This is where objects are stored before they are actually recycled |
Persistent strip heap memory | Class files, metadata, and so on |
-XX:PermSize=128m | The initial size of the persistent strip heap |
-XX:MaxPermSize=128m | The maximum size of the persistent strip heap, which eclipse defaults to 256m. If you’re compiling the JDK, make sure you make it big because it has too many classes. |
My configuration (2GB notebook) :
There are other related parameters can see the following reference materials, very inspiring:
-xx :+UseParallelGC uses concurrent memory reclamation
-xx :+DisableExplicitGC disables display memory reclamation for System.gc()
Eclipse Settings to reduce congestion
1. Disable automatic build. When enabled, Eclipse automatically builds the entire project for us every time we save it, which can cause a lot of trouble for large projects every time we save it. There’s no need to automate builds, just make sure you build once before you run, and Eclipse will automatically build for you before you run, so turning it off is the wisest option.
2. Disable spell checking
3. Disable SaveAction. An operation performed on each save, which can seriously slow down saving, especially if the file is large. In fact, as long as you develop good programming habits, you don’t need this at all.
4. Optimize code prompts.
5. Eclipse press Ctrl key stuck problem solution
When editing around 30,000 lines of code in Eclipse, Eclipse often gets stuck for a long time while copying with CTRL + C/V.
It turns out that if you press CTRL, it freezes. I guess it’s because in Eclipse you can click to jump to the variable definition, so when you press CTRL, Eclipse generates this mapping. When you press CTRL, it takes a lot of time. After some searching, you can set the shortcut keys in the following way.
Eclipse — Windows->Preferences->General->Editors->Text Editors->Hyperlinking:
Remove this option: Enable on Demand HyperLinks Style navigation
Or leave files you don’t want to Ctrl jump unchecked!
Other optimized links…
Reference material
JVM startup…
A few things about the STRUCTURE of the JVM (the composition of the heap)…
JVM heap…
Eclipse startup…
Eclipse comes with Help Contents (search “Running Eclipse” to find configuration related to startup)
Eclipse is set
The use of Eclipse is explained in detail in its help file, which can be found there.
Code folding Settings
Shortcut Settings
Compiler error, warning Settings
Local History Settings
Code formatting Settings
Library Settings
Text editor Settings
Enable Eclipse to launch multiple instances
Workspace Settings
XML editor Settings
The appearance Settings
Code formatting style Settings
Prompt Settings when mouse over code, etc
Template Settings that generate a file when creating a new file
Junit Launcher Settings. When you’re developing Android, if you can’t use eclipse’s built-in launcher, you have to use android’s.
Eclipse USES
The file is
Eclipse column editing mode
Search (another is Find/Replace)
Open a file multiple times, so you don’t have to roll up and down when you need to refer to different parts of the file while writing code
Extract public code to a private public method
Eclipse displays the startup time plug-in:
Eclipse Debug usage section
Debug Displays primary variables in hexadecimal and ASCII formats on the variable screen
Eclipse FAQ and solutions
Eclipse 3.7 Indigo under Windows 7 and Vista, text editor font cannot be changed to CourierNew!!
Org. Eclipse. Jface_3. 7.0 I20110522-1430. The jar \ org \ eclipse \ jface \ resource \ jfacefonts_windows7 properties
Replace it with a font from XP and restart Eclipse.
After the modification is complete, go to the decompressed directory
> CD org. Eclipse. Jface_3. 7.0 I20110522-1430
Then pack up all the files
Jar-cfm org.eclipse.jface_3.7.0.i20110522-1430. jar “meta-INF/” “org/” “meta-INF /”. Api_description about.html
Finally, overwrite the original jar file and restart Eclipse. (There are jar files to download at the end)
The Exception in checkAndLoadTargetData. PermGen space is solved…
Error notifying a preference change listener
This error indicates that the Eclipse CDT plug-in is too old, and can be resolved by simply removing the CDT-related plug-in under plugin.
“Failed to create the Java Virtual Machine”
Probably the eclipse configuration file eclipse/eclipse.ini
Set these two parameters to too large, set a smaller value, such as 256
Eclipse configuration file location (window-> Preferences):