Eclipse is a software development platform based on Java environment, which mainly supports the Java language. Eclipse makes Java programmers more convenient and concise when writing programs. This is a great software for beginners who want to learn how to use Java.

Eclipse as an important tool for Java development, in the program ape computer is essential, to install a legitimate code out of good code, a lot of people need to use, how to install Eclipse? Many people who like programming are often worried about not installing programming software. This article will explain in detail, if it helps you, remember to like oh ~~ ~

Share with you this Eclipse video, the video is the power node for Java zero basic students carefully produced, solve some problems when learning Java zero basic students. Mainly include Eclipse installation video, Eclipse download, Eclipse installation package (each version of the installation package), JDK installation video, JDK download, JDK installation package (each version), JDK configuration environment variables video, and so on

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Introduction of the Eclipse

Eclipse is one of the ides (Integrated Development Environment) for Java and JavaEE Development. It is one of the ides most used by software enterprises. This course uses Eclise as a development IDE. Eclipse, originally an IBM product, was handed over to open source organizations to maintain in 2001, and is now managed by the Nonprofit Eclipse Foundation.

Download and Install


This course uses The Jee-Oxygen-M3 version of Eclipse. The operating system must not be WinXP, and the MINIMUM JDK version 7.0 is required. Installing Eclipse is as simple as decompressing the downloaded zip file.

Environment setup

These Settings are in a similar location to the Settings in MyEclipse, also in the menu bar window/Preferences.

Theme Settings

The theme can be left unchanged, but the Window classic theme works better with the relative colors.


Set in the same location and manner as in MyEclipse 1

Character encoding setting

The same location and manner as in MyEclipse

JRE set

The same location and manner as in MyEclipse. However, if JAVA_HOME is set in the system environment variable, the Settings in JAVA_HOME are used by default.

Compiler Settings

The same location and manner as in MyEclipse

Tomcat Server Configuration

The Setup of the Tomcat server in Eclipse is completely different from that in MyEclipse. MyEclipse is the external Tomcat associated with MyEclipse, project publishing is to publish the project to the external Tomcat Webapps. However, the Tomcat server setup in Eclipse is different. With the help of external Tomcat, the operating environment of external Tomcat is copied into Eclipse, and the server is created as an internal server for Eclipse. In other words, Web projects are run directly in Eclipse without publishing. This makes debugging Web applications much easier and faster than in MyEclipse. In Eclipse, you need to create the internal server first, that is, you need to copy the running environment from the external Tomcat into Eclipse, that is, you need to configure Tomcat in Eclipse.

Once configured, the configured internal server is visible in the Project Explorer.

Default Web browser configuration

By default, Eclipse uses an internal browser. But you can also specify an external browser.

The default Browser can also be easily switched through the Eclipse menu option, and can be switched directly from the menu bar under Window/Web Browser.

Modify the default character encoding of JSP and HTML files

Web project

Creating a Web Project

To create a Web Project in Eclipse, create a Dynamic Web Project of type. This is where MyEclipse is different.

The Target Runtime configures the server environment in which the current Web project is running, the internal Tomcat server that you just configured earlier. The configuration of Dynamic Web Module version is the version of the Servlet specification, which is 3.0 by default. The created servlets and filters are all annotated, without web.xml. Select version 2.5.

Running a Web project

To Run the Web application, right-click on the project and select Run As/Run on Server. Of course, the shortcut Ctrl + F11 that runs at this point also works.

A temporary directory for the running Web project

Because the servers in Eclipse are created locally as an internal server running environment, not a true external server, Web projects in Eclipse are not actually published to an external server. So where is this Web project running in an internal server environment temporarily stored? In other words, where can I find this published Web project?

From the Eclipse workspace. Metadata. Plugins org. The Eclipse WST. Server core \ tmp0 \ wtpwebapps can find release in a directory. Why the WTPWebApps directory and not the WebApps directory?

Open org. Eclipse. WST. Server. The core directory servers. The XML file, from deployDir attributes can see the release of its configuration directory.

Example Change the Web project name

When the Name of the Web project in Eclipse is changed, the name of the corresponding published to the server, namely the Context root name, is not changed. To change the name, right-click on the Project in Eclipse, select the property Properties, and then change it in the Web Project Settings of the Properties dialog.