This is the 9th day of my participation in the November Gwen Challenge. Check out the event details: The last Gwen Challenge 2021


Through a complete example, the implementation of [flow limiting] middleware in a microservice based on Echo framework.

We will use RK-boot to start the Echo framework microservice.

Please visit lilify. app/cn for the full tutorial

The installation

go get
go get
Copy the code

Quick start

1. Create the boot. Yaml

To verify, we enabled the following options:

  • CommonService: commonService contains a set of common apis. details

We limit the flow for/RK/V1 / HEALTHY, set it to 0, and set the other apis to 100.

  - name: greeter                     # Required
    port: 8080                        # Required
    enabled: true                     # Required
      enabled: true                   # Optional, default: false
        enabled: true
        reqPerSec: 100
          - path: "/rk/v1/healthy"
            reqPerSec: 0
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2. Create a main. Go

// Copyright (c) 2021 rookie-ninja
// Use of this source code is governed by an Apache-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main

import (
        _ ""\)// Application entrance.
func main(a) {
	// Create a new boot instance.
	boot := rkboot.NewBoot()

	// Bootstrap

	// Wait for shutdown sig
Copy the code

3. Folder structure

$tree. └── Go. ├─ go. ├─ goCopy the code

4. Start the main. Go

$ go run main.go
Copy the code

5. Verify

  • Requests sent to/rK /v1/healthy will be restricted.
$ curl -X GET localhost:8080/rk/v1/healthy
        "status":"Too Many Requests",
            "slow down your request"
Copy the code
  • Send the request to /rk/v1/info, normal
$ curl -X GET localhost:8080/rk/v1/info
    "description":"Internal RK entry which describes application with fields of appName, version and etc.",
    "username":"Dongxun Yin",
    "upTimeStr":"2 minutes",
Copy the code

YAML options

The name describe type The default value
echo.interceptors.rateLimit.enabled Start the traffic limiting middleware boolean false
echo.interceptors.rateLimit.algorithm The traffic limiting algorithm supports tokenBucket and leakyBucket string tokenBucket
echo.interceptors.rateLimit.reqPerSec Full limited flow value int 0
echo.interceptors.rateLimit.paths.path The HTTP path string “”
echo.interceptors.rateLimit.paths.reqPerSec Traffic limiting value based on HTTP path int 0