The article directories

  • preface
  • steps
    • Lead the pom
    • To build the Model
    • Build Excel utility classes (for importing Excel)
    • Export Excel
    • Import Excel


Java parsing, Excel generation frameworks are well known Apache POI, JXL. Poi has a SET of SAX mode API, which can solve some problems of memory overflow to a certain extent. However, POI still has some defects. For example, the decompression and storage after decompression of 07 Version Excel are completed in memory, which still consumes a lot of memory. Easyexcel rewrites poI on 07 version of Excel parsing, can originally a 3M Excel with POI SAX still need about 100M memory reduced to a few M, and no matter how large Excel memory overflow, 03 version depends on POI SAX mode. (It’s an open source project written by Ali.)


Lead the pom

Copy the code

To build the Model

@contentrowheight (20), @headrowheight (20), @columnWidth (15), @excelProperty (value = “course code”, index = 0) Value Corresponding title name 】

@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true)
public class CourseExportTemplate extends BaseRowModel {

    /** * course code */
    @excelProperty (value = "course code ", index = 0)
    private String code ;

    /** * Course name */
    @excelProperty (value = "course name ", index = 1)
    private String name;

    /** * Course category */
    @excelProperty (value = "class ", index = 2)
    private String courseCategory;

    /** * Course type */
    @excelProperty (value = "course type ", index = 3)
    private String courseType;

    /** * Course nature */
    @excelProperty (value = "course property ", index = 4)
    private String courseNature;

    /** * college */
    @excelProperty (value = "school ", index = 5)
    private String academyName;

    /** ** ** */
    @excelProperty (value = "class ", index = 6)
    private String classHour;

    /** ** ** */
    @excelProperty (value = "credit ", index = 7)
    private String classPoint;

    /** * course score */
    @excelProperty (value = "course score ", index = 8)
    private String score;

    /** * error cause */
    @excelProperty (value = "error ", index = 9)
    private String failReason;
Copy the code

Build Excel utility classes (for importing Excel)

public class ExcelListener extends AnalysisEventListener {

    private List<Object> datas = new ArrayList<>();

    public void invoke(Object object, AnalysisContext analysisContext) {"Parse to a single data :{}", JSON.toJSONString(object));

    /** * when all data is parsed, call **@param context
    public void doAfterAllAnalysed(AnalysisContext context) {"All data parsed!");

    public List<Object> getDatas(a){
        return datas;

    public void setDatas(List<Object> datas){
        this.datas = datas; }}Copy the code

Export Excel

public boolean downLoadTemplate(HttpServletResponse response) {
        CourseExportTemplate courseExportTemplate = new CourseExportTemplate();
        List<CourseExportTemplate> list = new ArrayList<>();
        try {
            // URLEncoder. Encode can prevent Chinese gibberish
            String cFileName = URLEncoder.encode(fileName, "UTF-8");
            response.setHeader("Content-disposition"."attachment; filename=" + cFileName + ".xlsx");
            EasyExcel.write(response.getOutputStream(), CourseExportTemplate.class).sheet().doWrite(list);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            log.error("Excel download failed: error message: {}", e.toString());
            return false;
        return true;
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Import Excel

public String importCourse(MultipartFile file) {
        // Get the file name of the imported Excel file
        String fileName = file.getOriginalFilename();
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(fileName)) {
            log.error("Import failed, file name empty");
        ExcelListener listener = new ExcelListener();
        try {
  , CourseExportTemplate.class, listener).sheet().doRead();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            log.error("Excel write failure");
        // Get parsed course data
        List<CourseExportTemplate> courseList = JSON.parseArray(JSON.toJSONString(listener.getDatas()), CourseExportTemplate.class);
        // The general Mapper method is called to store the database
        //... Can add some checks...
        TtCourse ttCourse = new TtCourse();
        BeanUtils.copyProperties(course, ttCourse);
        / / inventory
        return "Import successful";
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