Today with you with sixteen steps to easily build a SpringCloud micro service e-commerce project combat, the first half is divided into theory, the second half is divided into the actual operation steps of the project and video tutorial and source code!

Step 1:

Be able to tell the characteristics of e-commerce business

Be able to tell the technical characteristics of e-commerce industry

Understand chang purchase technical architecture

== Master the engineering structure of Chang Purchase ==

== Be able to complete the project construction of free purchase ==

== Can realize commodity micro-service construction ==

[universal Mapper + PageHelper]

Step 2

Master FastDFS working principle and FastDFS function

Can implement Docker container install FasrDFS

Can build file upload micro service

Realize photo album management (actual practice)(increase, delete, modify, query of photo album)

Realize specification parameter management (actual combat)(specification increase, delete, modify, query)

Realization of commodity classification management (actual combat)(classification increase, delete, modify, query)

Step 3

Be able to speak SPU and SKU concepts

Able to achieve new goods, modify goods

Can realize commodity audit, business off the shelf

Able to achieve brand and classification associated management

Can achieve == delete == commodity function code preparation

Able to achieve the writing of commodity function code

Code Generator [Controller, Service, ServiceImpl, Dao, Pojo, Swagger]

Step 4

Understand Lua and write basic Lua scripts

Understand the role of OpenResty

Can realize AD cache loading and reading

Master the basic configuration of Nginx, can use Nginx to publish website home page

Can understand Canal’s workflow

Home page cache synchronization can be realized based on Canal

Step 5

Install ElasticSearch in Docker environment

Configure IK tokenizer for ElasticSearch in Docker environment

Master the installation of Kibana in Docker environment

Proficiency in ElasticSearch using DSL statements

Realize ES import commodity search data

Product keyword search

Realize commodity classification statistical search

Realize multi-criteria search [brand, specification criteria search]

Step 6

Realize commodity search criteria screening

Achieve brand search specification filtering

Realize commodity search price range search

ElasticSearch weight tutorial

Product search paging

Implement commodity search sorting

Implement product search highlighting

Step 7

Understand the application scenarios of the Thymeleaf template engine

Master Thymeleaf common tags

Product search rendering based on Thymeleaf

Realize commodity search Thymeleaf condition switch

Realize the static engineering construction of commodity detail page

Product details page static function realization

Step 8

Master the system construction of microservice gateway

Understand what microservices gateway is and what it does

Master the establishment of core micro services in the system

Master user name password encryption storage bcrypt

Be able to tell what constitutes JWT authentication

Master the use of JWT authentication

Master gateway using JWT for verification

Master the realization of gateway traffic limiting

Step 9

Be able to tell the user authentication process

Understand the implementation of authentication technology

Get started with SpringSecurity OAuth2.0

Understand OAuth2.0 authorization mode – Focus on understanding the authorization code and password authorization modes

Understand the verification process of public and private keys

Can realize token generation based on R5A algorithm

Can realize user authorization authentication development

Step 10

Implement OAuth + SpringSecurity permission control

Realize OAuth authentication microservice dynamic loading data

Understand the shopping cart implementation process

Implement shopping cart page rendering

Achieve OAuth2.0 authentication for micro services and obtain user token data

Realize authentication between microservices

Step 11

Realize the configuration of OAuth login page

The OAuth login succeeds

To achieve the settlement page query rendering

Realize single operation

Implement order modification inventory

Increase user points by placing orders

Step 12

Master the payment implementation process

Be able to tell the overall idea of wechat payment development

Achieve the generation of payment TWO-DIMENSIONAL code

Ability to write query payment status

Realize the generation of payment log and order state change, delete order

Implement payment status check

Implement MQ to handle payment callback state

Based on timer to realize the periodic processing order status

Step 13

Immediate local transactions Distributed transactions

Master CAP theorem and be able to say the combination flow in CAP theorem

Understand distributed transaction implementation schemes

Understand common transaction models

Master RocketMQ transaction messages (Introduction – Data finally consistent)

Understand the Fescar(SEATA) transaction model and be able to say the pros and cons of different transaction models

Single transaction operation based on Fescar distributed transaction

Step 14

Master the process of implementing the snapkill service

Can achieve second kill goods pressed into Redis cache

Master the use of Spring scheduled tasks

Can achieve the second kill commodity channel page display

Can achieve the second kill product details page display

Can achieve seconds kill product details page countdown

Can realize the login general jump control

Realize the second kill order operation

Step 15

Be able to provide peak cutting solutions

Asynchronous operation based on SpringBoot to achieve multithreading order

Based on Redis queue implementation to prevent the second kill repeated queuing

Solve concurrency oversold problem based on Redis

Be able to tell the payment process

Realize the second kill order payment

Ability to roll back inventory of real-time time-out orders

Step 16

Understand the concepts of clustering and distribution

Can build Eureka cluster skillfully

Understand the principle of Redis cluster and be able to build Redis cluster

Understand Redis sentry strategy and the role of sentry strategy

Master the solution of Redis breakdown problem

Be able to speak of Redis avalanche solutions

Can set up RabbitMQ clusters

The RabbitMQ cluster can be operated in the project

16 step project video + source


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The technical architecture



System architecture


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The module specification


Real project screenshot


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