The difference between static and dynamic servers


Whether to request a database

  • Yes, dynamic server
  • No request, static server

Read data, store data

Target a

Implement user registration function

  • The user submits the user name and password
  • There is a new line of data in the users.json file

Train of thought

  • Write a form in front and let the user fill in name and password
  • The front end listens for the Submit event
  • The front end sends a POST request with the data in the request body
  • The back end receives the POST request
  • The back end gets the name and password in the request body
  • The backend stores data

Goal 2

Implement the user login function

  • Home page home.html, login users can see their own user name
  • Login Login page for submitting user name and password
  • If the user name and password match, the home page is automatically redirected

Login Page

  • Write a form in front and let the user fill in name and password
  • The front end listens for the Submit event
  • The front end sends a POST request with the data in the request body
  • The back end receives the POST request
  • The back end gets the name and password in the request body
  • The back end reads the data to see if there is a matching name and password
  • If a match is found, the back end should mark the user as logged in



  • A Cookie is a string sent from the server to the browser
  • The browser must save this Cookie (unless the user deletes it)
  • Any subsequent request for the same secondary domain name (any request) must be accompanied by a Cookie

The Set – Cookie response headers

response.setHeader('Set-Cookie', `user_id=${}; HttpOnly`) 

const cookie = request.headers['cookie']
Copy the code

Goal 3

Display user name

  • Get user information before rendering the home page
  • If there is a user, replace {{}} with
  • If there is no user, the login button is displayed

Target four: Tamper-proof user_id

Idea 1: encryption

  • The user_id is encrypted and sent to the front end, which decrypts the user_id when it is read by the back end. This method is feasible, but has security vulnerabilities
  • Vulnerability: Encrypted content can be used indefinitely
  • Solution: JWT

Idea 2: Hide information on the server

  • Put the user information in x of the server and give the information a random ID
  • Send a random ID to the browser
  • The back-end obtains user information through X [id] the next time it reads the ID