- Dynamic Features in Swift
- Originally by Mike Finney
- The Nuggets translation Project
- Permanent link to this article: github.com/xitu/gold-m…
- Translator: iWeslie
- Proofread by: Atuooo
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the dynamic features in Swift to write clean, clean code and quickly solve unexpected problems.
As a busy Swift developer, your needs are specific to you, but common to all. You want to write clean code, understand what’s in the code at a glance, and solve unexpected problems quickly.
This tutorial combines Swift’s dynamism and flexibility to meet those requirements. By using the latest Swift technology, you’ll learn how to customize output to the console, hook up to third-party object state changes, and use some sweet syntactic sugar to write cleaner code.
Specifically, you will learn the following:
- Key value listening using keypath (KVO)
- Dynamic lookup member
- Related technologies
Most importantly, you’ll have a great time!
Swift 4.2 or higher is required for this tutorial. You must download the latest Xcode 10 or install the latest Swift 4.2.
In addition, you must understand the basic Swift types. Enumerations, classes, and structures in the Swift tutorial are a good place to start. While not strictly required, you can also check out implementing custom subscripts in Swift.
An introduction to
Before you begin, download the resources (starter project and final project).
All the other code you need to focus on learning the Swift dynamic features has been written for you! Like a walk with a friendly guide dog, this tutorial will walk you through all of the introductory code.
Happy dog
In the entry project code directory called DynamicFeaturesinswift-Starter, you’ll see three Playground pages: DogMirror, DogCatcher, and KennelsKeyPath. Playground runs on macOS. This tutorial is platform-independent and focuses solely on the Swift language.
Use Mirror’s reflection mechanism and debug output
Whether you’re tracking problems with breakpoint debugging or just exploring running code, the cleanliness of the information in the console can make a big difference. Swift provides a number of ways to customize console output and capture critical events. It has no Mirror depth for custom output. Swift provides more power than the most powerful sled dog and can pull you out of the freezing snow!
Siberian husky
Before you learn more about mirrors, you first need to write some custom console output for a type. This will help you to get a clearer picture of what is happening right now.
Open the DynamicFeaturesInSwift with Xcode. The playground and travel to DogMirror page.
In honor of those lovely lost puppies who were captured and reunited with their owners, this page has the Dog and DogCatcherNet categories. First let’s take a look at the DogCatcherNet class.
Since lost puppies must be captured and reunited with their owners, we must support the dog catchers. The code you write in the following projects will help dog catchers evaluate the quality of their nets.
On Playground, check out the following:
enum CustomerReviewStars { case one, two, three, four, five }
Copy the code
class DogCatcherNet {
let customerReviewStars: CustomerReviewStars
let weightInPounds: Double
// ☆ Add Optional called dog of type Dog here
init(stars: CustomerReviewStars, weight: Double) {
customerReviewStars = stars
weightInPounds = weight
Copy the code
let net = DogCatcherNet(stars: .two, weight: 2.6)
debugPrint("Printing a net: \(net)")
debugPrint("Printing a date: \(Date())")
print(a)Copy the code
DogCatcherNet has two properties: customerReviewStars and weightInPounds. The number of stars in customer reviews reflects how customers feel about the net product. The weight in pounds tells the dog catcher that they will experience the burden of the dragnet.
Run the Playground. You should see the first two lines look something like this:
"Printing a net: __lldb_expr_13.DogCatcherNet"
"Printing a date: 2018-06-19 22:11:29 +0000"
Copy the code
As you can see, the debug output in the console prints network and date related content. Bless it! The output of the code looks like it was made by a robotic pet. This pet is doing his best, but he needs our human help. As you can see, it prints out additional information such as “__lldb_expr_”. Printed dates can provide more useful functionality, but it’s unclear whether that’s enough to help you keep track of the problems that have been plaguing you.
In order to increase the chance of success, you need to use the magic of CustomDebugStringConvertible based custom to console output. On the Playground, DogCatcherNet in * * * * Add advances confidently in the Conformance to CustomDebugStringConvertible Add the following code below:
extension DogCatcherNet: CustomDebugStringConvertible {
public var debugDescription: String {
return "DogCatcherNet(Review Stars: \(customerReviewStars), Weight: \(weightInPounds)"}}Copy the code
To a little thing, such as DogCatcherNet a class can follow CustomDebugStringConvertible and use debugDescription attributes to provide their own debugging information.
Run the Playground. Except for date values, the first two lines should include:
"Printing a net: DogCatcherNet(Review Stars: two, Weight: 2.6)"
"Printing a date: 2018-06-19 22:10:31 +0000"
Copy the code
For larger types with many attributes, this method requires the type of an explicit template. For the determined, this is not a problem. If time is short, there are other options, such as dump.
How do I avoid having to manually add boilerplate code? One solution is to use dump. Dump is a generic function that prints out all the names and values of type attributes.
Playground already includes calls to dump dog nets and dates. The code looks like this:
print(a)Copy the code
Run the playground. The console output is as follows:
▿ DogCatcherNet(Review Stars: two, Weight: 2.6) # 0
- customerReviewStars: __lldb_expr_3.CustomerReviewStars.two
- weightInPounds: 2.6
▿ 2018-06-26 17:35:46 +0000
- timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: 551727346.52924
Copy the code
Because you are currently using CustomDebugStringConvertible done work, DogCatcherNet looks better than the other way around. The output contains:
DogCatcherNet(Review Stars: two, Weight: 2.6)
Copy the code
Dump also automatically outputs each attribute. Great! Now it’s time to use Swift’s Mirror to make these properties more readable.
Swift Mirror
Mirror, mirror, tell me, who’s the best dog in the world?
Mirror allows you to display the values of any type of instance at run time through playground or the debugger. In short, Mirror’s power lies in introspection. Introspection is a subset of reflection.
Create a mirror-driven dog log
It is time to create a mirror-driven dog log. To assist with debugging, it is desirable to display the value of the dog net to the console through the logging function, with custom output with emoticons. Logging should be able to handle any type you pass.
Creating a Mirror
It is time to create a logging feature that uses Mirror. First, add the following code to ☆ Create log function here:
func log(itemToMirror: Any) {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: itemToMirror)
\(type(of: itemToMirror))
")}Copy the code
This creates a mirror for the incoming object, which allows you to iterate through parts of the instance.
Add the following code to the end of the log(itemToMirror:) :
for case let(label? , value)in mirror.children {
\(label): \(value)
")}Copy the code
This will access the children property of the mirror, get each tag value pair, and then print them to the console. The type alias of the label value pair is mirror.child. For the DogCatcherNet instance, the code iterates over the properties of the dog net object.
To be clear, the children of the checked instance have nothing to do with the parent or subclass hierarchy. The child accessed through the mirror is only part of the instance being examined.
Now, it’s time to call the new logging method. Add the following code to ☆ Log out the net and a Date object here:
log(itemToMirror: net)
log(itemToMirror: Date())
Copy the code
Run the playground. You’ll see some nice output at the bottom of the console:
customerReviewStars: two
weightInPounds: 2.6
timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: 551150080.774974
Copy the code
This shows the names and values of all the attributes. The name is the same as what you wrote in the code. For example, how customerReviewStars actually spells property names in the code.
What if you want more dogs or ponies to display their property names more clearly? What if you don’t want to show certain attributes? What if you want to display every item that doesn’t technically belong to that type? You can use CustomReflectable.
CustomReflectable provides an interface where you can use a custom Mirror to specify which parts of a type instance you want to display. To comply with the CustomReflectable protocol, the class must define the customMirror property.
After talking to several catchers programmers, you find that printing the weightInPounds property of the dog net does not help debugging. But the customerReviewStars information was very useful and they wanted the customerReviewStars label to appear as “Customer ReviewStars”. Now, it’s time for DogCatcherNet to comply with CustomReflectable.
Add the following code after ☆ Add Conformance to CustomReflectable for DogCatcherNet here:
extension DogCatcherNet: CustomReflectable {
public var customMirror: Mirror {
return Mirror(DogCatcherNet.self,
children: ["Customer Review Stars": customerReviewStars,
displayStyle: .class, ancestorRepresentation: .generated)
Copy the code
Running playground gives you the following output:
Customer Review Stars: two
Copy the code
Where did the dog go? The purpose of a dog net is to catch a dog when it comes. When the net is full of dogs, there must be a way to extract information about the dog in the net. Specifically, you need the dog’s name and age.
The page for Playground already has a Dog class. It’s time to connect Dog with DogCatcherNet. Add the following attributes for DogCatcherNet under the tag marked with ☆ Add Optional called dog of type dog here:
var dog: Dog?
Copy the code
With the dog attributes added to DogCatcherNet, it’s time to add the dog to DogCatcherNet’s customMirror. Add the following dictionary under children: [“Customer ReviewStars “: customerReviewStars:
"dog": dog ?? ""."Dog name": dog? .name ??"No name"
Copy the code
This outputs the dog’s properties using its default debug description and the name of the dog.
It’s time to gently put the dog into the net. Now Uncomment the line “Uncomment the dog” and put the cute little dog on the web.
net.dog = Dog(a)// Uncomment out exchange the dog
Copy the code
Running Playground shows the following output:
Customer Review Stars: two
dog: __lldb_expr_23. Dog
Dog name: Abby
Copy the code
The convenience of Mirror
It’s so nice to see everything. However, sometimes you only want to see part of the mirror image. To do this, retrieve the name and age using the retrieve (_:_:) :
let netMirror = Mirror(reflecting: net)
print ("The dog in the net is \(netMirror.descendant("dog", "name") ?? "nonexistent")")
print ("The age of the dog is \(netMirror.descendant("dog", "age") ?? "nonexistent")")
Copy the code
Run Playground and you’ll see the following output at the bottom of the console:
The dog in the net is Bernie
The age of the dog is 2
Copy the code
That’s annoying dynamic introspection. It’s very useful for debugging custom types! After thorough discussion the Mirror, you complete the DogMirror. Xcplaygroundpage.
Encapsulate the Mirror debugging output
There are many ways to keep track of what’s going on in a program, such as hounds. CustomDebugStringConvertible, dump and Mirror can let you see more clearly what you are looking for. Swift’s introspection is very useful, especially when you start building bigger and more complex applications!
Swift has some great solutions for tracking what happens in programs called keypath. To catch events, such as when a value changes in a third-party library object, ask key value listeners for help.
In Swift, keyPath is a strongly typed path whose type is checked at compile time. In Objective-C, they’re just strings. Tutorial Swift 4 new features do a good job of conceptualization in the key-value encoding part.
There are several different types of KeyPath. Common types include KeyPath, WritableKeyPath, and ReferenceWritableKeyPath. Here is a summary of them:
: Specifies the root type of a specific value type.WritableKeyPath
: writable KeyPath, which cannot be used for classes.ReferenceWritableKeyPath
: writable KeyPath for classes because classes are reference types.
An example of using KeyPath is to observe or capture an object after its value has changed.
When you encounter a bug involving a third-party object, it’s important to know when that object’s state changes. In addition to debugging, it sometimes makes sense to call custom code in response to a value change in a third-party object, such as Apple’s UIImageView object. You can learn more about observer Patterns in The Design Patterns on iOS Using Swift — Part 2/2.
However, there is a kennel related use case that fits into our dog world. Without powerful keyvalue listening, how can a dog catcher easily know when more dogs can be put into a kennel? While many dog catchers just like to take home every lost dog they find, this is impractical.
So catchers who just want to help a dog get home need to know when the kennel is ready to put the dog in. The first step to achieving this goal is to create a KeyPath. Open the KennelsKeyPath page and Add under ☆Add KeyPath here:
let keyPath = \Kennels.available
Copy the code
That’s how you create KeyPath. You can use a backslash on the type followed by a series of dot-separated attributes, in which case the last attribute is fetched. To use KeyPath to listen for changes to the available property, Add the following code after ☆ Add Observe Method Call here:
kennels.observe(keyPath) { kennels, change in
if kennels.available {
print("kennels are available")}}Copy the code
Click Run and you can see the console output as follows:
Kennels are available.
Copy the code
This approach is also useful for determining when values change. Imagine being able to debug changes to object state in a third-party framework! This ensures that you don’t have to see the output of the tree of annoying error calls when interesting items change.
By now you have completed the KennelsKeyPath project!
Understand dynamic member queries
If you’ve been keeping up with the changes to Swift 4.2, you’ve probably heard of Dynamic Member Lookup. If not, you’re not just learning the concept here.
In this part of the tutorial, you’ll see the power of dynamic member queries in Swift through an example of how to create a true JSON DSL (Domain Specification Language), which allows callers to access values from JSON data using dot notation.
Dynamic member queries enable coders to use point syntax for properties that do not exist at compile time, rather than using a messy approach. In short, you’ll write code with the belief that those properties must exist at runtime, resulting in easy-to-read code.
As mentioned in Proposal for This feature and Associated conversations in the Swift community, this feature provides great support for interoperability with other languages, such as Python, Database implementors and creating boilerless wrappers around “string-based” apis such as CoreImage.
@ dynamicMemberLookup profile
Open the DogCatcher page and look at the code. In Playground, the dog indicates that the dog runs in one direction.
Using the dynamicMemberLookup feature, you can access directionOfMovement and moving even if these properties do not explicitly exist. Now it’s time to make Dog dynamic.
Add dynamicMemberLookup to Dog
The way to activate this dynamic feature is to use the annotation @dynamicMemberLookup.
Add subscript method that returns a Direction here
subscript(dynamicMember member: String) - >Direction {
if member == "moving" || member == "directionOfMovement" {
// Here's where you would call the motion detection library
// that's in another programming language such as Python
return randomDirection()
return .motionless
Copy the code
Now add the tag dynamicMemberLookup to Dog by uncommenting under ☆ Uncomment this line.
You can now access properties called directionOfMovement or Moving. ☆ Use the dynamicMemberLookup feature for dynamicDog here
let directionOfMove: Dog.Direction = dynamicDog.directionOfMovement
print("Dog's direction of movement is \(directionOfMove).")
let movingDirection: Dog.Direction = dynamicDog.moving
print("Dog is moving \(movingDirection).")
Copy the code
Run the Playground. Since the dog is sometimes on the left and sometimes on the right, you should see the first two lines of the output look something like:
Dog's direction of movement is left.
Dog is moving left.
Copy the code
Overloaded subscript (dynamicMember:)
Swift supports overloading subscript declarations with different return values. * Add subscript method that returns an Int here * Add method that returns an Int here
subscript(dynamicMember member: String) - >Int {
if member == "speed" {
// Here's where you would call the motion detection library
// that's in another programming language such as Python.
return 12
return 0
Copy the code
You can now access a property called Speed. Speed up the victory by adding the following under the movingDirection you added earlier:
let speed: Int = dynamicDog.speed
print("Dog's speed is \(speed).")
Copy the code
Run Playground, and the output should contain the following:
Dog's speed is 12.
Copy the code
Isn’t that great? Even if you need access to another programming language (such as Python), this is a powerful feature to keep your code in good shape. As mentioned, there is a problem…
“Trying to arrest me?” I heard it all.
Compile and complete the code for the dog
In exchange for dynamic runtime features, you don’t get the benefit of compile-time checking that relies on the subscript(dynamicMember:) feature property. Also, Xcode’s auto-complete feature won’t help you. But the good news is that professional iOS developers can read more code than they write.
Dynamic member queries give you syntax sugar just by throwing it away. This is a nice feature that makes certain Swift use cases and language interoperability visible and enjoyable.
Friendly dog catcher
The original proposal for dynamic member queries addressed language interoperability issues, especially for Python. But that’s not the only useful case.
The Swift use cases to illustrate how pure, you will use the DogCatcher. Xcplaygroundpage JSONDogCatcher in code. It is a simple structure with properties that handle String, Int, and JSON dictionaries. Using this structure, you can create a JSONDogCatcher and eventually search for a specific String or Int value.
Traditional subscript method
The traditional way to achieve something like traversal of a JSON dictionary is to use subscripts. Playground already includes a traditional subscript implementation. Accessing String or Int values using the subscript method is usually as follows, and also in Playground:
let json: [String: Any] = ["name": "Rover"."speed": 12."owner": ["name": "Ms. Simpson"."age": 36]]
let catcher = JSONDogCatcher.init(dictionary: json)
let messyName: String = catcher["owner"]? ["name"]? .value() ??""
print("Owner's name extracted in a less readable way is \(messyName).")
Copy the code
Although you have to traverse query parentheses, quotes, and question marks to get the data in them, it works. Run Playground, and you should see the following output:
Owner's name extracted in a less readable way is Ms. Simpson.
Copy the code
While it solves the problem, using dot syntax makes it much easier. With dynamic member queries, you can drill down into multilevel JSON data structures.
Just like Dog, it’s time to add the dynamicMemberLookup property to the JSONDogCatcher structure.
☆ Add subscript(dynamicMember: method that returns a JSONDogCatcher here)
subscript(dynamicMember member: String) - >JSONDogCatcher? {
return self[member]
Copy the code
Subscript method (dynamicMember:) calls existing subscript methods, but removes boilerplate code that uses parentheses and strings as keys. Now, Uncomment the JSONDogCatcher with a “☆ Uncomment this line” :
struct JSONDogCatcher {
Copy the code
Once you have this, you can use dot syntax to get the dog’s speed and its owner’s name. Try adding the following code under ☆ Use dot notation to get the owner’s name and speed through the catcher:
let ownerName: String= catcher.owner? .name?.value() ??""
print("Owner's name is \(ownerName).")
let dogSpeed: Int= catcher.speed? .value() ??0
print("Dog's speed is \(dogSpeed).")
Copy the code
Run Playground and you’ll see the console output the speed and the name of the dog owner:
Owner's name is Ms. Simpson.
Dog's speed is 12.
Copy the code
Now that you have the owner’s name, the dog catcher can contact the owner to let him know that his dog has been found!
What a happy ending! The dog is reunited with its owner, and the code looks cleaner. With Swift’s kinetic power, the frisky dog is back in the backyard chasing rabbits.
Simpson’s dog likes to chase, not chase
You can download the full version of the project using the Download materials link at the top of this tutorial.
In this tutorial, you take advantage of the dynamic features provided in Swift 4.2. You learned about Swift’s introspective reflection (for example Mirror) custom console output, using KeyPath for key value listening and dynamic member lookups.
By learning dynamic functionality, you can see useful information clearly, have more readable code, and provide some powerful runtime functionality for your application, common framework, or library.
It’s worth exploring the Mirror’s official documentation and related projects. For more information about ** key listening **, see iOS Design Mode with Swift. To learn more about Swift 4.2’s New features, see What’s New in Swift 4.2? .
For the dynamic member lookup feature in Swift 4.2, see Swift Proposal SE-0195: “Introduce user-defined ‘Dynamic MemberLookup’ Types”, which introduces Dynamic Memberlookup annotations and potential use cases. In a related note, a Swift proposal of note, SE-216: Introduce user-defined Dynamically ‘callable’ Types, which is a cousin of dynamic member lookup
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