01 Backpack Problem

There are N items and a backpack of capacity V. The ith object has volume C [I] and value W [I]. Figure out which items to pack into the backpack maximize the sum of values. From this topic, it can be seen that the characteristics of 01 backpack is: each item only one, you can choose to put or not put. Its state transition equation is:

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To understand the above formula, you need to learn how to fill in forms. Assuming that

N = 5, C = 13, w =,5,4,3,10 {4}, v = {9,10,9,2,24}Copy the code

  • P[2,5] means that considering the first two items, the value of carrying volume 5 is 10, and the volume of the backpack is reduced by 4, so the first item can no longer be carried. You can also drop the second item and put the first item, which has a value of 9, and the largest item is 10. So pack the second item.
  • P[2,9] means that considering the first two items, the value of carrying volume 5 is 10, the volume of the backpack is reduced by 4, and the value of the first item is 9, and the total value is 19. Another situation is to abandon the second item and directly load the first item with a value of 9, which is obviously higher than the value of loading two items.
  • The meaning of P[3,8] is that if the value of the third item is increased by 9, the backpack capacity decreases by 4, and the problem becomes P[2,4]. Looking up the table, we know that P[2,4] is at most 9, so the total value is 18; In the other case, the third item is discarded, and the problem becomes P[2,8]. A table lookup shows that the maximum value is 10. 10 is obviously not as big as 18, so the maximum value is 18.
  • The meaning of P[3,9] is that if the value of the third item is increased by 9, the backpack capacity decreases by 4, and the problem becomes P[2,4]. Looking up the table, we know that P[2,4] is at most 9, so the total value is 18; In the other case, the third item is discarded, and the problem becomes P[2,9]. A table lookup finds that the maximum value is 19. 19 is bigger than 18, so the maximum is 19.
  • The meaning of P[3,13] is that if the value of the third item is increased by 9, the backpack capacity decreases by 4, and the problem becomes P[2,9]. Looking up the table, we know that the maximum value of P[2,9] is 19, so the total value is 28; In the other case, the third item is discarded, and the problem becomes P[2,13]. A table lookup finds that the maximum value is 19. 28 is bigger than 19, so the maximum is 28.


If the backpack needs to put the i-th item, if the i-th item is not put at this time, then the problem is transformed to “put the former I-1 item into the backpack with weight w”, and the value is F [i-1,j]; If the i-th item is placed, then the problem becomes “the former I-1 item goes into the rest of the j-WI backpack”. The maximum value that can be obtained is F [I-1, J-WI] plus the value Pi gained by putting the i-th item into the bag. At this point, just compare f[i-1,j] with f[i-1, j-wi]+Pi to get the maximum value in the backpack.


public class Test {
    public static int getMaxValue(int[] weight, int[] value, int w, int n) {
    	// Create a two-dimensional array with the value of the item in the horizontal column and the weight of the item in the vertical column
        int[][] table = new int[n + 1][w + 1];
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { / / item
            for (int j = 1; j <= w; j++) {  // Backpack size
                if (weight[i] > j) {
                    // The weight of item I is larger than the backpack capacity j
                    table[i][j] = table[i - 1][j];
                } else {
                	// Max{insert item I, insert item I}
                    table[i][j] = Math.max(table[i - 1][j], table[i - 1][j - weight[i]] + value[i]); }}}return table[n][w];

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int n = 5, w = 13;                // Number of items, backpack capacity
        int[] value = {};    // The value of each item
        int[] weight = {};    // The weight of each itemSystem.out.println(getMaxValue(weight, value, w, n)); }}Copy the code

The resources

  • Blog.csdn.net/qq_43914374…
  • www.kancloud.cn/kancloud/pa…
  • www.cnblogs.com/mfrank/p/10…