Original address: github.com/answershuto… Welcome to my Blog.

Writing in the front

Since I started working, I have always felt that time flies so fast, like a year goes round and round.

One year can experience a lot of things, have a lot of thinking, understand a lot of truth.

Whether it’s frustration, difficulty or success, any experience that allows you to grow is a gain.

Anatomy of vue.js Internal Operation Mechanism

This time last year, I wrote and published “Analysis of vue. js internal operation mechanism”, a source code analysis for novice students, I want to explain the most core principle of vue. js in the simplest way, with the least code.

A year down, helped many students to enter the source code, really happy.

Many students have given me good comments, and some have given me some suggestions. No matter what kind of comments, in the process of thinking and exploring, they can help me grow up with everyone. This is actually what we want, thank you.

“Anatomy of Vue.js” has also been included in the Nuggets annual booklet, thank you for your support.

Hello ali Baba

Considered for a long time, or decided to leave the big search car, in the New Year entered ali. The reason for leaving Dasoso is not really the reason. The reason is simply that I want to work in Alibaba, learn and grow together with more outstanding engineers, and see how the front end team of Alibaba works.

Dasoche is really a great company, and I got a lot out of my year there. Thank you so much to Taro and the other students.

Just into Ali when some acclimatization, once not quite adapt, as a perennial very much “Lao” suddenly not “Lao”, very like writing I also do not how to write. Fortunately, my boss and colleagues are very Nice and tolerant of my shortcomings and shortcomings. I began to listen and learn, to see how people worked and grew, to understand the business, to get into the business, to learn all kinds of skills. After a quarter, it is slowly adapted to, at the end of the year I feel the previous back.

In the middle half of the year, out of a period of confusion I don’t know why, I hardly wrote anything and really wanted to give myself a bad review.

Say fast also fast, soon will enter the job one year, this year also really learned a lot of things. Summarize and think more in the work, jump out of a front-end basic work, listen to think to speak from all levels. Use technology to serve business, use technology to bring value, use technology to improve efficiency and empower.

Grow in thinking, gain in sharing.

There should be recruitment here: github.com/answershuto…

The collective wedding

Just two months after joining Ali, I was lucky to be selected to participate in the collective wedding of Ali this year. The witness was Teacher Ma, who was very lucky.

Can you find out where I am?


In May, I participated in the JTalk Hangzhou activity hosted by Nuggets as a lecturer and contributed a Topic about PWA.

In a word, I have prepared for a long time, but I still need to practice my courage. I hope there will be more opportunities to participate in such sharing in the future.

The following July and August link has been lost in the world, completely forgot to save the princess. (run

A double tenth

It’s my first time to participate in the double eleven, feeling super great!!

SeeConf with D2

Recently, I went to SeeConf2019 and the 13th D2 Front-end Technology Forum for two consecutive days on the weekend. I gained a lot and made more friends.

More details:

“Tinder Footprints — the 13th D2 Front-end Technology Forum”



Github has significantly fewer punches and fewer code words than last year.

But the Github list has climbed to 160 thanks to metaphysics (emmmmmmmmm……..)

Being busy is no excuse, laziness is the original sin!

Set a Flag for more quality content to be exported to the community this year.


Over the past year, I have had both happiness and sorrow. I have encountered many setbacks and also done many things with a sense of achievement. As a result, I have triggered more thinking and growth, which is the best.

At the end of the year, one of my relatives got seriously ill, which was a great blow to me. I felt that health always comes first, and I need to exercise more in the New Year. Health and happiness are the foundation of all things.

This year Ko-lao bought a car and a house, and has his own foothold in Hangzhou. He is really grateful to his family.

Switch really smells good.

Hello, 2019.

Come on, 2019.