Writing in the front

After seeing the year summary of 2017 written by my friends such as Deadmoon, Doodlewind and Jianan, I always feel that I should write something to look back on the past year and look forward to 2018.

Because I was busy writing “Analysis of the internal operation mechanism of Vue.js” before, I have not found the time to write this annual summary. I steal some time to summarize the cute heart in the past through the lunar New Year shuttle in the noise of the seven sisters-eight sisters-home.

Tauren mount

Time was pulled back to The February of 2017, taking the leisure time of Chinese New Year to go to Jinhua Niutou Mountain with my friends for a wave.

After graduation, we all live and work in different places, and we don’t see each other several times a year. But I hope our relationship will remain as good as when we were young, and we will go out for a wave every New Year.

Hello, big search car

After the end of the wave will go back to work in Hangzhou, after the end of the New Year after several companies interview decided to accept the offer of big search car, really thank taro in the interview of my recognition. The salary was not the highest offer at that time, but I still left my previous home and came to Dsoche without hesitation, because I think Dsoche is a company with good technical atmosphere, which is conducive to my rapid learning and growth. Facts have proved that my original choice was not wrong. I am satisfied with the growth rate of this year, and I will make new progress every day.

The reason why I left my previous home is very simple, the closed environment does not have a good technical atmosphere. In the development of a new system for technology selection, I finally chose an “ancient framework”, in the MVVM framework is popular today, at least I feel that the technology is a little too outdated. But I am still grateful. I learned a lot and met many interesting friends there.

I was not very busy in the job of car search, and I still had a lot of time to study new technology after work, which also laid a good foundation for my growth in this year. It was only after Vue2.0 was released at the end of 2016 that I started to contact Vue.js. By chance, Vue was also the technology stack of search car. With the intention of further learning, I tried to study its internal implementation and set up learnVue project on Github in April. Read the source code and write a series of source code parsing articles, originally as a record of personal learning project has gained 2100 STAR, I am very flattered.

The life in search car is very happy, appropriate workload, good technical atmosphere, excellent colleagues, here to learn a lot, thank search car friends.

Shanghai · Shanghai JSConf

The July JSConf was a great success. Follow taro, dead month lead search car five people group came to Shanghai, come to Shanghai last time already is long before thing, probably want to trace back to childhood because of world expo to Shanghai to play time.

Although it was two days of fried chicken (four meals and a midnight snack, I couldn’t afford anything else in the magic world, crying), the meeting was still very meaningful. You big, he old and other big guys have a very good theme, learned a lot, back to search car I also put you big “front-end engineering in the compile time optimization” to do a technology share.

The After party on Saturday night was also very good, taro and Dead moon contributed two very good topics, MOE Hsin took a picture of them while drinking beer (shik).

Hangzhou Node Party

During the weekend, I went to The Riverside with a few friends to participate in a hangzhou Node Party. The environment of The Dingxiang Garden was really excellent.

Several topics are very good. At last, I talked about the realization of knowledge in the topic table of The flash manager, and I also learned a lot.


Lucky to participate in a wave of D2 at the end of the year, the first time to go to Ali Xixi park, I feel very lofty, although the canteen does not seem to be imagined delicious 23333333 (but it seems to be the canteen of the visitor center, is it different from the staff canteen? -).

In addition to listening to a few very interesting topics, but also with the nuggets on the friends doodlewind and wood feather face a wave of base.

Gold Nugget -Analysis of the Internal Operation Mechanism of Vue.js

I was very lucky to release this small volume on the mining platform. I spent two months to separate some core functions of vue. js into a separate Demo with a smaller amount of code, and completed this small volume, hoping to help more students understand the internal operation mechanism of Vue.js.

Here to thank the Yin Ming and the staff of the gold nuggets.

The volume is not as big as a physical book, but I did put a lot of effort into it. I spent almost all my spare time before the Chinese New Year in December and February. However, through this process, I also made a lot of progress, which is the first attempt to share technology into a system. I hope that I can try to write a physical book if I have time and opportunity in the future.


In this year, I was quite active in various communities. I got to know many friends of my peers and learned a lot from them.

For example, muyu, xiangxuechang, xue bin, and qiangdada of the group of gold miners.

For example, I got to know Teacher Huang Yi because of writing “Analysis of the Internal Operation Mechanism of Vue.js”.

Doodlewind, for example.

There are a lot of friends, here is not the same list, this year really thank you, from you I learned a lot of things.

As for Github, 17 years is a good clock-in record, and 18 years is looking forward to contributing more content to the community.

At 411 on the list, he hopes to go even higher in 18 years.


There are other things that are important to me personally.

  • At the end of the year with his girlfriend ended four years of long-distance love, successful certification.

  • I bought my first house in Hangzhou. Although I was in debt, I had something to look forward to.

Lu xun’s former residence

At the time of writing this article, I just came back from Shaoxing with my little friend on a road trip. A year ago, I agreed to go out every year, and I have not broken the agreement. I hope this can happen every year in the future.

Hello, 2018.

Come on, 2018.