When to use MapReduce

Apache Hadoop

Hadoop installation



Use PHP as a word counter

wget http://www.gutenberg.org/cache ... 1.txt
Copy the code

hadoop dfs -mkdir wordcount
Copy the code

#! /usr/bin/php <? php // iterate through lines while($line = fgets(STDIN)){ // remove leading and trailing $line = ltrim($line); $line = rtrim($line); // split the line in words $words = preg_split('/\s/', $line, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); // iterate through words foreach( $words as $key ) { // print word (key) to standard output // the output will be used in the // reduce (reducer.php) step // word (key) tab-delimited wordcount (1) printf("%s\t%d\n", $key, 1); }}? >Copy the code

#! /usr/bin/php <? php $last_key = NULL; $running_total = 0; // iterate through lines while($line = fgets(STDIN)) { // remove leading and trailing $line = ltrim($line); $line = rtrim($line); // split line into key and count list($key,$count) = explode("\t", $line); // this if else structure works because // hadoop sorts the mapper output by it keys // before sending it to the reducer  // if the last key retrieved is the same // as the current key that have been received if ($last_key === $key) { // increase running total of the key $running_total += $count; } else { if ($last_key ! = NULL) // output previous key and its running total printf("%s\t%d\n", $last_key, $running_total); // reset last key and running total // by assigning the new key and its value $last_key = $key; $running_total = $count; }}? >Copy the code

head -n1000 pg2701.txt | ./mapper.php | sort | ./reducer.php
Copy the code
Hadoop jar/usr/hadoop / 2.5.1 / libexec/lib/hadoop - streaming - 2.5.1. Jar \ - mapper ". / mapper. PHP "- reducer". / reducer. PHP" -input "hello/mobydick.txt" -output "hello/result"Copy the code

hdfs dfs -cat hello/result/part-00000

Copy the code

Calculate the average annual gold price

wget https://raw.githubusercontent. ... a.csv

Copy the code

hadoop dfs -mkdir goldpriceCopy the code

hadoop dfs -copyFromLocal ./data.csv goldprice/data.csv
Copy the code

#! /usr/bin/php <? php // iterate through lines while($line = fgets(STDIN)){ // remove leading and trailing $line = ltrim($line); $line = rtrim($line); // regular expression to capture year and gold value preg_match("/^(.*?) \ - (? :.*),(.*)$/", $line, $matches); if ($matches) { // key: year, value: gold price printf("%s\t%.3f\n", $matches[1], $matches[2]); }}? >Copy the code

#! /usr/bin/php <? php $last_key = NULL; $running_total = 0; $running_average = 0; $number_of_items = 0; // iterate through lines while($line = fgets(STDIN)) { // remove leading and trailing $line = ltrim($line); $line = rtrim($line); // split line into key and count list($key,$count) = explode("\t", $line); // if the last key retrieved is the same // as the current key that have been received if ($last_key === $key) { // increase number of items $number_of_items++; // increase running total of the key $running_total += $count; // (re)calculate average for that key $running_average = $running_total / $number_of_items; } else { if ($last_key ! = NULL) // output previous key and its running average printf("%s\t%.4f\n", $last_key, $running_average); // reset key, running total, running average // and number of items $last_key = $key; $number_of_items = 1; $running_total = $count; $running_average = $count; } } if ($last_key ! = NULL) // output previous key and its running average printf("%s\t%.3f\n", $last_key, $running_average); ? >Copy the code

head -n1000 data.csv | ./mapper.php | sort | ./reducer.php
Copy the code

Hadoop jar/usr/hadoop / 2.5.1 / libexec/lib/hadoop - streaming - 2.5.1. Jar \ - mapper ". / mapper. PHP "- reducer". / reducer. PHP" -input "goldprice/data.csv" -output "goldprice/result"Copy the code
hdfs dfs -cat goldprice/result/part-00000
Copy the code

Bonus: Generate charts

hdfs dfs -get goldprice/result/part-00000 gold.dat
Copy the code
# Gnuplot script file for generating gold prices
set terminal png
set output "chart.jpg"
set style data lines
set nokey
set grid
set title "Gold prices"
set xlabel "Year"
set ylabel "Price"
plot "gold.dat"Copy the code
gnuplot gold.plot
Copy the code

Translator: study on modern hotel groups author: Glenn De Backer, www.simplicity.be/article/big…