In this quick start section, I’ll show you how to get started with Apache Druid and some of its basic features. When you have followed the steps given, you will be able to install and run Druid and import data to your successfully installed Druid instance using the built-in Batch Ingestion feature.

The current version of Druid is apache-druid-0.21.1. The download link on this page may not be valid. Please search for updates and download them according to the official release schedule.

Please read the Druid Overview and Ingestion Overview before we begin the following steps. The following steps will reference some of the concepts and definitions mentioned in the previous two pages.

Installation requirements

You can follow the following steps to install on a computer with relatively low machine performance. For example, we’re talking about a laptop (4 cpus and 16 GB of RAM).

Druid has a number of installation configuration properties for different machine performance and installation conditions. For example, the Micro-QuickStart configuration property configures the performance of the machine when Druid evaluation is required. If you want to evaluate the performance of Druid or adjust the computing power, you may need a larger and more powerful machine and profile it.

Druid configuration properties include slaves


Configure (1 CPU, 4GB RAM) to


Configuration (64 CPU, 512GB RAM).

For more information, see the Standalone server Deployment page. If you want to cluster Druid, see the Cluster Server Deployment page for more information on how to cluster Druid.

For a machine running Druid, you need to complete the following software configuration:

  • Linux, Mac OS X, or another UNIX-based operating system (cannot be deployed on Windows)
  • Java 8, Update 92 or later (8U92 +)

Druid supports Java 8 only. Support for the other major Java versions is mostly experimental at this point.

Druid finds the installed Version of Java using the environment variable JAVA_HOME or DRUID_JAVA_HOME on your computer. If you have multiple versions of Java installed on your computer, you can set the DRUID_JAVA_HOME environment variable to let your Druid instance find the Java version. You can run the bin/verify-java script in the Druid program to see what version of Java is currently running.

When installing Druid into production, you need to pay attention to the user account under which the Druid instance is running. The Druid console user has the same permissions as the user currently running the Druid instance.

For example, if you use Druid’s console to browse files, the operating system will only display files that the user has access to, or has permission to view.

In general, we don’t want Druid to run as root. Therefore, for the Druid installation environment, consider creating a Druid instance on the operating system to run only the Druid user.…