Select the Operating System

We recommend using any Linux operating system you like. Also you need to install:

  • Java 8 or later

Warning: Druid currently only officially supports Java 8. If you’re using another JDK version, many of these features may be practical.

If necessary, you can define environment variables DRUID_JAVA_HOME or JAVA_HOME in your system environment to tell Druid where to find the required JDK version. You can run the bin/verify-java script in the Druid program to see what version of Java is currently running.

Your operating system package management tool should be able to help you install Java on your operating system. If you are using an Ubuntu-based operating system that does not provide the latest version of Java, please visit the WebUpd8 page: Packages for Those OSes.

Download the distribution

First, you need to download and unzip the relevant archive files. It is best to do this on a single computer first. You then need to modify the configuration in the unzipped package and publish the modified configuration to all other servers.

Apache-druid-0.21.1 下载 address

Use the following command in the console to decompress:

Tar -xzf apache-druid-apache-druid-0.21.1-bin.tar.gz CD apache-druid-apache-druid-0.21.1Copy the code

In the unzipped package, you should see:

  • bin/*– Start or stop scripts, which are deployed against standalone servers, please refer to the page:Standalone Server Deployment Quick Guide
  • conf/druid/cluster/*– Configuration and configuration files for cluster deployment
  • extensions/*– Druid core extension
  • hadoop-dependencies/*– Druid Hadoop dependency
  • lib/*– Druid core libraries and dependencies
  • quickstart/*– Independent server configuration files, which are deployed for independent servers, please refer to the page:Standalone Server Deployment Quick Guide

Conf /druid/cluster/ will be edited if you need your cluster to start.

Merge from a standalone server deployment

If you need to complete the deployment and configuration of the following pages, you will need to edit the contents in conf/druid/cluster/.

If you already have a standalone server deployment running, copy your existing configuration files to the conf/druid/cluster folder to ensure that your existing configuration files are not lost.…