Same origin Policy & Cross domain

The iframe cross-domain

Because of the same-origin policy, using the IFrame tag to import non-same-origin resources will block the DOM element of the iframe from being handled by the browser. Suppose you have two domains: and Load the game’s page in the blog page and manipulate its DOM elements.

    <div>This is outside window.</div>
    <iframe src=""></iframe>
        const frame = document.querySelector('iframe')
        const frameDoc = frame.contentWindow.document
        // Manipulate DOM elements in non-homologous iframe
        frameDoc.body.innerHTML = 'This is iframe'
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The browser displays the following error:

Uncaught DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin “” from accessing a cross-origin frame.

Solution 1: Domain reduction

A descending domain is a cross-domain solution that makes document.domain of different domains homologous by designating them as their common parent domain. and share a common parent field, Then change the domain of the pages under the two domain names to to solve the cross-domain problem.

document.domain = ''
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Matters needing attention:

  • document.domainThe specified field must be the current field or its parent.
  • When the subdomain and parent domain cross domains, the parent domain must also be specifieddocument.domain.

Disadvantages: Can only be used with the same parent field.

So what happens when the two main domains are completely different? This is where postMessage comes in.

Solution 2: postMessage

PostMessage is a new function in HTML5 that can be used to send messages to Windows.

window.postMessage(message, targetOrigin)
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Message is the message (which can be an object) to be sent. The value of targetOrigin can be * or a URI that specifies the field in which the message can be received. * indicates that the message can be sent to any window. If the window’s field does not match the targetOrigin, the message will not be sent.

And if there is a send there will be a receive, otherwise it doesn’t mean anything. We can get the message sent by adding a Message event listener to the window.

window.addEventListener('message'.(event) = > {
    const { origin, source, data } = event
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Origin is the sender’s domain and verifies that the sender of a message can be trusted. Source is the window object of the message sender, and you can use source.postMessage to send messages back to the sender. Data is the message content.