I’m sure I don’t need to tell you more about JMeter, which is essential for performance testing. This article will cover the download and basic use of the tool.


On the official website to download: jmeter.apache.org/download_jm…

Select Binaries – apache-jmetering-x.x.x. zip, the latest version

Open the

Take Windows as an example. After decompressing, open jmeter.bat to display a visual interface.


There are many tutorials on how to use Jmeter online. Here are a few:

  • Right-click the Test Plan on the left and select Add-threads-Thread Group
  • Right click on the thread group and select Add-config Element-HTTP Request Defaults. This is the Request default setting, where we set uniform IP and port
  • Right-click the thread group and select Add-Sampler-HTTP Request, which is an Http Request
  • To see the Results, right-click the thread group and Add – listener-view Results in Table

Once you’ve created it, start doing some Settings:

PS: If you cannot understand the English interface, you can Choose Chinese from the menu bar: options-Choose Language.

Thread group

Click on thread Group and in the window on the right:

  • Number of Threads(Users) : This is how many Threads are opened to request
  • Ramp-up period(seconds) : all threads are started within seconds
  • Loop Count: indicates the number of cycles. Select “Infinite” to indicate an Infinite cycle

Http Request Defaults

Click on this line in the window on the right:


  • Protocol: HTTP
  • Server Name or IP: Enter the IP address
  • Port Number: indicates the point Port

Http Request

Click on this line and fill in the details of our request in the window on the right:


  • HTTP Request: Select the Request mode (GET/POST, etc.) and then the Request path
  • If it is POST, add the request body in the parameter box below. It is easy to navigate


When everything is ready, click on the green triangle arrow at the top, which makes the run button obvious.

Then we can see the request result in the View Results in Table.

To see more specific Results of the request, right-click on the thread group: Add-listener-view Results Tree, where we can see the return of each request.

The request header carries data

Thread group: Add – Config Element – HTTP Header Manager, Add – Config Element – HTTP Header Manager

The last

JMeter is much more than this article, and this is just the beginning of an article that will continue to cover performance pressure measurement.