Who am I

I am a junior student from Shuangfei No.2. I like programming and have a strong interest in front-end development. A salty fish that finds, thinks and arranges. Strive to be the 23rd front-end offer harvester.

Making github.com/ChelesteWan…

Why front-end

Quoted in the opening ceremony of Ali front end trainee program zi Qian teacher said a paragraph

  • They may not understand interaction design but no one understands the implementation and every detail of interaction design better than they do
  • They may not understand visual design but nobody understands visual design better than they do. Right
  • They may not understand databases but they are the first consumers of data
  • They may not be product managers but they almost always determine the experience of the product

My front end learns the way to attack

Why did I choose the front end? At the beginning, I also had a stereotype about the front end, which was HTML, CSS, JavaScript, cutting graph and so on. Later, I got to know a senior who went to Tencent for internship and had a new understanding of the front end.

In the final paper of Introduction to Computer at the end of the first semester of my freshman year, my topic was also related to the front end: A Brief Introduction to front-end Development in the New Era. Now it seems to be quite ridiculous, but in order to write this article, I still read a lot of materials and learned about class libraries such as JQuery and Vue.

Behind is facing WeChat applet contest, also learned a little in the process of grammar and the development of cloud cloud function how to write, and his team-mates struggle has completed the first relatively complete project, at the same time the WeChat applet competition is also a dream place to start, let me contact the cloud development met bo group and guanyu two brother, also met some senior in the game, And at the recommendation of an upperclassman entered the former internship company for internship.

During my study and practice in the company, I have greatly improved my ability, not only to write codes, but also to correct bugs. Since the company is relatively small, I will follow the company from the early stage to the late stage, and even try to make products. The leader and mentor also treat me very well and value me very much. During my time there, I learned Vue React, but many of them relied on complete wheels such as Nuxt, Umi and Ant Design. They were more formulaic development and covered up many details, which could be said to be a strange API call.

Then I began to think about how far the tutorial demo was from the real project, so I started to learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript again. Every time I went to the same place, I had different ideas. Later, I would gradually think about the connection between them. It is also necessary to learn over and over again, so I began to write articles and record them in my spare time. If I could sort them out, I would send them out, and if I could not, I would use Markdown to record them.

2021 can be said to be the start of a new phase of front-end development with a new understanding, capabilities also have a greater progress.

My second half of 2021

Say the first summer internship, the last time said I’ve got a game company internship offer, so I just opened my north drift life, in the summer vacation to summarize is to enrich and wonderful, why so say, I worked as an intern in the company in the middle efficiency department do “the whole development of the stack”, although the start may be not adapt to, After all, everyone’s internship is to broaden their knowledge and improve their ability. In the first two weeks, I was responsible for supporting the daily newspaper service of the company, during which I wrote python crawler scripts, read the background code of Golang and debugged PHP crap. Nail group oncall, at the end of the day, is a little bit PTSD from nail.

Later, the leader talked to me and asked me about my will. He also told me that the engineering project faced by the real company would only be much more difficult than the one I have encountered at present. Companies find people to solve problems. Because I was active and efficient, the leader later arranged two other tasks for me, one was the development of Confluence plug-in, the other was a special closed development. During this time you learned how to debug, how to face “shit” mountain leisurely, learned how to do product design, product research how to finished the whole development process of the project, and as head of the project, in retrospect, perhaps before the experience summary to resume, is just a word or two, or even completely enough to write on your resume, It’s not enough to call it chicken ribs. But what we learn in the process is what enriches us.

Also summed up the experience of small talk about some work, also met some unhappy at work, and the teacher fun once, she also gave me some Suggestions, such as colleagues don’t work, then aligned pull schedule will make progress every day, to the project plan ahead of time, take the initiative to report to the leader, not dozen small report, but to communicate with each other in time. Can be said to be deleted YYDS, do not know who is deleted (be deleted is my master!!) She wrote a blog and a book that helped me a lot. She wrote about a lot of things that can’t be avoided outside of technology. It’s also worth checking out, and the blog is full of her own experiences. Second, if you don’t know what to do during the internship, if you have the authority, you might as well look at the internal wiki and learn something from both the technical and product layers. If you finish your work and have nothing else to do, you can choose to fish aboveboard or ask the leader for some other work. Of course, this is the early stage, and if the business line needs to be independently supported in the later stage, there may be no one to push. The third is to have a good relationship with your mentor, who can help you a lot, both technically and professionally.

Talked so much practice, talked the internship outside, of course also account for most of my summer vacation time, as I mentioned in my previous article, signed up for tencent rhino bird open source talent training plan, from the early stage of the popular science teaching knowledge of open source, all have profited technology of actual combat training, in the late of the actual combat I chose I am relatively familiar with the front end of the project, Tencent OMI, open source, cross-platform development framework in the project to be involved in OMI admin product from zero to one’s development, learned a lot of practical knowledge process, also organize some technical articles, involved in the project is also full of a sense of achievement, in the process of participating also found my own shortcomings, to find the direction of the next effort behind, I also made new friends through the project. Finally, I successfully completed the project and obtained the project certificate and a considerable bonus HHH. It’s also called omi core contributer. Of course, he also opened up the open source community behind me, which is directly related.

From May to now, I have been “active” in the open source community, admittedly a lot of PR is too much, but I have also made some small contributions to the community. I joined the OpenVino Chinese community a year ago as a participant operator to get in touch with open source and become interested in its spirit. Now that you can count as a code producer and feed back into the community, that’s some progress. I gained a lot and grew up a lot in the process.

In the summer vacation, I met Janlay, God Sanyuan, Wood Shan, Rain God, Yunyou Jun, Dongge and other big men (too lazy to list the ranking in no particular order), worshipped and was deleted as a teacher, yyDS * 2, and when always made contributions to OMI, and completed the project with fish skin and autumn wind. In the second half of the year, I also met a lot of new leaders, who helped me a lot. I also want to thank Teacher Panchong for the two mock interviews, which helped me find out the problems in my resume and prepare for the project, and also let me learn a lot of things other than technology. Thank huai Ze elder brother, thank Renjie elder brother, help me daily answer doubts, accompany me to talk, help me grow up. Many people want to thank, but don’t want to list them all. There are too many big guns QAQ. During the summer vacation, I served as a teaching assistant of Baidu front-end training camp 1.0, and I also made many new friends, including Mu sister, who is also a resident teaching assistant of Baidu Technical Institute now. To tell the truth, Mu sister is too fun. She has an interesting soul, which is always poisoning late at night. (PS Baidu front-end training camp 2.0 opened).


The year of 2021 will soon be over. We can say that this year has been full of harvest, including flowers and applause, emO alone at night, and chatting with others. Thank you very much for reading this article. There is nothing to be said for this article. Not even as good as elementary school composition. But also want to make a summary of their second half year. I also want to share my experience with you. Spring recruitment is approaching, the class of 23 students will also start to prepare for the spring recruitment internship, I was helped by you, also hope to maintain a small circle, to help the class of 23 students preparing for a small project. I hope to provide a space for the front end of the class of 23 to learn and communicate together, and benefit from the exchange group of the senior members of the class of 21 and 22, so that I can know many leaders. I also hope to have a small community of the front end of the class of 23, where we can clock in together, exchange and learn from each other, and share resources.

Project details: github.com/ChelesteWan…

If you are interested, you can also know about it. Finally, I would like to thank you, readers. I haven’t updated it for a long time (the system has been changed without enthusiasm), but I have also written some trivial things. Thank you for your constant attention, and thank you for your new friends.

This is a series, if you are interested, you can also take a look at the previous one

Double non two front – end advance road | 2021 summary