Slag this double non, prepared for 2 months, didi interview success ashore! Share a wave of my interview experience, whileAt the end of the article to share my preparation for gold nine silver ten resource library, including source notes, big factory interview real questions, job-hopping analysis, resume analysis, project combat source + notes + tools, there is a need to be able to key three after, [see the picture below] can be obtained!!



Drip side: 35min


  • To introduce myself
  • Handwriting bubble sort
  • This section describes Java thread pools
  • Thread pool flow
  • Why thread pools
  • What are the common thread pools and what are their application scenarios
  • What resources are consumed by frequently creating and destroying threads
  • How threads are synchronized
  • Synchronized Lock upgrade process
  • Isolation level of MySQL
  • What are the problems at different isolation levels
  • Principle of gap locking
  • Can I lock it while reading
  • Elasticsearch (index inversion)
  • If the same word appears in multiple texts, how do you choose the most relevant one


Less than 2 minutes after the interview, I sent a text message to notify one side of passing, and 40 minutes after the second interview



Second face: 37 minutes


  • To introduce myself
  • Project related
  • Redis distributed lock
  • Besides building distributed clusters, what other ways can a single Redis limit traffic
  • Java thread pool buckets (core parameters, processes, etc.)
  • What happens if an exception occurs on a single thread in the thread pool
  • What are the ways to create threads
  • Scenario: through the way of multi-threading to mine, finally to return the number of each thread to mine, which implementation methods
  • MySQL > update MySQL
  • So how do you design an index
  • Overwrite and cluster indexes. When does this result in a table-back query
  • What Spring transactions know
  • What about the Spring transaction framework
  • Rhetorical question: Ask the interviewer to comment on me. The interviewer also said that I have a solid foundation, logical and organized presentation

10 minutes after the second interview, I received a text message. The second interview passed. One hour later, the third interview



Three sides: 17 minutes


  • To introduce myself
  • Introduce the project
  • The design idea of the project
  • How is it realized
  • How and why is caching used
  • How to achieve read/write consistency between cache and database
  • What happens if cache deletion fails
  • Do you know anything about cache breakdowns? How to handle cache breakdowns
  • What are your hobbies, school grades, internship experiences, plans for your future



The overall interview is still very good, reluctantly ashore, solid foundation, concurrency, tuning, JVM these are essential! The most summary is still not strong enough! Food to check the missing, do not know their food talent is the most terrible, the gold nine silver ten I have been eager to try at home also did not prepare less, the following share my gold nine silver ten preparation resource library, there is a need can be a key after three, [see the picture below] can be obtained!!

01 Necessary Notes for Advanced Java Backend


Mysql Advanced Tuning Notes


Spring Source Code


02 Big factory interview real question



03 Java Quick Interview Guide


04 Job-hopping analysis, resume analysis



——————————— one key after three [see the picture below] can be obtained!!