There are only a handful of 3D visualization platforms that seem to be doing well. If you don’t use Threejs, it’s true that Threejs is the originator of 3D development, but it requires a lot of developers to do it. Thingjs is a threejs package that allows you to quickly develop with fast code, code frameworks, as long as the front-end engineers know JAVASCRIPT. Just know webGL. I suggest you have a try

/ * *

* Description: Use pictures as background to draw in canvas to simulate the application scenario of indicator panel

* Action: Click the button

* Difficulty: ★★★★☆

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var app = new THING.App({

Url: ‘’/address/scene


/ / timer

var timer;

app.on(‘load’, function () {

// Set the camera position and target point Position = [24.036125586913663, 2.654545333744903, 15.118547603300897];

App. Camera. Target = [18.887027584951163, 1.4664667942992755, 2.077588743688154];

Button(‘ canvas +canvas ‘, function () {new thing.widget. Button(‘ canvas +canvas ‘, function () {

var plane = app.query(‘#myPlane01’)[0];

if (plane) return;

var car = app.query(‘car01’)[0];

var imgUrl = ‘’;

var imgWidth = 512;

var imgHeight = 329;

var img = new Image(imgWidth, imgHeight);

img.crossOrigin = “Anonymous”;

img.src = imgUrl;

img.onload = function () {

var canvas = createCanvas({ image: img, text: 10, imgWidth, imgHeight });

var newImg = new Image(canvas.width, canvas.height);

newImg.src = canvas.toDataURL(“image/png”);

var plane = app.create({

type: ‘Plane’,

id: ‘myPlane01’,

Width: imgWidth * 0.004,

Height: imgHeight * 0.004,

parent: car,

localPosition: [0, 3, 0],

style: {

image: newImg,

Opacity: 0.9,

color: ‘#ffffff’



// Store the original image for redrawing

plane[‘origialImg’] = img;

// Store canvas for redrawing

plane[‘myCanvas’] = canvas;



Function () {new thing.widget. Button(‘ Button ‘, function () {

var plane = app.query(‘#myPlane01’)[0];

if (plane) {




New thing.widget. Button(‘ stop update ‘, function () {

if (timer) {


timer = null;




function createCanvas(param) {

var canvas = param.canvas;

var image = param.image;

var text = param.text;

if (! param.canvas) {

canvas = document.createElement(“canvas”);

canvas.width = param.imgWidth;

canvas.height = param.imgHeight;


var ctx = canvas.getContext(“2d”);

ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0);

ctx.fillStyle = “rgb(255, 255, 255)”;

ctx.font = “80px sans-serif”;

ctx.textBaseline = “middle”;

Ctx. fillText(‘ temp: ‘, 50, canvas.height / 2);

ctx.fillText(text, 270, canvas.height / 2);

Ctx.filltext (‘℃’, 380, canvas.height / 2);

return canvas;


function updateImage(plane) {

if (! timer) {

timer = setInterval(() => {

var canvas = createCanvas({ image: plane[‘origialImg’], text: THING.Math.randomInt(0, 38), canvas: plane.myCanvas });

var newImg = new Image(canvas.width, canvas.height);

newImg.src = canvas.toDataURL(“image/png”); = newImg;

}, 1000).

