Preface 🎁 :

Women’s Day’s creation and existence significance, is to witness women create history, for equality, justice, peace and development to make the struggle. Fully carry forward the “self-esteem, self-love, self-reliance, self-improvement” female spirit, fully displayed worthy of The Times of female charm.

Is a daughter, is a wife, is a mother, is yourself!!

“Sanqi is traditional Chinese medicine and Sanjiu is western medicine. March 8th is your medicine to please the fairies. Your gifts are ready

?” πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰

Cheung says a relationship must start with a bouquet of flowers and a formal confession.



Roses are synonymous with romance, and the ceremonial sense of a bouquet of flowers will never go out of style 🌹

Code sharing:

#1) Import library import Turtle # Set the initial position turtle.penup() turtle.left(90) turtle.fd(200) turtle.pendown() turtle.right(90) # 2) stamen turtle.fillcolor("red") turtle.begin_fill(), 180), 110) turtle.left(50), 45), 170) turtle.right(24) turtle.fd(30) turtle.left(10), 110) turtle.fd(20) turtle.left(40), 70), 150) turtle.right(30) turtle.fd(15), 90) turtle.left(15) turtle.fd(45) turtle.right(165) turtle.fd(20) turtle.left(155), Turtle.left (50), 90) turtle.end_fill() #3) Petal 1 Turtle.left (150), 70) turtle.left(20), 105) turtle.setheading(60), 98), 40) #4) Petal 2 Turtle. left(180), 40), 98) turtle.setheading(-83) #5) Leaf 1 Turtle.fd (30) turtle.left(90) turtle.fd(25) turtle.left(45) turtle.fillcolor("green") turtle.begin_fill(), 90) turtle.right(90), 90) turtle.end_fill() turtle.right(135) turtle.fd(60) turtle.left(180) turtle.fd(85) turtle.left(90) turtle.fd(80) Right (45) turtle.fillcolor("green") turtle.begin_fill(), 90) turtle.left(90), 90) turtle.end_fill() turtle.left(135) turtle.fd(60) turtle.left(180) turtle.fd(60) turtle.right(90), 60) turtle.pendown() turtle.done()Copy the code

Picture show:


If you can’t make it official, try sending her this. πŸ’—

** (This TWO-DIMENSIONAL code oh, xiaobian think can be very direct expression of what you want to say oh!) **


The umbilical cord cut, the door swung shut. I use a lifetime to say goodbye to you, but you are using a lifetime to tell me to be careful on the road.

My mother used to be a girl who didn’t care about the world. My mother used to have her own poems and the distance. Later, there were many roles, my motherMother, wife, daughter-in-law….. I became superman the moment you were born. I can do anything day or night. Can you miss mostIt’s the daughter.


When you send blessings to your girlfriend, don’t forget to send a beautiful fireworks show to your mother! 🌈 🌈 🌈

Years do not make beauty, but she can do anything. It is my honor to invite you to watch a fireworks show ~πŸ‘Έ

Part code:

class Firework: def __init__(self): Colour = (randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255)) self. Colour = (randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255)) self. Colours = ((randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255)) self. 255), randint(0, 255)), (randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255)), (randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255), randint(0, 255))) self.firework = Particle(randint(0, DISPLAY_WIDTH), DISPLAY_HEIGHT, True, self.colour) # Creates the firework particle self.exploded = False self.particles = [] self.min_max_particles = Vector (100, 100) def update(self, win): # use the exploded frame if not self.exploded: self.firework.apply_force(gravity) self.firework.move() for tf in self.firework.trails: if self.firework.vel.y >= 0: self.exploded = True self.explode() else: for particle in self.particles: particle.apply_force(vector(gravity.x + uniform(-1, 1) / 20, gravity.y / 2 + (randint(1, 8) / 100))) particle.move() for t in particle.trails: def explode(self): Amount = randint(self.min_max_particles. X, self.min_max_particles. Y) for I in range(amount): self.particles.append(Particle(self.firework.pos.x, self.firework.pos.y, False, self.colours)) def show(self, win):, self.colour, (int(self.firework.pos.x), int(self.firework.pos.y)), self.firework.size) def remove(self): if self.exploded: for p in self.particles: if p.remove is True: self.particles.remove(p) if len(self.particles) == 0: return True else: return FalseCopy the code

Picture show:

Of course, the fairies themselves should be a little better to themselves ~✨

  • Making yourself happy is meaning
  • The paper plane of my childhood is finally back in my hands


The meaning of paper plane is very beautiful, let the paper plane with their own dreams! Fly higher and farther and better! Let it for their own to complete the unfinished dream, but also for the future of a better life. ✨

Paper plane dream, breath is to poetry and distance, landing is the end of a journey, but also the beginning of a beautiful story.

Formal coding

Import Turtle # sun turtle.color('red') turtle.penup() turtle.goto(250,200) turtle.pendown() turtle.begin_fill() (50) turtle.end_fill() turtle.color('black','blue') turtle.begin_fill() # plane turtle.penup() turtle.home() Turtle.pendown () turtle.pensize(5) turtle.goto(-300,150) turtle.goto(100,50) turtle.goto(0,0) turtle.end_fill() Turtle.goto (-30,-125) turtle.goto(-50,-50) turtle.begin_fill() turtle.goto(-300,150) Turtle.goto (-125,-125) Turtle.goto (-50,-50) turtle.goto(-30,-125) turtle.goto(-85,-85) turtle.end_fill() # line turtle.pensize(3) turtle.penup() Turtle.goto (75,25) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto(200,0) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(50,-5) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto(250,-30) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(10,-80) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto(100,-150) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(-80,-125) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto(120,-200) the code

Pictures show: 🌈


People always have a pursuit, there is a hope, the heart planted a sunflower, life will be all the way to the sun. Life is a meaningful song

Poetry, everyone has their own feelings, we only need to follow the feeling of the heart, keep their favorite appearance ~🌻

The end:

The above is all the content of the article, xiaobian here to wish you a happy princess goddess Festival ~πŸ‘ΈπŸ‘ΈπŸ‘Έ


Remember what you likeA little praise.Need the complete project source can click on this line font oh!
