Write a preface:

With the deepening of the work, more and more find that many good front-end open source projects are from abroad, domestic open source projects are often faced with popularity or even a lot of disappeared. Open source and innovation, not only need our participation but also need our continuous dissemination, so I want to do a series to introduce those good domestic front-end projects. Due to my knowledge and technical level, there may be some introduction not accurate enough, some project is not added, there will be not comprehensive, but at the same time, it also suggests that domestic good open source project is also in constant development and innovation, also hope everyone animadversion correct told me a lot, we together to improve and progress.

The above.

Here is the text, O(∩_∩)O ha ha ~ (I’m sure I’m not making up the words)

1, hui


Depend on: the bootstrap

Domestic open source inside the feeling is better one, at the same time there are general and background two sets of component libraries, and there are paid versions. Open source Indies can have a business model. I hope I can do better. This is the front end framework.

2, elementUI


Based on vue2. X vue3. X

UI component library launched by Ele. me team

3. Iviewui View UI Pro


Iviewui UI component enhanced version, ha ha, this time there is a different

4, Ant the Design


React, of course, has a vue version

Universal UI component library launched by Alibaba Ant Financial UI team

5, the AT – the UI


General UI component library launched by JINGdong Concave Laboratory

6, vant

Youzan. Making. IO/vant / # / useful – C…

Based on the vue

Universal UI component library launched by Youzan team. The introduction on the official website is a unified style component library based on VUE. We hope it can be built and used quickly. How fast? Give it a try.

7, MuseUI


Based on the vue2.0

Flat, the UI is quite flat, the main style and the official website are flat, very distinctive.

Above, welcome to remind me to add!

The toodles