Three ways of coding

An example of turning on the light to set the color, using three encoding methods to achieve. They are scripted programming, procedural programming with functional thinking and object-oriented programming.

Scripted programming:

class Light {
    status: string
    color: string

function main() {
    const light = new Light()
    if (light.status === "on") {
        throw new Error("The light is on")
    light.status = "on"
    light.color = "red"
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Procedural programming with functional thinking:

class Light {
    status: string
    color: string

function open(light: Light) {
    if (light.status === "on") {
        throw new Error("The light is on")
    light.status = "on"

function setColor(light: Light, color: string) {
    if(light.status ! = ="on") {
        throw new Error("The light is not on")
    light.color = color

function main() {
    const light = new Light()
    setColor(light, "red")}Copy the code

Object-oriented programming:

class Light {
    #status: string
    #color: string

    public on() {
        if (this.#status === "on") {
            throw new Error("The light is on")}this.#status = "on"

    public set color(color: string) {
        if (this.#status ! = ="on") {
            throw new Error("The light is not on")}this.#color = color

function main() {
    const light = new Light()
    light.color = "red"
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Light has so many implementations, you slowly taste… Which one do you usually use?