Writing in the front
The purpose of this blog post is to get to know the DOM for encapsulation
DOM native statement
- Create the element
Document.createelement (‘ name ‘) document.createTextNode() document.createAttribute() document.createcomment () DocumentFragment document. CreateDocumentFragment () is not a real part of the DOM tree, its change will not trigger a DOM tree to render, The most common way to do this without causing performance problems is to insert the current document once using the document fragment as a parameter.
Please place the
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… (with 100 P elements between the bodies) is inserted into the body, which is obviously better with a DocumentFragment than with a for loop
The above methods just create regardless of the insertion in the JS thread to complete, insert requires other statements
- Second syntax for inserting elements
Element.innerHTML = ‘string’ overwrites the contents of all Element nodes, or inserts tags if the string is an HTML tag
- Insert elements
Node.insertbefore () the insertBefore method takes two arguments. The first argument is newNode, the Node to be inserted, and the second argument is a child Node inside the parent Node. Node.appendchild () takes a Node object, Insert the current node as the last child node.
- Insert element statement
window.dom.creat = function(tagName){
return document.createElement(tagName)
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Not convenient enough to continue the transformation
window.dom.creat = function(string){
const container = document.createElement("div")
container.innerHTML = string
return container.children[0]
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But there are elements that cannot be inside a div element as well as td
window.dom.creat = function(string){
const container = document.createElement("template")
container.innerHTML = string.trim()
return container.content.firstChild
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If you change it to template, you can use HTML5’s new tag as a container tag to put anything in it. Note that this tag cannot use children[].
Trim removes whitespace from both sides of the string to prevent whitespace from becoming the first child
This allows the creat function to accept code such as
, where creat still exists in the thread and the container is not returned
- Create an element before and after an element
window.dom.after = function(node,node2){
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Before inserting the next element, you can still insert the last element
window.dom.bofore = function(node,node2){
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- Insert a node
dom.append = function(parent,node){
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- Add a parent element to an element
window.dom.wrap = function(node,parent){
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Put parent before node and node inside parent
- Remove nodes
window.dom.remove = function(node){
return node
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window.dom.empty = function(node){
const array = []
let x = node.firstChild
x = node.firstChild
return array
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Delete all the children, and notice that the length of the pseudo-array will be reflected in real time if you go through the deletion directly
Const {childNodes} = node equivalent to const childNodes = node.childnodes
- Set properties
The property itself is an object (Attr object), but in reality, this object is rarely used. Properties are typically manipulated through element node objects (HTMlElement objects). The element object has an Attributes attribute that returns an array-like dynamic object whose members are all the attribute node objects of the element’s tag, and which are reflected in real-time changes to the attributes. Other types of node objects also have attributes but return null, so you can treat this attribute as unique to the element object.
window.dom.attr = function(node,name,value){
if(arguments.length === 3){
}else if(arguments === 2){
return node.getAttribute(name)
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- Modify the text
window.dom.text = function(node,string){
if(arguments.length === 2){
if('innerText' in node){
node.innerText = string
node.textContent = string
}else if(arguments.length === 1){
return node.innerText
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Internet Explorer and other browsers
The textContent property returns the textContent of the current node and all of its descendants. Automatically ignores HTML tags inside the current node and returns all text content.
- Modify the style
Unique operations: the style property of the Element node (element. style), the style property
window.dom.style = function(node,name,value){
if(arguments.length === 3){
// dom.style(div,'color'.'red')
node.style.name = value
}else if(arguments.length === 2){
// dom.style(div,'color')
if(typeof name === 'string') {return node.style[name]
}else if(naem instanceof Object){
// dom.style(div,{color:'red'})
for(let key in name){
node.stlyle[key] = name[key]
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- Class the element
window.dom.class = {
return node.classList.contains(className)
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- The event
window.dom.on = function(node,eventName,fn){
window.dom.off = function(node,eventName,fn){
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- Look for the element
window.dom.find = function(selector,scope){
return (scope || document).querySelectorAll(selector)
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Look inside the scope for a selector
- Find father and son and brother
window.dom.parent = function(node){
return node.parentNode
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window.dom.sibling = function(node){
returnArray.from(node.parentNode.children).filter(n => n! == node) }Copy the code
ChildNodes is provided by nodes with Spaces, and children is provided by elements
window.dom.next = function(node){
let x = node.nextSbling
while(x.nodeType === 3){
x = x.nextSbling
return x
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window.dom.previous = function(node){
let x = node.previousSbling
while(x.nodeType === 3){
x = x.previousSbling
return x
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There are many different types of nodeTypes that return different values, and nextSibling all nodes return
- traverse
window.dom.each = function(nodeList,fn){
for(leti= 0; i <= nodeList.length; i++){ fn.call(null,nodeList[i]) } }Copy the code
- The subscript
window.dom.index = function(node){
const list = window.dom.children(node.parentNode)
for(leti = 0; i<list.length; i++){if(list[i] === node){
break}}return i
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- To find the child
window.dom.children = function(node){
return node.children
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Note that dom.children does not change in real time, whereas children change in real time