Does the SaaS industry need help centers, product manuals? Let’s listen to what xiaobian says.

What is a SaaS

SaaS is an acronym for software-as-a-Service, which provides Software as a Service over the network. SaaS platform providers deploy application software on their own servers. Customers can order the required application software services from the vendor through the Internet according to the actual work needs, and pay fees to the vendor according to the number of ordered services and the length of time, and obtain the services provided by the SaaS platform provider through the Internet.

In fact, we can understand this simply: buying software directly is equivalent to buying a house directly. The cost is high, but it can be used freely for a long time. Buying a SaaS product, on the other hand, is like renting a house, with a low cost that can meet some of your needs but no ownership.

Therefore, for some non-professional users who only want some features of the product, buying a SaaS product will be the first choice. This not only saves the cost, but also can achieve their goals.

So here’s the problem. Some users do not know how to use SaaS products due to lack of professional knowledge or their first contact with the products. At this time, there is an urgent need for a product manual or help center to solve the problems of customer use.

The role of the SaaS industry in setting up help centers or product manuals

For SaaS software companies, in addition to excellent products, providing good service to customers is also the focus. It’s about not only giving users a great product, but also letting them know how to use it. This is, the SaaS industry to build a help center or product specifications is very important!

Setting up a help center or product manual is equivalent to providing a self-service platform for customers, who can easily solve the difficult and complicated problems in the process of using the product after sales. Its specific advantages are shown in the figure below.

Are there any good help center building tools?

Here is a handy product help center tool Baklib.

Baklib has a unique advantage in setting up help centers and producing product manuals! Details are as follows:

  • CDN accelerated page smooth and fast opening speed;
  • Support search engine (SEO) collection;
  • Built-in secondary domain name Support independent domain name;
  • Multi-template theme can be arbitrarily switched;
  • Support team collaboration to edit content online;
  • Multi-level column classification (content classification suitable for help center and knowledge base);
  • Support rich text and Markdown operations;
  • Support intelligent content retrieval;
  • Support multi-terminal adaptation;
  • . .

These are the advantages of Baklib enterprise help center, help product manual production, its product address here: