
Lu Xun’s Moro Shili

People have read ancient culture cycle generation down as for JuanMo will be wailing to sleep somewhat like to take off the warm in spring and in autumn mood GouMeng off I bent my indescribable before the depression of gu “check cover humanities the residual of the later is the most powerful than the voice GuMin GongMing deed of thinking by natural sources and the spirit of the tao can way hence for its sound level of poetry into the heart is not with fell off and good man yan wen things fading depending on the kind of person The kind of man’s destiny is almost spread of ring splendor to receive light reading history sense of depression to anger and the historical civilization also draws near the end of the page yi every negative reputation making in the light of early dawn of Shi Chu open culture and into shadow feeling emigre is Ruth accustom national people smell the optimum setting tianzhu tianzhu ancient have WeiTuo magnificent you said the world big four article the maha polo and ramayana fu also to two wonderful jue after poet Li Tuo K Alidasa from the legendary sound in the world to dye lyrical piece of Germanic poetry of qu mention WvonGoethe to worship for last fall, and between the two kinds of people in power and wen things were reduced to zero large-scale voices not born there LingFu circulation of national foreign Hebrew is more involved such as government also time for religion teach commandments and article with deep and quiet solemn wins ZongWen technique the irrigation the heart so far has not @ in the fountain Jeremiah the children of Israel, have sound of Jeremiah column Wang Huang yi emperor anger to Hector Jerusalem hence Hui and types of the tongue of the people’s when there were different not forget its ZongBang tongues are its fall not relief under the lamentation and no Geng rang yi multiple times at ilan tathagata is bright like a broken Bing lax in ancient Egypt bleak if this sinian and escape, then hoping no more than the life why so British people galle, Th The living are the first meaning of the nation, and the dissolution of meaning is the true unification of nature, and the birth of Dante Alighieri has an Italian saying: Zar of Great Russia has a sword and artillery, and he can rule over great areas and do great things in politics. However, there is something big and it is big and it is slightly stupid. All the weapons and artillery corrode and the voice of Dante is still unified and the Russian people are broken

Zhu Ziqing, Spring

Looking forward to looking forward to the east wind to the spring footsteps get close everything looks like it just wake up they open their eyes mountains green, the water rises up sun blushes grass secretly from the earth drill out tender green garden in the fields look to a huge a large yes sit lie two a few kick ball game a few trips to run to catch a few back to tag the wind light grass quietly soft peach trees Apricot pear you won’t let me I won’t let you have a lot of be in time for the red flowers like fire powder like xia white like snow with a sweet taste closed their eyes the tree as if already was full of flowers, peach, apricot, pear son of thousands and hundreds of bees humming noise with the size of the butterfly flying flowers have names like no name of scattered in the grass, like eyes like stars! Twinkle blow face is not cold the wind in the willows Wrong like mother’s hand stroked the wind bring you some new turn of the smell of earth mixed with grass flavor and a variety of flower XiangDou brewing in the slightly wet air will nest the bird nest in nestles among happy friends to show off the clear throat sing insinuating tune with breeze flowing water with back of a bull at this time of the shepherd boy’s piccolo loud ringing with rain all day is also one of the most common Don’t angered look like there is some time like fancy stitch as filaments closely inclined to knitting the somebody else all the cage on the roof with a layer of thin smoke tree balm was bright green small grass green force your eyes in the evening when the light of the lamp a little bit Huang Yun foil out a quiet and peaceful night road Bridges in the country side have hold up an umbrella walked slowly and farmers work in the fields domain with dai li their homes Gradually sparse, silent in the rain the sky kite children are much more on the rural families in town just a little too be in time for one by one all out live shu shu occur actively spirit each do a thing to go in spring “was quite some time some hope spring is like a baby just born is new from head to foot it is growing spring is like a little girl Blooming with a smile walking spring like a strong youth with iron arms and waist led us forward

Ficus Birch you and I Saw in that Life by Zhang Fengjietelie

The song of the dead banyan birch that you and I saw in that lifetime You ever also chasing too abundant prosperity for vanity and fame you also dreamed about imaginary country where established state: have you ever had warriors and people enjoy the trust and respect you ever also abandoned there regardless of anyone’s admonition to retain and you once asked me the meaning of life you have been also looking for the real light you ever death once you also fear death you swim in the big You rush to the sea died in the desert sun you trapped inside you shine once today my friend aloof undead are you still sitting in a sand dune in the face of the bones of his repeatedly complained of next time I’ll let you become a true king of the figure of a bizarre ceremony flame like two dragon around a scepter delay extends to the top of the world and melancholy sword standing in the middle of the double rod ling2 han2 flashing on the sword blade show not the majesty of red The figure of black is the souls of the dead is the main fire flame and undead wantonly spread wildly in the wind sing fibrillation I read the book for the world of words black and red on the sword nearly crazy anger them excited them eager to them they want everything but my heart is so insipid like static water trickling water sword back as predicted two bright white dots I know who is that the eyes of the king’s eyes you have Noted in ten thousand, I summon you in calling upon our voice is so match chords that ceremony when we resonate together step by step I undertake the white pupil I silently walk amongst the sword is three miles ahead of the dark is dark after eight miles of chaos to change through the ages is you my homeland after years still can see you again on their wire hangers can also see that I, I have seen you rongping birch two black and dark Terrible is not nothing but what nothing into sword in front of the dark than black itself to heavy, not a thing but not empty touch the trees forest of the dead is to constantly walking in captivity all the dead wandering in a forest in the dark over their claim charges of mourning to affection let I fear to disappear completely in black and the rest of the only This three miles of the chill wounded cry weep tears fall rain spirits did not wet my exists in my heart already then again “means the world to the death of the great CARES given charge works is the voice of” “three thousands of rain fed the body in the dark I still have what good say? Don’t say it for you at least stay at least a devotion to stay to a stretch of silence to extend their zhi deep mourning marginal and I haven’t been able to see the dark Know it from three miles long is the width of your heart is good you do stay here at least I want to protect all the three thousands of peace is this I hear you say the first sentence of solitary smoke alone fight off retreat before the enemy hundreds of you did it to protect the here are you the king of the three li also is only three miles enough is enough but why still call town did you ask me what is the mix Dun shook his head: I told you it was almost dark but you looked at the sky dark covered three li did not say what I didn’t see the real chaotic but it is far more complex than dark than dark to pure chaos is you eight miles of anger is a wind you endless journey ambition and black sand mixed with crazy with your desire to blow out the eight miles the wind condition of chaos here has not whine convolute sand is in the air Undead roaring through anger of the interest of the general life of the unfinished finally jianfeng eight miles beings contain blood pain swallowed their anger will they will never forgive that icy cold blade in the relentless death chaos they find the figure of the king to you exerting the curse of seven thousand I walk alone in the boundless chaos bears the demons to mental cutting fauchelevent volume step sand on a blade, blade mark or the body, after all Also of your soul your SINS you industry shall I again not countervail the eight miles I go silent go silent eventually go too exhausted to pour in the curse of sin in you let I can’t stand the body covered with sand layer upon layer I begin to ask yourself whether worth this line way through sand clearance vaguely saw the banyan tree birch I felt a hand can never hit a giant tree banyan fo you my return Lodge, after all, you can’t go back like this destruction destruction does not know how long the four white bird and blaring black crow name wind chung white bird fly fly for day become wind dust spreading frost wanli stone frozen ice injury white bird wings Li crow ice breaking three thousand fire burn a mill burnt out the shadow to Yang coma in the chaos I have cause may not be what he zen magic felt only the illusion of banyan birch giant flying under a white at the top of the tree Bird it covered everything I can order and then after they don’t know when I wake up in a piece of white white bird walking in sand step towards that distant place a seal of the entity memory surge king remember that with a close friend of you I don’t abandon your ears vaguely back white bird interjection white bird claw bills pointed glare at the blue eye water grazing can live six meters long pure white look clear in the one hundred draft Secular when her anger is a supernatural died after hundred years no one can keep a third and a white poetry yue “clashing of xi ling xi qing spirit relief xi resembles the secretly xi of evil ‘meeting is so casual bird sad cry of the sound of horns honking of cliff former ensemble mourning the king of heaven and earth lost everything and lost all the white bird the same rain lonely sound 3 3 birds cry the flute by everybody take the singing of birds Stop rain or cardiac arrest remains silent all the way at the end of the five has not silence is more tacit understanding in ten thousand after the soul of both meet if some words at the moment or like silent already know each other is read out a word nine sword sword from the sacred lake float brought all the glory of the moment as ever sword sank to the bottom will be the king of them all away as you stand in the lake raised high lift sword The mirror with a fierce fai twinkle trace infinite glory sacred lake outside station is full of your people look forward to the ten thousand maybe this is you you raise sword pledge with victory and joy no turbulent open sacred lake has sad no thing only sword sword vertical underground wedge off seeds growing ten thousand years later I a person standing in the land of the sacred lake hope in the boundless huge tree tree that is that I have seen you and me Banyan fo me to release your soul you have drawn the qingfengdian soul silk condensation cloud ring tree upwards if white slender flying finally disappeared in the rongping birch endless peak rongping birch all over the sky flying disc blue flowers smell fresh air wash the soul I touched the trunk perceive the life it beat the rhythm of the tree in the heart of the smashing of mana gradually the chaotic three thousands of miles long darkness cannot place of death Spirit into red mark shelter rongping birch I know this is the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen ten rongping birch a soul is carrying a elegy a soul with a legend in the specific time by looking back ZongWanNian few people will rebirth he who sees through the task finished I open my eyes back to king sword in front of the flame has been put out on the rod through the undead have anger and end-result soul tree birch guarded him Kingdom I return the sword to its master carry another soul and continue to write another song of the dead and what will be the scenery and what will be the legend this time

Excuse me, gentlemen, do you understand?

A,Flutter said :" You don't punctuate your writing. You said you couldn't understand it. You said it was messy.

Don’t question my writing skills. Writing fiction is a lot like programming: you have to understand the structure clearly

Then break down the hierarchy, analyze the relationship, how to make the objects cooperate and combine with each other. You think programming comes right out of the mouth? A component of a Flutter is like a paragraph. The presentation of the component is like the reader’s reading effect. You want the reader to understand, you don’t paragrapher, you don’t punctuate. Blame me a page screen you a component all contain, what things are put together, you are afraid is not still facing the process oh you can understand, can reuse is strange. Do you take a sword and stab someone with the hilt?

Youth, life is precious……

Second,Flutter says :" Encapsulate the Widget and break it up,ok? It's not gonna make you pregnant."

Dude, don’t start writing code. Put a Container, a Column, a Row on whatever interface you need

Start by analyzing which blocks are available, which components are highly available, and which are project specific. If you wrap it up, you’ll benefit a lot from later changes such as an AppBar search box that you plug into and add logic to handle listening throughout the Widget. You want to boil eight treasure congee, do not want to eat lotus seed pure taste. Users do not need lotus seeds, you pick out the lotus seeds one by one? Encapsulate a component and set it up as you go. If you don’t want one line of comment. If you want to modify it, go to a place that is responsible for this view. Bugs are easy to spot.

Three,"Stop asking about the difference between a StatefulWidget and a StatelessWidget," says Flutter. "Is your face flushed?"

Here is my own analogy, with stickers to show: only look, not move

Four,Flutter said :" You can't even touch the door of Flutter, but you still play state management? Can't play, everywhere refresh is my fault?"

A lot of people start playing Provider, Redux, Bloc. Dude, why do you need status management? What are you managing? Are you battling the air? Or do you write what other people write? When you refresh, you can say Provider garbage, Redux garbage, Bloc garbage, and Flutter garbage. Maybe you are not in the garbage can yourself. It’s not your fault you can’t use it, but it’s not your fault you can say it. Consider whether you are qualified to comment on what is good or bad. There are no bad tools, only bad people. They’re using six. If you’re not good at it, that only means that you’re…

Unless you are a developer of XXX, don’t bark randomly when you encounter some problems. We are all adults. Look at the problem comprehensively, deal with the problem and introspection first. Swearing doesn’t make any sense. No one will commemorate you “scold” how great, others in the true fragrance of the time, you just use your eyes…

Don’t touch state management in the first half of the month, make the layout 6, make asynchronous and streaming clear, file manipulation, network access done. The house hasn’t been built yet, and you’re wondering where your secret money is hidden? Perhaps the youth is now too impetuousness, always want to leap to the sky, 11 days to learn C++,21 days to master Java, a knife level 999, you are afraid that even the door did not touch! Programming is not the same as grammar, watching others is not the same as you know. Addicted to looking for shortcuts, looking for ways, wake up… One step at a time, is the shortest way.

If you want to learn, be willing to learn. Watch TV less lying in bed, play a few games, brush blog on the way, read the serious news, can not sleep at night, read advanced mathematics, discrete mathematics, help sleep. Wake up early in the morning, chaos, inspiration burst period, analyze the connection between things, the knowledge associated…… Think more, do more; Don’t just look with your eyes, listen with your ears……

The end of the

A lot of people ask “zhang Kou lei”, the correct way to open the question, you need to give:

2. Your understanding of the problem: When there is a problem, don't ask others first, ask yourself first, indicating that you have done this 3. Small demo after desensitization: Write a small demo to test, maybe the pot of your project. 4. If you feel the problem is too small to do the first three steps, solve it yourself.Copy the code

If you feel comfortable with the above four points, welcome to join:

Otherwise, there is no point in communicating with someone who is not devout enough to ask questions.

@ZhangFengjietele 2019.12.14 not allowed to transfer

My official number: King of programming contact me – email :[email protected] – wechat :zdl1994328 ~ END ~

Appendix, regular without punctuation: [,.?””(() “. ‘… ————;: “? >·\s]