A lot of things have good and bad in life, there are strong, also there, like shoes, there is normal, there is also a custom type, but they are of good quality and fit are different, so the UI designer, UI design industry has focused on friends may find that there are many design company has advanced the UI designer this position, however, What is a senior UI designer?

[General UI designer] : 1-3 years of experience; The color matching theory is weak; Art foundation is not good, for the basic three components of the study is not enough; Typesetting basically relies on reference; They don’t have their own understanding of interaction prototypes, just “optimize” them; Do not reflect, do not write summary, do not know how to share; Inability to solve team problems, lack of experience in handover, insufficient communication with R&D, and occasional delay of project cycle; Can’t give more than one set of visual scheme; Treat the modification points issued by the superior, not confident in their own manuscripts, often missed the optimal design; Wait for the task, do not take the initiative to self-study charging, firmly believe that: off work time also do extra design, is anti-human behavior, not human; The shortcomings are too numerous to list.

[Top UI designer] : Have solid color matching skills, can give the reason and meaning of such color matching, not easy to modify, but will always consciously optimize; Participate in the discussion of interaction prototypes, and the top UI must be a good interaction, or there wouldn’t be a product designer position in one; Strict handover process, complete materials (cut drawings, annotations, specifications, manuscript version number, etc.); Frequent communication, good gay friends with research and development, happy cooperation, understand the basic code knowledge and program operation mechanism, will not make difficult to achieve interaction effects; The visual scheme is diverse, and the top UI has the ability to reverse the product for the same competitive product. Yes, reverse; Top UIs are constantly recharging, constantly studying competing products, constantly learning from competing products, borrowing from them, and immediately surpassing them; Top UI is not easy to change jobs, if the team has problems, top UI will try to solve, do not abandon and do not give up, for the team has been trained, grateful; Top UI will actively help new people improve, regularly share ideas on blogs and design forums, give back to the community, and contribute to building a better design community.

Top designer don’t have any magic design method, also does not have the design of the super weapons, is person and person’s personality, habits, professional degree, the difference of the sense of responsibility, when you slowly accumulate, become mature at the same time also in active design circle, these qualities will be converted into your pattern, aura, personal charm.