
The K8S environment was used in the project, and every update was packaged as a Docker image and pushed to the Harbor warehouse. Previously, it was a full release, which meant replacing all the files to be updated locally and then re-mirroring the entire package.


  1. Sometimes a project is not maintained by only one person, and local files may not be the latest, so there is a risk of missing updates.
  2. Repackage the entire project each time, which is slow.


  1. Run the docker pull command docker pull to pull the image of the latest version from the server to the local PC
  2. Update and copy the latest local image.

Dockerfile contains the following contents:

The FROM / patrol - SVR/patrol - SVR: v1.01

COPY module /usr/local/pipenet-docker-patrol/module

Add module1 /usr/local/pipenet-docker-patrol/


The COPY command is used to COPY a file or folder to the corresponding path and replace the content of the file. The Add command adds a file or folder to the corresponding path.


The contents in the image cannot be deleted. To delete a file in the image, publish the file in full.