
The conversation practice training based on Kubernetes | Beijing station

This training includes: container features, mirroring, networking; Kubernetes architecture, core components, basic functions; Kubernetes design concept, architecture design, basic functions, common objects, design principles; Kubernetes database, runtime, network, plug-ins have been implemented experience; Microservices architecture, components, monitoring solutions, etc.

| Shanghai Kubernetes application of actual combat training

This training includes: container features, mirroring, networking; Docker features, architecture, components, concepts, Runtime; Docker security; The Docker practice; Kubernetes architecture, core components, basic functions; Kubernetes design concept, architecture design, basic functions, common objects, design principles; Kubernetes practice, runtime, network, plug-in has been implemented experience; Microservices architecture, DevOps, etc.


MongoDB Chinese Community Beijing Conference in 2018

Highlights: As an IT person, you’ll learn why MongoDB is the hottest and most in-demand skill in the market; This conference will help you gain new knowledge and skills in MongoDB and learn about emerging and cutting edge technologies; Database experts from various industries will come to Beijing Conference to bring you the latest and most practical first-hand dry goods and take you to meet the opportunities and challenges in the era of big data. In the q&A session set up on the spot, experienced masters in various fields will answer your questions and clarify your doubts; Conferences are a great way to advance your career by making new contacts. Throughout the event, the lucky draw allows you to enjoy the fun and take home our specially prepared limited edition gifts. This time, we also invited professionals from the banking industry to solve the problems you will encounter when buying a house loan, and tell you how to apply for a large consumer loan, mortgage and so on.

MongoDB Chinese Community

Wechat group sharing

There are CD practices in the Kubernetes container environment

Major cloud service providers and companies in the industry gradually choose Kubernetes and Docker as the preferred platforms for micro-service support. In order to better meet DevOps, we adopted Spinnaker, an open source framework, as A continuous delivery platform to complete rapid deployment, rollback, A/B testing, canary and other deployment modes of services. Meanwhile, we did multi-zone disaster recovery in production to better guarantee on-line services. If you want to join the group, please add liyingjiesd on wechat and note “Join the group”.


TGI Kubernetes 047: Networking with Cilium

Come hang out with Kris Nova as she does a bit of hands on hacking of Kubernetes and related topics. Some of this will be Kris talking about the things she knows. Some of this will be Kris exploring something new with the audience. Come join the fun, ask questions, comment, and participate in the live chat!


The open source project

Escalator: Atlassian’s open-source Kubernetes automated extension tool

Escalator is an upgrade of Kubernetes Escalator, open source by Atlassian and shared with the Kubernetes community. One of its main functions is to automatically expand containers by providing pre-detection of container pressure. And improve the cloud environment capacity reduction speed to save the company’s investment.

Atlassian’s official blog

The relevant books

Guide to Serverless Technologies

Experts and visionaries in distributed systems believe serverless technologies are the next evolution of application infrastructure beyond microservices. Leading edge companies have already embraced serverless and have dramatically reduced operational overhead and streamlined the DevOps cycle, while increasing scalability and resiliency. Still, there are many challenges to serverless adoption, such as operational control, complexity and monitoring.

The New Stack

Learning tutorial

Didi Elastic Cloud Kubernetes practice

Currently, Kubetnetes has become the industry standard in the field of container choreography, and more and more companies choose to use Kubernetes to build their container cloud platforms. This sharing mainly introduces some practical experience and lessons of Didi Elastic Cloud in the process of creating enterprise private cloud around Kubernetes, and provides some inspiration and help for friends who are also walking on the road of enterprise cloud transformation.

Kubernetes Administrator’s 11 security catechisms

A post on the Kubernetes blog about best practices in Kubernetes security protection.

Kubernetes official blog

Practice of microservice containerization based on Spring Cloud

In recent years, the rapid development of the Internet has also promoted the rapid landing of cloud computing, big data and artificial intelligence, and the value of data itself has also been improved. The development of Internet puts forward higher requirements for application development. First of all, with the increase in the magnitude and efficiency of data collection, the traditional single architecture will have bottlenecks. Second, the demand for data connectivity must ensure high performance, high security and high standards for data docking. Using a microservices architecture solves most of the pain points.

How does Youzan manage its development test environment efficiently?

The importance of the environment for a rapidly iterating e-commerce company goes without saying; How to make the environment efficiently, meet the needs of multiple projects concurrently to environment, saving the cost of environment machine, establish environmental standard system, this is not a few people, but the framework group, the operations group, development, testing, PM all the result of joint efforts, the process is not plain sailing, have praised on this road through a lot of pit, Today I would like to share our experience with you.

Have a great coder

Seven important Serverless o&M tools

While Serverless is far from a mature technology market, it is growing rapidly, and as infrastructure is handed over to cloud providers for management, Serverless becomes unpredictable and difficult to monitor, which is why DevOps is an early leader in the Serverless ecosystem.

The New Stack

Recommend 30 top tools for microservices

Keep in mind that no tool can provide a one-stop solution for microservices. In his article “Three Elements of microservices Architecture”, Mike Amundsen points out that there are three key factors that determine the successful implementation of microservices: communication, team and innovation. Of these three factors, communication is undoubtedly the most indispensable one. There are a number of tools available for building microservices, most of which are free and can be used to perform specific tasks, while some offer a fee-for-service capability.

Efficient development and operation

Use ELK to build a logging platform for microservices

This article mainly introduces the elK-based logging platform construction, which is only the most basic architecture, of course, it is not only suitable for springCloud-based microservices architecture. As the service volume increases, the system can evolve to adapt to more service architectures, process massive logs, and extract more information from log data based on service requirements.
