This is the 8th day of my participation in the August More Text Challenge. For details, see:August is more challenging

【Docker series 】 Docker learning six, data volume container


Dockerfile is the build file used to build the Docker image. We will talk about Dockerfile in detail in the next issue, and use it here first

It is a command script, through which we can generate the mirror we want, the mirror is layered, layer by layer, the script is also a command, each command is a layer

We can look at a small example

Write your own Dockerfile to build your own image, using Ubuntu as an example

Write a simple dockerFile1

# vim dockerfile1

FROM ubuntu

VOLUME ["volume1","volume2"]

CMD echo "====successfully===="

CMD /bin/bash
Copy the code

To explain:

  • FROM

Source Base image is Ubuntu


Mount, can be anonymous or named mount, by default will mount to docker mounted directories

  • CMD

Specify that commands can be used

Build our own mirror image

# docker build -f dockerfile1 -t xiaomotong/ubuntu .Sending Build Context to Docker Daemon 1.346GB Step 1/4: FROM Ubuntu ---> 1318b700e415
Step 2/4 : VOLUME ["volume1","volume2"]
 ---> Running in d7b475cacb22
Removing intermediate container d7b475cacb22
 ---> b8ac33cfbcfd
Step 3/4 : CMD echo "====successfully===="
 ---> Running in 35c98a625a9e
Removing intermediate container 35c98a625a9e
 ---> 67b6faf43370
Step 4/4 : CMD /bin/bash
 ---> Running in b2e1e0ad8d9b
Removing intermediate container b2e1e0ad8d9b
 ---> b26faaedefac
Successfully built b26faaedefac
Successfully tagged xiaomotong/ubuntu:latest
Copy the code

From the above, we can see that docker builds the image layer by layer, and one command is executed by one command, and one command is one layer

  • docker build

Build our own mirror image

  • -f

The file that specifies dockerfile

  • -t

The target is the name of our Docker image

This is followed by the position where the mirror was generated

Start the container by creating the image we built

# docker images
REPOSITORY            TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
xiaomotong/ubuntu     latest    b26faaedefac   6 minutes ago   72.8MB

# docker run -it b26faaedefac
Copy the code

After executing the above command, we can see the following directory inside the container:

We can see that volume1 and Volume2 are the anonymous mounts we just made to build the container, so we can use the Docker inspect command to see exactly where the two volumes are mounted to the host and test a synchronization

# docker inspect b29995f4178d. "Mounts": [ { "Type": "volume", "Name": "a1fd1edec5784f1153a318003bba4279b86fd2dd71b401be5864ed9b868d7332", "Source": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/a1fd1edec5784f1153a318003bba4279b86fd2dd71b401be5864ed9b868d7332/_data", "Destination": "volume1", "Driver": "local", "Mode": "", "RW": true, "Propagation": "" }, { "Type": "volume", "Name": "975ae74c8716f5e85ccf784c716291cffda2158baf6b3f9e145ffc1ea353cb7b", "Source": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/975ae74c8716f5e85ccf784c716291cffda2158baf6b3f9e145ffc1ea353cb7b/_data", "Destination": "volume2", "Driver": "local", "Mode": "", "RW": true, "Propagation": "" } ], ...Copy the code

Docker Inspect shows this Volume1 and volume2 concrete is mounted to the host machine directory to/var/lib/docker/volumes/a1fd1edec5784f1153a318003bba4279b86fd2dd71b401be5864ed9b868d7332 / _da Ta, and the var/lib/docker/volumes / 975 ae74c8716f5e85ccf784c716291cffda2158baf6b3f9e145ffc1ea353cb7b / _data while forming

Let’s create a file in the container mount and test whether we can synchronize data

Create a file xiaomotong. TXT in volume1 and write the string Hello world

root@b29995f4178d:/# cd volume1 root@b29995f4178d:/volume1# echo hello world >> xiaomotong.txt root@b29995f4178d:/volume1# ll total 12 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Aug 5 15:01 ./ drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Aug 5 Hold.. / -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12 Aug 5 15:01 xiaomotong.txtCopy the code

Check the mount directory of the host to check whether data is synchronized

root@iZuf66y3tuzn4wp3h02t7pZ:/var/lib/docker/volumes/a1fd1edec5784f1153a318003bba4279b86fd2dd71b401be5864ed9b868d7332/_d ata# ls xiaomotong.txt root@iZuf66y3tuzn4wp3h02t7pZ:/var/lib/docker/volumes/a1fd1edec5784f1153a318003bba4279b86fd2dd71b401be5864ed9b868d7332/_d ata# cat xiaomotong.txt hello worldCopy the code

Ok, nice

So have we ever thought about how to synchronize data between a container and a container while synchronizing data between a container and a host?

Data volume container

The data volume container, such as container 1, is mounted to a directory on container 2 using the -volumes-from command. Then container 2 is the parent container and data is synchronized between the two containers, which is the data volume container

Here’s a quick example:

Made of mirror, so we just create 2 container, first create docker2, create docker1, and docker1 mounted onto docker2, and docker2 mounted directory, volume1 inside to create a file, xiaomotong. TXT. Let’s verify that docker1 volume1 also has this file

# docker images
REPOSITORY            TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
xiaomotong/ubuntu     latest    b26faaedefac   38 minutes ago   72.8MB

# docker run -it --name docker2 b26faaedefac
# docker run -it --name docker1 --volumes-from docker2 b26faaedefac
Copy the code

B26faaedefac is the ID of the image we made ourselves

Basically using the –volumes-from command, we were able to mount both containers


root@3ed3ca51118f:/volume1# ls
root@3ed3ca51118f:/volume1# touch xiaomotong.txt
Copy the code


root@e9e1a0c46331:/volume1# ls
Copy the code

Sure enough, the two containers synchronize data with each other

In the example above, not only do two containers mount to synchronize data, but also multiple containers mount to the same effect, for example, another container docker3 mount to docker2, also the same effect

So how do they synchronize data?

The principle of data synchronization between containers is by copying. For example, if a file 2 is created on the mount above docker2, docker1 mounts docker2 at this time, that is to say, docker2 is the parent container, then docker1 will copy file 2 to its corresponding mount

Conversely, if Docker1 creates file 1 on its own mount, file 1 will also be copied by Docker2 on its own mount

If we delete docker2 at this point, will the files mounted by Docker1 be lost?

The answer is no, because they do it by copying, not sharing a copy

So let’s go back to the last issue when we created the mysql container. If we created multiple containers, it would be easy to synchronize their data and delete one container without losing data

Such as:

#Docker run -d -p 888:3306 -v /etc/mysq/conf. d -v /var/lib/mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=123456 --name mysql1 mysql:5.7 docker run -d -p 888:3306 -v /etc/mysq/conf

#docker run -d -p 8888:3306 -v /etc/mysql/conf.d -v /var/lib/mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=123456 --name mysql2 - volumes - from mysql1 mysql: 5.7
Copy the code

So let’s summarize

The data volume container is used to transfer configuration information between containers, and the life cycle of the data volume lasts until no containers are used

Even if we no longer use the data volume container, the data persisted to the local host will not be deleted


docker docs

Welcome to like, follow and collect

Dear friends, your support and encouragement are the motivation for me to keep sharing and improve the quality

All right, that’s it for this time

Technology is open, our mentality, should be more open. Embrace change, live in the sun, and strive to move forward.

I am nezha, welcome to like the collection, see you next time ~