I. The meaning of Docker
1. Docker engine unified the infrastructure environment — Docker environment
- The hardware configuration
- Operating System Version
- Heterogeneity of the runtime environment
2. Docker engine unified the program packaging (packing) method – Docker image
- Java program
- A Python program
- Nodejs program
3. Docker engine unified the program deployment mode — Docker container
- Java – jar – docker run
- Python manage.py runserver → docker run
- NPM run dev → Docker run
2. Disadvantages of Docker
- Click Use, the cluster is unavailable
- As the number of containers increases, administrative costs climb
- There is no effective disaster recovery or self-healing mechanism
- Fast large-scale container scheduling cannot be implemented without a preset choreographer template
- There is no unified configuration manager tool
- There is no container lifecycle management tool
- There is no graphical operation and maintenance management tool
2.2 Container Choreography tools
- docker compose/docker searm
- Mesosphere + Marahton
- Kubernetes(K8S)
The foundation of Docker
- Software with environment installation (Docker image)
- Technology based on the GO language,
Disadvantages of virtual machines
- High resource occupancy
- Honors steps
- Slow start
Docker has three major features
- The mirror
- The container
- warehouse