This article is based on Redhat Linux 7.3. Docker 18.

Writing in the front

Docker CE does not support Redhat by default, so if you want to install in Redhat, you can use static binary packages. This is my conclusion after trying RPM many times. 32-bit operating systems are not supported in this manner. This method is only to be able to run Docker in the test environment, the real production environment, we suggest that you still use Docker supported operating system or choose the enterprise version.

Static binary daemons support only Linux (Dockerd) and clients support Linux and Mac (Docker).

System requirements

The installation must meet the following requirements:

  • 64-bit operating system
  • Linux kernel 3.1 and above
  • The iptables version is 1.4 or later
  • Git version 1.7 or later
  • A ps executable, usually provided by procps or a similar package.
  • XZ Utils 4.9 or higher
  • A properly mounted cgroupfs hierarchy; a single, all-encompassing cgroup mount point is not sufficient.

The installation

Download the required version of the TGZ file from here. 2. Decompress the file

[root@devops-102 ~]# tar - XVZF docker - 18.03.1 - ce. TGZ
Copy the code

3. Move the file to excutable path. This step is optional. You can also add the decompression PATH to the PATH variable.

$ sudo cp docker/* /usr/bin/
Copy the code

Sock API listen on /var/run/docker. Sock is displayed, indicating that docker is running. 4. Start Dockerd

$ sudo dockerd &
Copy the code

5, validation,

$ sudo docker run hello-world
Copy the code

Can see the output Hello from Docker! With respect to OK.

The resources

  1. Install Docker CE from binaries