1. Download the image
Docker pull xuxueli/XXL – job – admin: 2.2.0
2. View the mirror
docker images
3. Initialize the database
Mysql script: https://github.com/xuxueli/xxl-job/blob/2.2.0/doc/db/tables\_xxl\_job.sql
4. Configure Host
5. Start the mirror
docker run -e PARAMS=”–spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://jeecg-boot-mysql:3306/xxl_job? Unicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&useSSL=false –spring.datasource.username=root –spring.datasource.password=root –xxl.admin.login=false” ^
-p 9080:8080 –name xxl-job-admin ^
– d xuxueli/XXL – job – admin: 2.2.0
Change the database link to your own configuration
- Access Management Background admin / 123456
- Create executors and timed tasks