Docker containers connect to communicate with each other

Port mapping is not the only way to connect a Docker to another container.

Docker has a connection system that allows multiple containers to connect together and share connection information.

A Docker connection creates a parent-child relationship where the parent container can see the child’s information.

When we create a container, Docker automatically names it. Alternatively, we can use the –name identifier to name the container, for example:

runoob@runoob:~$  docker run -d -P --name runoob training/webapp python
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We can use the docker ps command to view the container name.

runoob@runoob:~$ docker ps -l
CONTAINER ID     IMAGE            COMMAND           ...    PORTS                     NAMES
43780a6eabaa     training/webapp   "python". - > 5000 / TCP runoobCopy the code

Create a new Docker network.

$ docker network create -d bridge test-net
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Parameter Description:

-d: Specifies the Docker network type, including bridge and overlay.

The overlay network type is used in Swarm mode, which you can ignore in this section.

Connect container Run a container and connect to the new test-net network:

$ docker run -itd --name test1 --network test-net ubuntu /bin/bash
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Open a new terminal, run another container and join the test-net network:

$ docker run -itd --name test2 --network test-net ubuntu /bin/bash
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Test1 and test2 are connected by ping.

If no ping command is used to ping test1 or test2, run the following command to ping the test1 or test2 containers.

apt-get update
apt install iputils-ping
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Enter the following command in the test1 container:

Click on the image to see a larger version: