Go directly to the docker-composer. Yml file

Version: "3.0" Networks: Kong: Driver: Bridge Services: Postgres: image: Postgres :11.11 #tag higher than 12 konga-prepare Error message restart: always container_name: postgres hostname: postgres ports: - 5432:5432 environment: - "POSTGRES_USER=postgres" - "POSTGRES_DB=kong" - "POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres" volumes: - / var/docker - compose - config/kong: / var/lib/postgresql/data networks: - initialize tables kong kong # perform database migration - migration: image: Kong :2.3 Command: "kong migrations bootstrap" container_name: kong-migration hostname: kong-migration restart: on-failure links: - "postgres:postgres" environment: - "KONG_DATABASE=postgres" - "KONG_PG_USER=postgres" - "KONG_PG_DATABASE=kong" - "KONG_PG_HOST=postgres" - "KONG_PG_PASSWORD=postgres" - "KONG_CASSANDRA_CONTACT_POINTS=postgres" depends_on: - postgres networks: - kong kong: Image: Kong :2.3 restart: always container_name: Kong hostname: kong links: - "postgres:postgres" environment: - "KONG_DATABASE=postgres" - "KONG_PG_USER=postgres" - "KONG_PG_DATABASE=kong" - "KONG_PG_HOST=postgres" - "KONG_PG_PASSWORD=postgres" - "KONG_CASSANDRA_CONTACT_POINTS=postgres" - "KONG_PROXY_LISTEN=" - "KONG_PROXY_LISTEN_SSL=" - "KONG_ADMIN_LISTEN=" Depends_on: - Postgres-kong-migration ports: - 8001:8001 - 8000:8000 - 8443:8443 depends_on: - postgres networks: - kong konga-prepare: image: Pantsel /konga:0.14.9 #postgresql://postgres[user]:postgres[password]@postgres[IP]:5432/kong command: "-c prepare -a postgres -u postgresql://postgres:postgres@postgres:5432/kong" restart: on-failure container_name: konga-prepare hostname: konga-prepare environment: - "DB_ADAPTER=postgres" - "DB_HOST=postgres" - "DB_PORT=5432" - "DB_USER=postgres" - "DB_PASSWORD=postgres" - "DB_DATABASE=kong" - "NODE_ENV=development" links: - "postgres:postgres" depends_on: -postgres-kong-migration Networks: -kong konga: image: pantsel/konga:0.14.9 restart: always container_name: konga hostname: konga environment: - "DB_ADAPTER=postgres" - "DB_HOST=postgres" - "DB_PORT=5432" - "DB_USER=postgres" - "DB_PASSWORD=postgres" - "DB_DATABASE=kong" - "NODE_ENV=development" links: - "postgres:postgres" depends_on: - kong - konga-prepare - postgres - kong-migration ports: - "1337:1337" networks: - kongCopy the code