
A basic introduction to docker for docker-compose installation is beyond the scope of this article.

This article is basically a strict English-Chinese translation of the Docker-compose YAML file format. I did this yesterday because I thought of scanning the docker-compose layout for how to use ${PWD}. The Chinese version was not helpful, but the official website finally solved my ambiguity. Therefore, I think a rigorous translation and explanation should be made to explain the details of docker-compose arrangement.

Below, we will focus on the details of version 3 of the Docker-compose orchestration file format.

Reading this article, you should have a basic understanding of Docker-compose, or at least a basic understanding of the early (version 2) choreography format.

About the authorization

Translation from belong to the original docs.docker.com/compose/com… .

https://github.com/hedzr/docker-compose-file-format translation itself by MIT (ignoring hedzr. Making. IO platform level permission notice, follow the repo itself statements) distribution.

V3.8 instructions

Last time I did an old translation: docker-compose Choreography guide (V3.7). This is based on V3.7. This translation is an update to it. I have to say, it’s a little annoying.

Choreography version 3


Version 3 is the format docker-Compose has supported since docker-Engine 1.13. Before this, Docker launched swarm Mode in 1.12 to build virtual computing resources in a virtual network, and greatly improved docker’s network and storage support.

The following table (from the official website) provides a clear contrast between docker-compose and Docker-engine.

Compose file format Docker Engine release
3.8 19.03.0 +
3.7 18.06.0 +
3.6 18.02.0 +
3.5 17.12.0 +
3.4 17.09.0 +
3.3 17.06.0 +
3.2 17.04.0 +
3.1 1.13.1 +
3.0 1.13.0 +
2.4 17.12.0 +
2.3 17.06.0 +
2.2 1.13.0 +
2.1 1.12.0 +
2.0 1.10.0 +
1.0 1.9.1. +

 specially add 

Choreograph file structures with examples

Here is a sample of a typical file structure for version 3+ :

version: "3.7" # No problem for V3.8

    image: redis:alpine
      - "6379"
      - frontend
      replicas: 2
        parallelism: 2
        delay: 10s
        condition: on-failure

    image: Postgres: 9.4
      - db-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      - backend
        constraints: [node.role = = manager]

    image: dockersamples/examplevotingapp_vote:before
      - "5000:80"
      - frontend
      - redis
      replicas: 2
        parallelism: 2
        condition: on-failure

    image: dockersamples/examplevotingapp_result:before
      - "5001:80"
      - backend
      - db
      replicas: 1
        parallelism: 2
        delay: 10s
        condition: on-failure

    image: dockersamples/examplevotingapp_worker
      - frontend
      - backend
      mode: replicated
      replicas: 1
      labels: [APP=VOTING]
        condition: on-failure
        delay: 10s
        max_attempts: 3
        window: 120s
        constraints: [node.role = = manager]

    image: dockersamples/visualizer:stable
      - "8080:8080"
    stop_grace_period: 1m30s
      - "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock"
        constraints: [node.role = = manager]


Copy the code

In this sample, the top-level structure consists of version, Services, Networks, Volumes, and so on. This is not drastically different from version 2.

In the Services section, you can define several services, each of which typically runs a container, that constitute an overall stack of facilities, or cluster of services.

Generally we arrange a bunch of miscellaneous things, such as a bunch of microservices, into a service stack, so that they are served as a whole, so as not to expose the details, but also to enhance the architectural design flexibility and scale the entire service stack (rather than dealing with a large number of microservices).

[Dockerfile] aboutENTRYPOINTCMD

Docker RUN vs CMD vs ENTRYPOINT – Go in Big Data

In a nutshell
  • RUN executes command(s) in a new layer and creates a new image. E.g., it is often used for installing software packages.
  • CMD sets default command and/or parameters, which can be overwritten from command line when docker container runs.
  • ENTRYPOINT configures a container that will run as an executable.

Discuss these three commands in Dockerfile:

First, RUN does not consider its use as executing a Shell instruction.

CMD and ENTRYPOING are similar but actually different: CMD specifies the default command and its command-line arguments, or the end of the command-line arguments, and can be overridden when the container is started (as specified by an external command line). ENTRYPOINT specifies the start command when the container is run, with command-line arguments. This command, when actually executed, appends the content specified by CMD as the end of its command line.

Typical usage

So an idiom is:

ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/echo"."Hello"]
CMD ["world"]
Copy the code

The effect of executing the container then looks like this:

$ docker run -it test-container
Hello world
$ docker run -it test-container David
Hello David
Copy the code

For your container

So for custom containers, the path to your main application can be used as an ENTRYPOINT while providing default arguments in CMD:

ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/app/my-app"]
CMD ["--help"]
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This will wrap your My-app like an exposed tool, showing its help screen by default, and you can specify parameters to run your my-App:

$ docker run -it my-app-container
[... helpscreen here ... ] $docker run -it my-app-container server run --foreground [my-app run --foreground]Copy the code


[Dockerfile] Build multiple times

Multiple builds are typically used for CI/CD.

For example, step 0 could be named Builder to compile from source to object file, while Step 1 would extract the object file from Step 0 for deployment packaging and generate the final container image, and then the middle layer of Step 0 would be discarded (only not packaged in the result container, In fact, these middle layers still exist in the Docker build cache and can be reused). These middle layers do not appear in the final container image, thus effectively reducing the size of the final container image, and the result is also semantically and logically self-consistent.

FROM Golang: 1.7.3 AS builder
WORKDIR /go/src/github.com/alexellis/href-counter/
RUN go get -d -v golang.org/x/net/html  
COPY app.go    .
RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -a -installsuffix cgo -o app .

FROM alpine:latest  
RUN apk --no-cache add ca-certificates
WORKDIR /root/
COPY --from=builder /go/src/github.com/alexellis/href-counter/app .
CMD ["./app"]  
Copy the code

Formatting manual –serviceConfigure the reference

The following is a chapter structure of the reference manual. We list the instructions for service orchestration in alphabetical order, such as ports, Volumes, CMD, entry, and so on.

The Compose file is a YAML text file that defines service, networks, and volumes. By default docker-compose uses and retriys./ docker-comemess. yml files and interprets them.

Tip: You can always use.yml or.yaml as suffixes for this script file, and both will work correctly.

The configuration of a Service contains several definitions that specify how to run a container as a service, and these definitions are actually passed to Docker Run as part of its command-line arguments. In the same way, the definition of networks, volumes and so on adopts the same principle to affect the actual operation of commands such as Docker Network create or Docker volume Create.

You can use environment variables in configuration definition values, they have a similar syntax to BASH VARIABLE substitution, you can use ${VARIABLE}, see the VARIABLE substitution section for an in-depth discussion.

All valid service configuration items are listed in the following section.


This option is used to build.

Build can be a path string pointing to the build context, for example:

version: "3.8"
    build: ./dir
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Or it could be a more detailed definition. This includes the path specified by the context item, as well as the optional dockerFile and the build parameter args:

version: "3.8"
      context: ./dir
      dockerfile: Dockerfile-alternate
        buildno: 1
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If you specify an image as well as a build, the result of the build will be marked with the appropriate name, just as docker build-t container-name:tag dir does:

    build: "./dir"
    image: "Company/webapp: v1.1.9"
Copy the code

With YAML, a safe way to avoid ambiguity is to enclose strings in quotes.

In the example above, the build context is found in the./dir folder (the default is to find the Dockerfile), the build is completed, and it is marked with the company/ WebApp name and v1.1.9 Tag.

NOTE When used in docker Stack deployment scenarios:

The build option is ignored.


This can be a folder containing a Dockerfile or a URL pointing to a Git Repository.

If a relative path is specified, it is relative to the docker-comemage.yml file. This path is also passed to the Docker Daemon for building.

Docker-compose initiates the build action and marks the build result (by image name), and then uses it by the corresponding name.

  context: ./dir
Copy the code


You can specify a different file name than the default Dockerfile for the build. Note that you must also specify a path to the context:

      context: .
      dockerfile: Dockerfile-alternate
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Specify build parameters. This usually refers to parameters used at build time (see ARG in Dockerfile).

Here’s a quick overview:

First, specify parameters in Dockerfile:

ARG buildno
ARG gitcommithash

RUN echo "Build number: $buildno"
RUN echo "Based on commit: $gitcommithash"
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Then specify the actual value of the build argument (either a Map or an array is fine) :

    context: .
      buildno: 1
      gitcommithash: cdc3b19
Copy the code


  context: .
    - buildno=1
    - gitcommithash=cdc3b19
Copy the code

NOTE: In a Dockerfile, if you specify an ARG before a FROM, the ARG is invalid for subsequent FROM closures.

Multiple FROM cuts out multiple constructed closures.

For the ARG to be valid in every FROM closure, you need to specify it in every closure.

There is a more detailed discussion in Understand how ARGS and FROM interact.

You can skip explicitly specifying build parameters. At this point, the actual value of this parameter depends on the build-time runtime environment.

    - buildno
    - gitcommithash
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NOTE: YAML boilers (true, false, yes, no, on, off) must be enclosed in quotes for docker-compose to handle correctly.


Since v3.2

Specifies a list of images for caching resolution.

  context: .
    - alpine:latest
    - Corp/web_app: 3.14
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Since v3.3

Add metadata labels, either an array or a dictionary, to the built image.

We recommend using the reverse DNS annotated prefix to prevent your tag from colliding with the user’s tag:

  context: .
    com.example.description: "Accounting webapp"
    com.example.department: "Finance"
    com.example.label-with-empty-value: ""

# anothor example
  context: .
    - "com.example.description=Accounting webapp"
    - "com.example.department=Finance"
    - "com.example.label-with-empty-value"
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Since v3.4

Sets the network to link to during the RUN build, which will also be used to query and extract dependent containers.

  context: .
  network: host
  context: .
  network: custom_network_1
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Set to None to disable network query and extraction at build time:

  context: .
  network: none
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Since v3.5

Set the /dev/shm partition size for the build container. The integer format is expressed in bytes, but a string value can also be used:

  context: .
  shm_size: '2gb'

  context: .
  shm_size: 10000000
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Since v3.4

Build definitions and specific stages in dockerfiles, see multi-stage Build docs:

  context: .
  target: prod
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Add or remove Linux capabilities for containers. For a complete listing, see Man 7 Capabilities.

  - ALL

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NOTE: These options are ignored when deploying a stack to Swarm Mode.

See also debug a stack in swarm mode

The Linux capability mechanism is largely a security mechanism. The specific meaning, usage and extension belong to the category of Linux operating system and will not be described again.


Optionally, specify a parent Cgroup for the container. Cgroup is also one of the most important basic concepts in Linux containerization implementations.

cgroup_parent: m-executor-abcd
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NOTE: These options are ignored when deploying a stack to Swarm Mode.

See also debug a stack in swarm mode


Override the default commands in the container.

command: bundle exec thin -p 3000
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Command can also be specified as a list. In fact, this is the preferred way, unambiguous and secure, and consistent with the format in dockerfile:

command: ["bundle", "exec". "thin". "-p". "3000"]
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Provide specific access to Config for each service.

A config contains a set of configuration information that can be created in a variety of ways. Deployment of containers that reference these configurations can better address issues such as production environment parameters. On the other hand, sensitive information can be isolated into a secure area, reducing the possibility of leakage to some extent.

NOTE: The specified configuration must already exist or be defined in the top-level Configs configuration. Otherwise the deployment of the entire container stack will fail.

Two different syntax variant formats are supported. Refer to configS for more information.

The short format

Specify only the configuration name. The container can then access the configuration /

version: "3.8"
    image: redis:latest
      replicas: 1
      - my_config
      - my_other_config
    file: ./my_config.txt
    external: true
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The example above defines references to my_config and my_other_config in the redis container service using a short format. Here my_config is specified as a host file./my_config.txt, and my_other_config is specified as an external (resource), which means that the corresponding resource is already defined in the Docker. It may be created by docker Config Create, or by another container stack deployment.

If the external resource is not found, the container stack deployment will fail and a config not found error will be thrown.

Note: The config definition is only supported in the Docker-compose format in V3.3 and later.

Long format

The long format provides more information about where a config can be found and how it can be used:

  • Source: configuration name

  • Target: The path to which the configuration will be mounted in the container. Defaults to / < source >

  • Uid & GID: Linux/Unix uid and GID with numeric values, 0 if not specified. Windows does not support it.

  • Mode: indicates the file permission in base 8. The default value is 0444.

    Configurations are not writable because they are mounted on a temporary file system. So if you set write permission, this will be ignored.

    The executable bit can be set.

The following example is similar to the short format example:

version: "3.8"
    image: redis:latest
      replicas: 1
      - source: my_config
        target: /redis_config
        uid: '103'
        gid: '103'
        mode: 0440
    file: ./my_config.txt
    external: true
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In this case, the redis container service does not access my_other_config.

You can authorize a service to access multiple configurations, and you can mix long and short formats.

Defining a config (at the top level) does not imply that a service will be able to access it.


Specify a custom container name instead of docker-compose itself generating a default one.

container_name: my-web-container
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Since Docker container names must be unique, you cannot scale a service with a custom container name.

NOTE: These options are ignored when deploying a stack to Swarm Mode.

See also debug a stack in swarm mode


Since v3.3

The gMSA (Group Managed Service Account) mode is supported from V3.8.

Configure credentials for managed service accounts. This option is only available for Windows container services. Only file://

or registry://

can be used for credential_spce.

When using file:, the referenced file must be placed under the CredentialSpec subdirectory of the Docker data folder (usually C: ProgramData Docker\). The following example will load credential information from C: ProgramData Docker CredentialSpecs my-credential-sp:

  file: my-credential-spec.json
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When registry: is used, credential information will be read in from Windows Registry on the Docker Daemon host. A registry entry must be located at:

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Virtualization\Containers\CredentialSpecs
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The following example reads the value of the my-credential-spec registry key:

  registry: my-credential-spec
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GMSA configuration example

When configuring gMSA credentials for a service, consider the following example:

version: "3.8"
    image: myimage:latest
      config: my_credential_spec

    file: ./my-credential-spec.json|
Copy the code


Represents dependencies between services. Service dependencies cause the following behavior:

  • docker-compose upStart services in order of dependency. In the following example,dbredisbeforewebBe started.
  • docker-compose up SERVICEAutomatically includedSERVICEThe dependency of. In the following example,docker-compose up webIt will start automaticallydbredis.
  • docker-compose stopStop services in order of dependency. In the following example,webWill be precededdbredisBe stopped.

A simple example is as follows:

version: "3.8"
    build: .
      - db
      - redis
    image: redis
    image: postgres
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A few things to note when using Depends_on:

  • Depends_on does not mean to start the Web after DB and Redis are ready, but after they are started. If you want to wait until the service is ready to be used, see Controlling Startup Order.

  • Version 3 no longer supports the condition statement.

  • The depends_on option is ignored when deployed to Swarm Mode.

    See also debug a stack in swarm mode


Version 3 only.

Specify configurations related to deployment and runtime.

This will only affect swarm deployed to a docker stack deploy.

Docker-compose up and docker-compose run are ignored.

version: "3.8"
    image: redis:alpine
      replicas: 6
        parallelism: 2
        delay: 10s
        condition: on-failure
Copy the code

Several suboptions are available:



Since Version 3.2.

Specifies the service discovery method to use when external clients connect to a Swarm cluster.

  • Endpoint_mode: VIP-docker requests a virtual IP (VIP) for access for the service.

    Docker automatically loads and balances requests between the client and the valid working nodes of the service. The client does not need to know how many nodes are available for the service, nor the IP address or port number of the service node.

    This is the default.

  • Endpoint_mode: DNSRR – Uses the DNS round-robin (DNSRR) algorithm to discover services. Docker sets a DNS entry for the service and returns a list of IP addresses by service name during DNS resolution. The client therefore directly selects a specific endpoint for access.

version: "3.8"

    image: wordpress
      - "8080:80"
      - overlay
      mode: replicated
      replicas: 2
      endpoint_mode: vip

    image: mysql
       - db-data:/var/lib/mysql/data
       - overlay
      mode: replicated
      replicas: 2
      endpoint_mode: dnsrr


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The endpoint_mode option is similarly used as a swarm mode command-line option (see Docker service Create). For a quick list of docker swarm commands, check out swarm Mode CLI Commands.

To learn more about Swarm Mode’s network model and service discovery mechanism, see Configure Service Discovery.


Specify a label for the service. These labels are only applied to the corresponding service and are not applied to the container or container instance of the service.

version: "3.8"
    image: web
        com.example.description: "This label will appear on the web service"
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To set labels for containers, specify labels for services outside deploy:

version: "3.8"
    image: web
      com.example.description: "This label will appear on all containers for the web service"
Copy the code


It can be global or replicated. Global means strictly a swarm node running a service, replicated means multiple container instances can be run. The default is replicated.

See Replicated and Global Services under swarm.

version: "3.8"
    image: dockersamples/examplevotingapp_worker
      mode: global
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Specify aints and preferences.

See the documentation created by the Docker service for more information about constraints and [Preferences], including a complete description of the corresponding syntax, the types available, and so on.

version: "3.8"
    image: postgres
          - node.role = = manager
          - engine.labels.operatingsystem = = ubuntu 14.04
          - spread: node.labels.zone
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Since version 3.8.

If a service is replicable (which is the default), max_replicas_per_node will limit the number of replicas.

A no suitable node (Max replicas per node limit exceed) error will be thrown when too many tasks request new task nodes and the max_replicas_per_node limit is exceeded.

version: "3.8"
    image: dockersamples/examplevotingapp_worker
      - frontend
      - backend
      mode: replicated
      replicas: 6
        max_replicas_per_node: 1
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If the service is replicated, Replicas assigns it a number indicating how many container instances can run on a swarm node.

version: "3.7"
    image: dockersamples/examplevotingapp_worker
      - frontend
      - backend
      mode: replicated
      replicas: 6
Copy the code


Configure resource constraints.

NOTE: For non-swarm mode, This entry replaces older resource constraint options (such as CPU_shares, CPU_quota, CPUSet, mem_limit, memSWAP_limit, Entries such as mem_swappiness in versions before version 3).

Upgrade version 2. X to upgrade version 3.

Each of these resource constraint entries has a single value, equivalent to the docker Service Create equivalent.

In the following example, the Redis service is constrained to not use more than 50M memory, 50% CPU usage for single core, and reserves 20M memory and 25% CPU usage as the baseline.

version: "3.8"
    image: redis:alpine
          cpus: '0.50'
          memory: 50M
          cpus: '0.25'
          memory: 20M
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The following topics describe the available options for service or container resource constraints in swarm scenarios.

Out Of Memory Exceptions (OOME)

You will get an Out Of Memory Exception (OOME) if you attempt to use more Memory than the system has in your service and container instances. At this point, container instances, or Docker Daemons, may be cleared by the kernel’s OOM manager.

To prevent this from happening, make sure your application uses memory efficiently and legally. For such risks, see Understand the Risks of Running out of Memory for further assessment tips.


Indicates how to restart a container instance when it exits. Replace the restart:

  • condition: can I do fornone.on-failureany(the default isany)
  • delay: Wait time before trying to restart (default: 0). One should be specified for itduration.
  • max_attempts: How many times does the restart attempt have to be aborted. The default value is never give up.
  • window: Duration of waiting to determine whether a restart is successful. By default, success is considered immediately without waiting. One should be specified for itduration.
version: "3.8"
    image: redis:alpine
        condition: on-failure
        delay: 5s
        max_attempts: 3
        window: 120s
Copy the code


Version 3.7 file format and up

How the service should be rolled back in the case of a rolling update failure:

  • parallelism: Number of containers to be rolled back at the same time. If set to 0, all containers are rolled back at the same time.
  • delay: Wait time for each container group to be rolled back (default: 0)
  • failure_action: An action that should be performed if a rollback fails. Can becontinuepause(the default ispause)
  • monitor: Cycle at which the failed rollback status is updated to the monitor (ns|us|ms|s|m|hThe default for0s.
  • max_failure_ratio: Tolerable percentage of rollback failures (default: 0)
  • order: Rollback operation sequence. Can I do forstop-firststart-first(the default isstop-first)


Indicates how the service should be updated. This is useful when configured for rolling updates:

  • parallelism: The number of containers updated at the same time. If set to 0, all containers are rolled back at the same time.
  • delay: Wait time before each container group is updated (default: 0)
  • failure_action: Action that should be performed when an update fails. Can becontinue.rollbackpause(the default ispause)
  • monitor: Cycle at which failed update status is updated to the monitor (ns|us|ms|s|m|hThe default for0s.
  • max_failure_ratio: Tolerable percentage of updates that fail (default: 0)
  • order: Update operation sequence. Can I do forstop-firststart-first(the default isstop-first)

NOTE: Order only works in V3.4 and later.

version: "3.8"
    image: dockersamples/examplevotingapp_vote:before
      - redis
      replicas: 2
        parallelism: 2
        delay: 10s
        order: stop-first
Copy the code


The following suboptions (supported by docker-compose UP and docker-compose run) are not supported in docker stack deploy:

  • build
  • cgroup_parent
  • container_name
  • devices
  • tmpfs
  • external_links
  • links
  • network_mode
  • restart
  • security_opt
  • userns_mode

Tip: Docker-stack. yml – How to configure volumes for services swarms And docker-stack.yml files section. Volumes are supported in swarms and Services, but you can only use named Volumes or services that are bound to nodes that have access to the required Volumes.


List of devices to be mapped. The usage is the same as –device for the docker command.

  - "/dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/ttyUSB0"
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NOTE: These options are ignored when deploying a stack to Swarm Mode.

See also debug a stack in swarm mode


User-defined DNS server list. You can specify a single value or a list.

DNS: DNS: - the code


User-defined DNS search domain name. You can specify a single value or a list.

dns_search: example.com
  - dc1.example.com
  - dc2.example.com
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Overrides the default entryPoint value defined in dockerFile.

entrypoint: /code/entrypoint.sh
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Entry points can also be a list:

    - php
    - -d
    - zend_extension=/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20100525/xdebug.so
    - -d
    - memory_limit=-1
    - vendor/bin/phpunit
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NOTE: Setting an entryPoint not only overrides any entryPoint defaults in the Dockerfile, but also cleans up any CMD defaults in the Dockerfile. So CMD in Dockerfile will be ignored.


Imports environment variable values from the given file. It can be a single value or a list.

env_file: .env
  - ./common.env
  - ./apps/web.env
  - /opt/secrets.env
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For docker-comement-f files, env_file’s path is relative to the folder where the FILE resides.

The environment variables declared in the environment will override the values introduced here.

Each line in the corresponding file should define an environment variable using the VAR=VAL format. A line starting with # is a comment line and is ignored as a blank line.

# Set Rails/Rack environment
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NOTE: If the service defines a build item, the environment variables defined by env_file are not visible during the build process. You can only use the build suboption args to define build-time environment variable values.

The value of VAL is used as is and cannot be modified. For example, if a value is surrounded by quotes, then the value’s representation also contains quotes.

The order of the environment variable files also needs to be noted. The variable values defined in the later environment variables file overwrite the old values defined earlier.

Press: original unexpectedly said so much!

Keep in mind that the order of files in the list is significant in determining the value assigned to a variable that shows up more than once. The files in the list are processed from the top down. For the same variable specified in file a.env and assigned a different value in file b.env, if b.env is listed below (after), then the value from b.env stands. For example, given the following declaration in docker-compose.yml:

      - a.env
      - b.env
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And the following files:

# a.env
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# b.env
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$VAR is hello.


Add environment variables. You can use an array or a dictionary. Any Booleans: true, false, yes, no, and so on must be quoted as string literals.

The value value of the key-only environment variable depends on the host environment of the Docker-compose runtime, which is useful to prevent sensitive information from leaking.

  RACK_ENV: development
  SHOW: 'true'

# or
  - RACK_ENV=development
  - SHOW=true
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NOTE: If the service defines a build item, the environment variables defined by env_file are not visible during the build process. You can only use the build suboption args to define build-time environment variable values.


Expose ports to linked services. These ports are not published to the host. Only internal ports can be specified to be used for exposure.

 - "3000"
 - "8000"
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Link containers started outside of docker-comemage.yml to the given service.

It has similar semantics to the legacy links option.

 - redis_1
 - project_db_1:mysql
 - project_db_1:postgresql
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In order to connect to a service defined in docker-comemage.yml, The farms -created containers built outside of docker-comemage.yml must be connected to at least one of The same networks. The Links option is outdated and we recommend using Networks instead.

NOTE: These options are ignored when deploying a stack to Swarm Mode.

See also debug a stack in swarm mode

A more recommended approach is to construct a subnet through networks for linking between containers.


Add a host name mapping. These mappings will be added to /etc/hosts. This function is equivalent to the command line argument –add-host.

 - "Somehost:"
 - "Otherhost:"
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For this service, the corresponding host name and its IP will be established as an entry in the /etc/hosts file in the container. Such as:  somehost   otherhost
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Since v2.1

Used to verify that a service is “healthy”. Refer to HEALTHCHECK Dockerfile instruction.

  test: ["CMD", "curl". "-f". "http://localhost"]
  interval: 1m30s
  timeout: 10s
  retries: 3
  start_period: 40s
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Interval, timeout, and start_period should be specified as durations.

Note: start_period is only available in V3.4 and later.

Test must be a single string value or a list. If it is a list, the first item must be NONE, CMD, one of cmd-shells. If it is a string, it implicitly represents a CMD-shell prefix.

# Hit the local web app
test: ["CMD", "curl". "-f". "http://localhost"]
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As in the example above, but implicitly calling /bin/sh is equivalent to the following form.

test: ["CMD-SHELL", "curl -f http://localhost || exit 1"]
test: curl -f https://localhost || exit 1
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To disable any default health check directions specified in the image, use disable: true. This is equivalent to specifying test: [“NONE”].

  disable: true
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Specify the name of the image.

image: redis
image: Ubuntu: 14.04
image: tutum/influxdb
image: example-registry.com:4000/postgresql
image: a4bc65fd
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If the image doesn’t exist on the host, Compose will try to pull it down unless you also specify a build item.


Since v3.7

Run an init process in the container and forward signals. Setting true enables this feature for the service.

version: "3.8"
    image: alpine:latest
    init: true
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The default init process uses the binary execution file Tini, which is installed at /usr/libexec/docker-init on the daemon host if needed. You can also configure daemons to use a different binary through init-path, see Configuration Option.


Specify the isolation level/technology for a container. In Linux, only the default value is supported. On Windows, the acceptable values are default, process, and Hyperv.


To add metadata labels to containers, see Docker Labels. You can specify an array or a dictionary for it.

We recommend that you use reverse DNS tagging to define your tags, which can effectively avoid tag name conflicts.

  com.example.description: "Accounting webapp"
  com.example.department: "Finance"
  com.example.label-with-empty-value: ""
  - "com.example.description=Accounting webapp"
  - "com.example.department=Finance"
  - "com.example.label-with-empty-value"
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It’s already a legacy feature. It will be removed in the near future.

Press: so I am not accurate translation 🙂 too wordy.

Link another service to this container. You can specify both the SERVICE name and the link ALIAS (SERVICE:ALIAS), or you can skip the link ALIAS.

   - db
   - db:database
   - redis
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Services that are already linked in will be accessible by the host name (that is, the link ALIAS).

Links are not necessary for inter-service communication. By default, any service can access other services by service name. See Links topic in Networking in Compose.

A link also represents a dependency, but this is already a depends_on task, so the link is not necessary.


Specify log forwarding configuration for the service.

  driver: syslog
    syslog-address: "TCP: / /"
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Driver specifies the driver name, which is equivalent to –log-driver.

The default value is json-file.

driver: "json-file"
driver: "syslog"
driver: "none"
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When retrieving logs using Docker-compose up and Docker-compose logs, only jSON-file and Journald driver formats are printed to the console, and other log drivers forward the logs to their respective destinations. No log output information will be retrieved locally.

Forward the available drives can reference docs.docker.com/config/cont…

Specify the options for the drive with option, as in –log-opt. For example, for syslog:

driver: "syslog"
  syslog-address: "TCP: / /"
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The default log forwarding driver is json-file. You can specify the log cutting size and maximum number of log history files to keep:

  max-size: "200k"
  max-file: "10"
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In the example shown above, the log’s file storage will be limited to 200kB and truncated to the old history log when it is exceeded. Such history files will be limited to no more than 10 and older history files will be discarded.

Here is a complete example of the docker-comemess.yml file that demonstrates how to limit log storage space:

version: "3.8"
    image: some-service
      driver: "json-file"
        max-size: "200k"
        max-file: "10"
Copy the code

The logging options available effectively depend on the logging driver being used.

The logging option that controls the number and size of log files is applicable to the JSON-file driver. They may not be suitable for other logging drivers. For a complete list of logging options available for each logging driver, refer to the Logging Drivers documentation.


Network model.

The value is the same as –network. However, the service:[Service name] mode is supported.

network_mode: "bridge"
network_mode: "host"
network_mode: "none"
network_mode: "service:[service name]"
network_mode: "container:[container name/id]"
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NOTE: These options are ignored when deploying a stack to Swarm Mode.

See also debug a stack in swarm mode

NOTE: network_mode: “host” cannot be mixed with links.


The network to join. The target network is defined in the top-level networks TAB of docker-comemage. yml.

     - some-network
     - other-network
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Specify an alias (that is, hostname) for the service on the network. Other containers on the same network can use the service name or service alias to connect to the container instance of the service.

Since aliases are within the network scope (network domain), the same service can have different aliases on different networks.


A network domain alias can be shared by multiple containers, or even multiple services — you can use aliases with the same name between different containers and services. If you do, there is no guarantee that the alias will be resolved to which specific container.

The alias definition looks like this:

         - alias1
         - alias3
         - alias2
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A more complex and complete example: the following three services are provided: Web,worker, and DB, belonging to two networks: New and Legacy. The DB ‘service can be accessed through the host name DB or database on the new network or the host name DB or mysql on the Legacy network.

version: "3.8"

    image: "nginx:alpine"
      - new

    image: "my-worker-image:latest"
      - legacy

    image: mysql
          - database
          - mysql

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Specify a static IP address.

Notice In the corresponding top-level network configuration, an IPAM block must be configured for the subnet and the static IP address must meet the subnet definition.

If IPv6 addressing is desired, the enable_ipv6 option must be set, and you must use a version 2.x Compose file. IPv6 options do not currently work in swarm mode.

One example is:

version: "3.8"

    image: nginx:alpine
        ipv4_address: 172.16238.10.
        ipv6_address: 2001: : 3984-3989:10

      driver: default
        - subnet: ""
        - subnet: "2001, 3984:3989: : / 64"
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pid: "host"
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Set the PID mode for the service to use the host. This enables server processes within the container to share the PID address space with the host operating system level. This is a typical Linux/Unix operating system concept, so I won’t expand on it here. Such sharing enables secure IPC communication with the PID address space.


Expose ports to the host machine.

Note: Port exposure is incompatible with network_mode: host.

The short format

You can specify both the HOST and CONTAINER port (HOST:CONTAINER) to complete the mapping, or you can specify only the CONTAINER port to automatically map to a temporary port (starting with 32768) for the same HOST port.


When using the HOST:CONTAINER format to map ports, you may receive an error if the CONTAINER port used is less than 60. This is because the YAML parser treats the format xx: YY as a number in base 60. It’s ridiculous, isn’t it? For this reason, we recommend that you always use quotation marks around the port number, making it a string value, so as not to get the desired response.

 - "3000"
 - "3000-3005"
 - "8000:8000"
 - "9090-9091:8080-8081"
 - "49100:22"
 - ""
 - ""
 - "6060:6060/udp"
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Long format

Verbose definitions are allowed:

  • target: Specifies the port number of the container
  • published: Specifies the port number to expose to the Docker host
  • protocol: protocol (tcp or udp)
  • mode: hostThe port number of each node is published as the host port,ingressSwarm-specific: swarm cluster, all nodes’ ports will be load balanced as host ports.
  - target: 80
    published: 8080
    protocol: tcp
    mode: host
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It’s obvious, so I’ll skip the explanation.

NOTE: Long format only works in V3.2 and later.


No is the default restart policy. No matter how the container exits or fails, it will not be restarted automatically.

Specifying always will restart the container in any case.

An on-failure policy allows the container to be restarted only when it fails to exit.

restart: "no"
restart: always
restart: on-failure
restart: unless-stopped
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NOTE: These options are ignored when deploying a stack to Swarm Mode. (Use restart_policy to do this.)

See also debug a stack in swarm mode


From each service configuration, grant access to the top-level Secrets defined entry. Supports both short and long formats.

The short format

The short format only specifies the name of the sensitive content. This enables the container to mount the corresponding content to the /run/secrets/

location and access it.

The following example uses the short format to give Redis access to my_secret and my_other_secret. The contents of my_secret are defined in./my_secret.txt, and my_other_secret is defined as an external resource, such as the docker secret create. If no corresponding external resource is found, the stack deployment will fail and throw a Secret Not Found error.

version: "3.8"
    image: redis:latest
      replicas: 1
      - my_secret
      - my_other_secret
    file: ./my_secret.txt
    external: true
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Long format

The long format allows for a finer definition of how sensitive content is used within the stack container.

  • source: The name of the sensitive content defined in Docker.
  • target: Is mounted to the container/run/secrets/File name in. If not specified, it is usedsourceName.
  • uid & gid: UID and GID of the files mounted in the container. 0 if not specified. Invalid on Windows.
  • mode: Octal permissions for files mounted within the container. The default in Docker 1.13.1 is0000, but in newer versions0444. The mounted file is not writable. The execution bit can be set, but is generally meaningless.

Here’s an example:

version: "3.8"
    image: redis:latest
      replicas: 1
      - source: my_secret
        target: redis_secret
        uid: '103'
        gid: '103'
        mode: 0440
    file: ./my_secret.txt
    external: true
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Long and short formats can be mixed if you are defining multiple sensitive content.


Override the default label semantics for each container.

  - label:user:USER
  - label:role:ROLE
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This is usually associated with SecCOMP, which can be a lengthy topic related to security configuration, so I won’t expand on it here.

NOTE: These options are ignored when deploying a stack to Swarm Mode.

See also debug a stack in swarm mode


Specifies a wait period after which the container will be forced to clear the corresponding process of the container instance (via the SIGKILL signal) if the container fails to block the SIGTERM signal (or any other signal defined by stop_signal) to shut itself down properly.

stop_grace_period: 1s
stop_grace_period: 1m30s
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By default, it will wait for 10 seconds.


Set an alternate signal to shut down the container instance normally. The SIGTERM signal is used by default.

stop_signal: SIGUSR1
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Set the kernel parameters for the container. You can use an array or a dictionary.

  net.core.somaxconn: 1024
  net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies: 0
  - net.core.somaxconn=1024
  - net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies=0
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NOTE: These options are ignored when deploying a stack to Swarm Mode.

See also debug a stack in swarm mode


The commentary on V2 has been removed from the original version of V3.8:

since v2

Mount a temporary file system to the container. It can be a single value or a list.

tmpfs: /run
  - /run
  - /tmp
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NOTE: These options are ignored when deploying a stack to Swarm Mode.

See also debug a stack in swarm mode

Since v3.6

Mount a temporary file system to the container. You can use a single value or an array.

tmpfs: /run

  - /run
  - /tmp
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NOTE: These options are ignored when deploying a stack to Swarm Mode.

See also debug a stack in swarm mode

Mount a temporary file system to the container. The Size parameter specifies the Size in bytes of the file system Size. The default value is unlimited.

 - type: tmpfs
     target: /app
       size: 1000
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Overrides the default Ulimits value specified in the container. You can specify an integer as a single limit limit or a mapping to represent the soft/hard limit limits respectively.

  nproc: 65535
    soft: 20000
    hard: 40000
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userns_mode: "host"
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Disable user namespaces. If the Docker Daemon is configured to run in a User namespace.

NOTE: These options are ignored when deploying a stack to Swarm Mode.

See also debug a stack in swarm mode


Mount the host path or name the volume.

You can mount a host path to a service without having to define it in top-level volumes.

If you want to reuse a volume to multiple services, define it in your top-level Volumes and name it.

You can use named volumes in Services, Swarms, and Stack Files.

NOTE: Define a named volume in the top-level volumes and reference it in the volumes list for a service.

The earlier volumes_from is no longer used.

See Use Volumes and Volume Plugins.

The following example illustrates a named volume, my_data, being used for web services. On the Web, also use a host folder./static to mount inside the container; A host file is mounted in db to the corresponding file in the container, and another named volume dbData is used.

version: "3.8"
    image: nginx:alpine
      - type: volume
        source: mydata
        target: /data
          nocopy: true
      - type: bind
        source: ./static
        target: /opt/app/static

    image: postgres:latest
      - "/var/run/postgres/postgres.sock:/var/run/postgres/postgres.sock"
      - "dbdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data"

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For more information on volumes, see the Use Volumes and Volume Plugins sections.

The short format

You can use the HOST:CONTAINER format, or attach an access mode HOST:CONTAINER:ro.

The syntax for the short format is [SOURCE:]TARGET[:MODE]. SOURCE can be a host path or a volume name. TARGET is a container path T to which the host path will be mounted. MODE can be ro or RW, which stands for read-only and read-write respectively.

You can mount a host relative path that is expanded relative to the Docker compose file. The relative path should always start with. Or.. Start.

  # Just specify a path and let the Engine create a volume
  - /var/lib/mysql

  # Specify an absolute path mapping
  - /opt/data:/var/lib/mysql

  # Path on the host, relative to the Compose file
  - ./cache:/tmp/cache

  # User-relative path
  - ~/configs:/etc/configs/:ro

  # Named volume
  - datavolume:/var/lib/mysql
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Long format

The long format allows for finer control.

  • type: Indicates the mount typevolume.bind.tmpfsnpipe
  • source: Mount source location. This can be a host path, a volume name defined in top-level volumes, and so on. If mounttmpfsThis parameter is meaningless.
  • target: Mount point path inside the container.
  • read_only: Boolean value to set the writability of the volume.
  • bind: Configures the additional bind option.
    • propagation: Propagation mode for BIND.
  • volume: Configures additional volume options
    • nocopy: Boolean to disable data replication (by default, when a volume is first created, the contents of the container are copied to the volume)
  • tmpfs: Configures additional TMPFS options
    • size: TMPFS capacity, in bytes.
  • consistency: Mount consistency requirements:consistentHosts and containers have the same view,cachedRead operations are buffered, the host view is the main,delegatedRead and write operations are buffered and the container view is the body.
version: "3.8"
    image: nginx:alpine
      - "80:80"
      - type: volume
        source: mydata
        target: /data
          nocopy: true
      - type: bind
        source: ./static
        target: /opt/app/static


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Long format is available after V3.2


Long format syntax requires that you have the host folder ready in advance to bind and mount the host directory to the container. With the short format, the corresponding folder will be created in place if it doesn’t already exist. See bind mounts Documentation for more information.


When working in services, swarms, or docker-stack.yml scenarios, note that a service in swarm can be deployed to any node, and when the service is updated, it may not be on the original node.

When the specified volume does not exist, Docker automatically creates an anonymous volume for the referenced service. Anonymous volumes are non-persistent, so when the associated container instance exits and is removed, the anonymous volume is destroyed.

If you want to persist your data, use named volumes and choose the appropriate volume driver, which should be cross-host so that data can roam between hosts. Otherwise, you should set constraints on the service so that it will only be deployed to specific nodes on which the corresponding volume service is working correctly.

As an example, votingApp Sample in Docker Labs’ Docker-stack. yml file defines a DB service that runs PostgresQL. It uses a named volume db-data to persist database data. This volume is bound by swarm to run only on the manager node, so no problems are solved. Here is the source code:

version: "3.8"
    image: Postgres: 9.4
      - db-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      - backend
        constraints: [node.role = = manager]
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In Docker 17.04 CE Edge and later versions (even 17.06CE Edge and Stable), you can configure consistency constraints on how volumes are synchronized between containers and hosts. These symbols include:

  • Consistent is completely consistent. The default policy is that hosts and containers have the same view.

  • Cached host prevails. The read operation to the volume is buffered, the host view is the body,

  • Delegated containers prevail. Read and write operations to volumes are buffered, and the container view is the body.

This is specially adapted for Docker Desktop for Mac. Due to what is known about osXFX’s file-sharing features, properly setting conformance flags can improve performance when accessing mounted volumes inside and outside the container.

Here is an example of a cached volume:

version: "3.7"
    image: PHP: 7.1 - FPM
      - "9000"
      - .:/var/www/project:cached
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In the case that all reads and writes are buffered, even if any changes occur in the container (which is often possible to write to a typical architecture such as PHP Website), they are not immediately visible to the host and the writes in the container will pile up.

To check whether a volume is consistent within or outside the container, see Performance Tuning for Volume mounts (Shared filesystems).

I couldn’t translate it exactly here because it would have been too long, and I haven’t been able to organize the language on the subject.


These configurations have a single value. Corresponds to the corresponding command line argument of docker run. Mac_address has been abandoned.

user: postgresql
working_dir: /code

domainname: foo.com
hostname: foo
ipc: host
mac_address: 02:42:ac:11:65:43

privileged: true

read_only: true
shm_size: 64M
stdin_open: true
tty: true
Copy the code

Duration specified

Some configuration options, such as interval or timeout (both suboptions of Check), accept a string-style value for a time period or period. They should have this format:

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Suffixes that can be appended to numeric values are us, ms, S, m, and h.

The meaning is self-evident.

Specifying byte values

Some configuration options, such as the build suboption shm_size, accept a string-delimited capacity size parameter value. They should have this format:

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Valid suffix units include b, k, m, and g. In addition, KB, MB and GB are also legal. Pure decimal values are not legal.

Volume formatting manual –volumes

The top-level volumes section can declare and create named volumes (without using volume_from) that can be referenced in the Volumes section of the Service section. So we can reuse them, even across multiple services. The Docker volume subcommand of the docker command has more reference information.

You can also refer to Use volumes and Volume Plugins for Volume usage.

Here is an example that contains two services. The database’s data store folder is shared between the two services, so the database can use the storage folder, and the backup service can also manipulate it to complete the backup task:

version: "3.8"

    image: db
      - data-volume:/var/lib/db
    image: backup-service
      - data-volume:/var/lib/backup/data

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The entries under the top-level Volumes section can be empty without specifying details, so the default volume driver will be applied (usually the local volume driver).

But you can also customize it with the following parameters:


Specifies which volume driver will be used. In general, the default value will be local. If the volume driver is invalid or not working, the Docker Engine will return an error when docker-compose is up.

driver: foobar
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Optionally specify a set of key-value pair parameters that will be passed to the volume driver. So these parameter sets are specific to the volume driver, please refer to the volume driver documentation.

      type: "nfs"
      o: "Addr = nolock, soft, rw." "
      device: ":/docker/example"
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If set to true, the corresponding volume is ready to be created outside of the compose orchestration file. Docker-compse Up will not attempt to create the volume and will return an error if the volume does not already exist.

For V3.3 and lower versions of the compose format, external cannot be used in combination with other volume configuration parameters, such as driver, Driver_opts, labels, and so on. However, this restriction is no longer applicable to V3.4 and later.

In the following example, Compose looks for an external volume named data and mounts it to the DB service instead of trying to create a new volume named [projectName]_data.

version: "3.8"

    image: postgres
      - data:/var/lib/postgresql/data

    external: true
Copy the code

External. name has been deprecated in v3.4+, after which name is used directly.

You can also specify a separate volume name (in this case, data is considered to be the volume alias when the volume is referenced in the current orchestration file) :

      name: actual-name-of-volume
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External volumes are always created with docker stack deploy

When docker Stack deploy is deployed into Swarm, external volumes are always created automatically if they don’t exist. For further information, see Moby/Moby #29976,


Use Docker Labels to add metadata to containers. It can be array format or dictionary format.

We recommend that you use reverse DNS tagging to prefix your metadata table keys with reverse domain names to avoid potential collisions with other applications’ table keys of the same name:

  com.example.description: "Database volume"
  com.example.department: "IT/Ops"
  com.example.label-with-empty-value: ""
  - "com.example.description=Database volume"
  - "com.example.department=IT/Ops"
  - "com.example.label-with-empty-value"
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Since v3.4 +

Specify a custom name for the volume. The value of the name can be used to resolve volumes with special character names. Note that this value is used as is, and the quotes are not ignored or prefixed with the stack name.

version: "3.8"
    name: my-app-data
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Name can be combined with external:

version: "3.8"
    external: true
    name: my-app-data
Copy the code

Web Formatting Manual –networks

Top-level section Networks allows you to configure the network you want to create and use (the Compose Intranet).

  • For a complete description of using Docker network environment features in Compose, and all network driver options, see the Networking Guide.
  • For Docker Labs’ network-related coaching use cases, read up on Designing Scalable, Portable Docker Container Networks.


Specify the driver for the network.

The default driver is specified by the startup parameter of the Docker Engine. Typically, the startup parameters are built in to use the Bridge driver on a single-node host and the overlay driver in Swarm Mode.

If the driver is not available, Docker Engine will return an error.

driver: overlay
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By default Docker uses the Bridge driver on each host node. For information on how Bridge networking works, see Docker Labs’ network-related tutorial use case: Bridge Networking.


The overlay driver builds a named subnet between multiple Swarm Mode nodes, which is a virtual network across hosts.

  • inswarm modeHow to establishoverlayThe network allows services to work correctly across hosts, please refer toDocker LabsNetwork-related coaching use cases:Overlay networking and service discovery.
  • If you want to dig deeperoverlayIs how to complete the virtual network construction across the host and how the message flow, can refer toOverlay Driver Network Architecture.


Use the host network stack, or not use the network.

This is equivalent to the command-line arguments –net=host and –net= None.

These two drivers and network models can only be used in the Docker Stack. If you are using docker compose directives, use network_mode to specify them.

If you want to use a particular network on a common build, use [network] as mentioned in the second yaml file example.

With built-in network models such as host and None, there are a few syntax caveats: If you define an external network with a name like Host or None (note that you don’t need to actually create them, as both are part of the Docker built-in network model), then you’ll need to use Hostnet or Nonet when referencing them in the Compose orchestration file, as in:

version: "3.8"
      hostnet: {}

    external: true
    name: host

      network: host
      context: .
      nonet: {}

    external: true
    name: none
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Specifies a set of options represented by a set of key-value pairs to pass to the network driver. They are driver-specific, so the specific parameters available should refer to the corresponding driver documentation.

  foo: "bar"
  baz: 1
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Since v3.2 +

Can only be used in driver: Overlay scenarios.

If set to true, standalone containers can also be attached to the network. If standalone container instances are attached to an overlay network, services in the container and individual container instances can communicate with each other. Note that you can even attach container instances from other Docker daemons to this Overlay network.

    driver: overlay
    attachable: true
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Enable IPv6 on the network/subnet.

Not supported in V3 +.

Enable_ipv6 requires you to use v2 format and cannot be used in Swarm Mode.


User-defined IPAM configuration. Each sub-configuration is an optional parameter.

  • driver: Customizes the IPAM driver without using the default value
  • config: A list of one to more configuration blocks. Each configuration block has the following sub-parameters:
    • subnet: Subnet definition in CIDR format to delimit a network segment.

A complete example:

  driver: default
    - subnet: 172.28. 0. 0/ 16
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NOTE: Additional IPAM such as gateway is only available in V2.


By default, Docker is also connected to a bridge network to provide external connectivity. If you want to create an external overlay network, set this option to true.


Use Docker Labels to add metadata to containers. It can be array format or dictionary format.

We recommend that you use reverse DNS tagging to prefix your metadata table keys with reverse domain names to avoid potential collisions with other applications’ table keys of the same name:

  com.example.description: "Financial transaction network"
  com.example.department: "Finance"
  com.example.label-with-empty-value: ""
  - "com.example.description=Financial transaction network"
  - "com.example.department=Finance"
  - "com.example.label-with-empty-value"
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If set to true, the network is created and managed outside of the Compose orchestration file. Dockercompose Up will not attempt to create it and will return an error if the network does not exist.

For v3.3 and later formats, external cannot be used with driver, Driver_opts, IPam, internal, etc. This restriction was removed after V3.4 +.

In the following example, proxy is a gateway to the outside world, and Compose will look for an outside external network created by docker Network Create Outside. Instead of trying to automatically create a new network called [projectName]_outside:

version: "3.8"

    build: ./proxy
      - outside
      - default
    build: ./app
      - default

    external: true
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External. name is deprecated in V3.5 and later, please use name instead.

You can also specify a separate network name to be referenced in the Compose orchestration file.


Since v3.5

Set a custom name for the network. The value of the name can be used to resolve volumes with special character names. Note that this value is used as is, and the quotes are not ignored or prefixed with the stack name.

version: "3.8"
    name: my-app-net
Copy the code

Name can be used with external:

version: "3.8"
    external: true
    name: my-app-net
Copy the code

Configuration item Formatting manual –configs

A top-level configS section declaration defines a configuration item or reference that can be authorized for use by an in-stack service. The source of the configuration item can be file or external.

  • file: The contents of the configuration item are in a host file.
  • external: If the value is set totrue“, indicating that the configuration item is already created. Docker will not attempt to build it, but will generate one if it doesn’t existconfig not foundError.
  • name: The name of the configuration item in the Docker. The value of the name can be used to resolve volumes with special character names. Note that this value is used as is, and the quotes are not ignored or prefixed with the stack name.
  • driver and driver_opts: The name of a custom secret driver, and driver-specific options passed as key/value pairs. Introduced in version 3.8 file format, and only supported when using docker stack.
  • template_driver: The name of the templating driver to use, which controls whether and how to evaluate the secret payload as a template. If no driver is set, no templating is used. The only driver currently supported is golang, which uses a golang. Introduced in version 3.8 file format, and only supported when using docker stack. Refer to use a templated config for a examples of templated configs.

In the following example, my_first_config is automatically created and named

_my_first_config when deployed as part of the stack, while my_second_config already exists.

    file: ./config_data
    external: true
Copy the code

The other variation is in the case of an external configuration item with a name definition, which can be referenced and used in Compose as redis_config:

    file: ./config_data
      name: redis_config
Copy the code

You still need to declare configs sections within the stack for each service to gain access to configuration items, see Grant Access to the config.

Sensitive information item Formatting manual –secrets

The top-level secrets chapter declaration defines a sensitive information item, or its reference, that can be authorized for use by the stack service. The source of sensitive information items can be file or external.

  • fileThe contents of sensitive information items are in a host file.
  • external: If the value is set totrue, indicating that the sensitive information item is already created. Docker will not attempt to build it, but will generate one if it doesn’t existsecret not foundError.
  • name: The name of the sensitive information item in the Docker. The value of the name can be used to resolve volumes with special character names. Note that this value is used as is, and the quotes are not ignored or prefixed with the stack name.
  • template_driver: The name of the templating driver to use, which controls whether and how to evaluate the secret payload as a template. If no driver is set, no templating is used. The only driver currently supported is golang, which uses a golang. Introduced in version 3.8 file format, and only supported when using docker stack.

In the following example, my_first_secret is automatically created and named

_my_first_secret when deployed as part of the stack, while my_second_secret already exists.

    file: ./secret_data
    external: true
Copy the code

Another variation is in the case of an external configuration item with a name definition, which can be referenced and used in Compose under the name redis_secret.

Compose File V3.5 and later

    file: ./secret_data
    external: true
    name: redis_secret
Copy the code

Compose File V3.4 and later

      name: redis_secret
Copy the code

You still need to declare secret sections on the stack for each service to gain access to sensitive items, see Grant Access to the Secret.

Variable substitution

Environment variables can be used in the Compose orchestration file. When Docker-compose is running, compose extracts the variable values from the Shell environment variables. For example, if the operating system environment variable contains a definition of POSTGRES_VERSION=9.3, the following definition is used

  image: "postgres:${POSTGRES_VERSION}"
Copy the code

Is equivalent to

  image: "Postgres: 9.3"
Copy the code

If the environment variable does not exist or is an empty string, it is treated as an empty string.

You can use the.env file to set default values for environment variables. Compose will automatically look for the.env file in the current folder to get the value of the environment variable.

Env is only available in docker-compose up scenarios. It will not be used when docker stack is deployed.

Both syntax $VARIABLE and ${VARIABLE} are available. In addition, in v2.1 format, the following forms similar to Shell syntax can be used:

  • ${VARIABLE:-default}Will returndefault, if the environment variableVARIABLEIs an empty string or not set.
  • ${VARIABLE-default}Will returndefault, if the environment variableVARIABLEIf not set.

Similarly, the following syntax helps to specify an unambiguous value:

  • ${VARIABLE:? err}An error message will be generatederr, if the environment variableVARIABLEEmpty or not set.
  • ${VARIABLE? err}An error message will be generatederr, if the environment variableVARIABLEIf not set.

Other Shell syntax features are not supported, such as ${VARIABLE/foo/bar}.

If you need a dollar sign, use? . At this time? No longer participates in the interpretation of environment variable substitution. The following cases:

  build: .
Copy the code

Compose will warn you if you forget this rule and use a single $character:

The VAR_NOT_INTERPOLATED_BY_COMPOSE is not set. Substituting an empty string.

Extension field

Since v3.4

By extending fields, choreography configuration fragments can be reused. They can be free-form, provided you define them at the top of the YAML document and their section names begin with x- :

version: '3.4'
    - a
    - b
    max-size: '12m'
  name: "custom"
Copy the code


Starting with V3.7 (for the 3.x series), or starting with V2.4 (for the 2.x series), extended fields can also be placed at the first level below the top-level section of services, Volumes, Networks, Configuration items, and sensitive information items.

Something like this:

version: '3.7'
      - a
      - b
      max-size: '12m'
    name: "custom"
Copy the code

By free-form, I mean that these definitions are not interpreted by Compose. However, when you insert references to them somewhere, they are expanded to the insertion point, and then the specific semantics are explained by Compose in conjunction with the context. This uses YAML anchors syntax.

For example, if you have multiple services that use the same logging option:

    max-size: '12m'
    max-file: '5'
  driver: json-file
Copy the code

You can define it like this:

    max-size: '12m'
    max-file: '5'
  driver: json-file

    image: myapp/web:latest
    logging: *default-logging
    image: mysql:latest
    logging: *default-logging
Copy the code

With YAML Merge Type syntax, you can also override certain suboptions when inserting extended field definitions. Such as:

version: '3.4'
  driver: foobar-storage

    image: myapp/web:latest
    volumes: ["vol1", "vol2". "vol3"]
  vol1: *default-volume
    << : *default-volume
    name: volume02
    << : *default-volume
    driver: default
    name: volume-local
Copy the code

Compose document Reference

  • User guide
  • Installing Compose
  • Compose file versions and upgrading
  • Get started with Docker
  • Samples
  • Command line reference

The end of the

  • Original text: docs.docker.com/compose/com… .
  • Translation: github.com/hedzr/docke…
  • The translation | hedzr. Making. IO/enterprise/dock… .
