Docker is an open platform for developing, delivering, and running applications. Docker enables you to separate applications from infrastructure so that you can deliver software quickly. With Docker, you can manage the infrastructure as if it were an application. By taking advantage of Docker’s rapid approach to delivering, testing, and deploying code, you can significantly reduce the latency between writing code and running it in production. In this article, I will mention the Docker commands we need or most use cases.

Life cycle command

Create a container (without starting it)

docker create [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]

#Create a container using the Docker image nginx:latest and name the container mynginx
#docker create --name mynginx nginx:latest    
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Create a new container and run a command

docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]

#Start a container in backend mode using the Docker image nginx: Latest and name the container mynginx
# docker run --name mynginx -d nginx:latest
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  • -a stdin: specifies the standard input and output types. The options are stdin, STDOUT, or STDERR.
  • -d: Runs the container in the background and returns the container ID.
  • -i: Runs the container in interactive mode, usually with -t.
  • -p: indicates random port mapping. Ports inside a container are randomly mapped to ports on a host
  • -p: specifies the port mapping. The format is host (host) port: container port
  • -t: reassigns a pseudo-input terminal to the container. It is usually used together with -i.
  • –name=”nginx-lb”: specify a name for the container;
  • — DNS Specifies the DNS server used by the container. The default DNS server is the same as the host server.
  • –dns-search specify the container DNS search domain name, which is the same as the host by default.
  • -h “Mars “: specifies the hostname of the container.
  • -e username=” Ritchie “: Set the environment variable.
  • –env-file=[]: reads environment variables from specified files;
  • –cpuset=”0-2″ or –cpuset=”0,1,2″: bind the container to the specified CPU;
  • **-m :** Sets the maximum memory used by the container.
  • – net = “bridge” : specify the container’s network connection type, support bridge/host/none/container: four types;
  • –link=[]: Add link to another container;
  • –expose=[]: Open a port or group of ports;
  • –volume, -v: Binds a volume

Rename an existing container

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Run the command in the new container

docker run [IMAGE] [COMMAND]
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Remove the container after exit

docker run --rm [IMAGE]
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Start a container and keep it running

docker run -td [IMAGE]
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Start a container and create an interactive Bash shell within the container

docker run -it [IMAGE]
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Create, start, and run commands inside the container, and remove the container after executing the command.

docker run -it-rm [IMAGE]
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Execute commands in an already running container.

docker exec -it [container]
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Delete a container (if it is not running)

docker rm [CONTAINER]
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Update the container configuration

docker update [CONTAINER]
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Start and stop containers

Start the container

docker start [CONTAINER]
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Stop running the container

docker stop [CONTAINER]
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Stop running the container and restart it

docker restart [CONTAINER]
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Pauses a process in a running container

docker pause [CONTAINER]
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Unsuspend a process in a running container

docker unpause [CONTAINER]
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Block one container until the others stop

docker wait [CONTAINER]
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Kill the container by sending SIGKILL to the running container

docker kill [CONTAINER]
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Attach the local standard input, output, and error streams to the running container

docker attach [CONTAINER]
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Docker image command

Create an image from a Dockerfile

docker build [URL/FILE]
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Create an image from a Dockerfile with a label

docker build -t <tag> [URL/FILE]
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Pull images from the registry center

docker pull [IMAGE]
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Push the image to the registry

docker push [IMAGE]
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Create an image from the tarball

docker import [URL/FILE]
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Create an image from the container

docker commit [CONTAINER] [NEW_IMAGE_NAME]
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Remove the mirror

docker rmi [IMAGE]
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Load the image from the TAR archive or standard input

docker load [TAR_FILE/STDIN_FILE]
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Save the image to a tar archive

docker save [IMAGE] > [TAR_FILE]
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Docker container and image information

Lists running containers

docker ps
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Lists running containers and stopped containers

docker ps -a
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Lists logs in running containers

docker logs [CONTAINER]
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Lists low-level information about Docker objects

docker inspect [OBJECT_NAME/ID]
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Lists live events from the container

docker events [CONTAINER]
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Displays port mappings for containers

docker port [CONTAINER]
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Displays the running processes in the container

docker top [CONTAINER]
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Displays real-time resource usage statistics for containers

docker stats [CONTAINER]
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Displays changes to files (or directories) on a file system

docker diff [CONTAINER]
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Lists all images stored locally using the Docker engine

docker [image] ls
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Displays the history of the mirror

docker history [IMAGE]
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The network command

List the network

docker network ls
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Delete one or more networks

docker network rm [NETWORK]
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Displays information about one or more networks

docker network inspect [NETWORK]
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Connect the container to the network

docker network connect [NETWORK] [CONTAINER]
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Disconnect the container from the network

docker network disconnect [NETWORK] [CONTAINER]
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Container rootfs command

Copy files from the container to the host

#Docker cp container name: the path of the file to be copied in the container must be copied to the corresponding path of the host 
docker cp testtomcat:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/test/js/test.js /root
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Copy files from the host to the container

#Docker cp File path to be copied Container name: the path to be copied to the container
docker cp /root/test.js testtomcat:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/test/js
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