Docker basic commands

Basic knowledge of

Iso file container: VM Dockerfile: c program source file xxx.c container Data volume: shared folder

Basic commands

View local images: Docker images [options]

-a: lists all mirrors in the repository. -q: displays only the iD numbers of all ests. — Digests: displays summary information

Example: –digest –no-trunc: Displays complete information

Docker search [options] xx image name

-filter=stars=30: indicates that the number of likes is greater than 30. –no-trunc: indicates that the information is not omitted. — Automated: lists only the images of the automated build type

Docker pull xx image :[version number] (can also write the image ID)

No version number added at the end: XXX is the latest version by default

Delete a local image :docker rmI [option] xx Image name (or ID): latest version by default

-f Mirror 1: version 2: version: Forcibly deleted

Example: -f ${docker images -qa} delete all

Container command (image before container)

Docker run [option] [command] [args]

[command] [args] : indicates the command to be executed by the container and the parameters of the command are: /bin/bash [option]: indicates parameters

-d: indicates that the container id is returned but the container is not entered. -I: indicates that the container is run in interactive mode. The container is usually used together with -t. Port mapping can be specified in the following forms

  • Hostip: hostPort: containerPort
  • Hostip: : containerPort
  • HostPort: containerPort
  • containerPort

Example: docker run –name myKali -p kali:19.4 /bin/bash

View all running containers :docker ps [options] shows running containers by default

-a: running and historically running -l: displays the latest created containers. -n 3: displays the last three created containers. -q: in silent mode, only the container number is displayed

Exit container (inside container):

CTRL + P + Q: Exit the container without closing it

Start container (previously closed):docker start -i container ID

Run the following command to restart the container :docker restart -i Container ID

Stop container :docker stop container ID

Forced stop container :docker kill container ID

Delete a stopped container :docker RM container ID

Docker logs -f -t –tail num Container ID

View the processes running in the container :docker top Container ID

Docker inspect Container ID

Enter the running container and interact with the command line:

Docker attach container ID: directly enter the container docker exec-it container ID ls -l /temp: execute the command inside the container outside, obtain the result, can enter the container, or not

Docker cp Container ID: Inside path Path of the destination host

Docker commit -m= description -a= author container ID Name of target image to create :[version number]

Docker push [OPTIONS] NAME[:TAG]

–disable-content-trust Ignores the verification of mirrors. This function is enabled by default

Container data volume:

Method one:

Docker run -v/Host absolute path Directory :/ Container directory: permission Image name Permission The default value is read and write

Method 2:

  • Create a XXX folder under the host
  • Write another one in this directory.ockfileFile Dockerfile
  • docker built -f /xxx/Dockerfile -t xx/xxxThe image name is xx/ XXX
  • docker run -it xx/xxx

Data volume container:

Docker run-it –name docker run-it –name docker02 –volumes from docker01 And share data volume files