Docker choreographer DockerCompose, which allows you to start a set of services at once with a single command.

For example, a command starts the SpringBoot project and other middleware (MySQL, Redis, etc.) that the SpringBoot project depends on.

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1. Install DockerCompose

1. Download Docker Compose

The curl -l ` ` uname - s - ` uname -m ` > / usr /local/bin/docker-compose
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Grant executable permission to the docker-compose file.

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
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3. Check whether the installation is successful.

docker-compose --version
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For example, DockerCompose

1. Use the DockerCompose step

  • useDockerfileWhen creating a custom image upload server, you need to modify the initial image behavior.
  • usedocker-compose.ymlThe file defines the application services that need to be deployed so that they can run together in an isolated environment so that the script can be deployed once.
  • The last executiondocker-compose upCommand to create and start all services.

Docker-compose. Yml


Describe the version information about the Compose file. For details, see the official documentation.

# Specify version 3 syntax
version: '3'
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Under the “services” node are defined services, and under the “services” is the container. The container and the container can be accessed using the service name as the domain name.


Specify the name of the image to run.

# specify mysql5.7 as the image
image: Mysql: 5.7
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Specify the container name.

# Container name
container_name: admin_mysql
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Specifies the port mapping between the host and the container.

# Map mysql port
  - 3306: 3306
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Mount files or directories from the host to the container.

Mount the mysql directory to the container
  - /itwxe/dockerData/mysql/data:/var/lib/mysql
  - /itwxe/dockerData/mysql/conf:/etc/mysql
  - /itwxe/dockerData/mysql/log:/var/log/mysql
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Configure environment variables.

# Set password for mysql
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Services that connect to other containers.

Mysql > select * from 'db' where 'db' = 'db'
  - db:admin_mysql
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3. Docker Compose

Start all relevant containers

docker-compose up -d
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Specify file startup

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
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Stop all associated containers

docker-compose stop
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List all container information

docker-compose ps
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Stop and delete all containers (note data mounts)

docker-compose down
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SpringBoot example

Here is an example of a project I wrote. My project relies on MySQL, Redis, and minio(not necessary).

1, package SpringBoot project image, package can refer to Docker using Maven plug-in to package SpringBoot project.

2. The startup of my project depends on sunny library in MySQL. First, we need to create a container and mount the host directory.

3. The project relies on Redis image custom configuration to start. You can refer to Docker to build Redis5.0 and mount data.

4, modify the project MySQL and Redis to use aliases, MySQL as an example.

# change before
JDBC: mysql: / / / sunny? useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8mb4&serverTimezone=GMT%2B8

# modified
jdbc:mysql://admin_mysql:3306/sunny? useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8mb4&serverTimezone=GMT%2B8
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Edit docker-compose. Yml file.

version: '3'
  MySQL > select mysql.service from mysql.service
    Specifies the image used by the service
    image: Mysql: 5.7
    Specifies the container name
    container_name: admin_mysql
    Specifies the port on which the service is running
      - 3306: 3306
    # Specifies the file to be mounted in the container
      - /itwxe/dockerData/mysql/data:/var/lib/mysql
      - /itwxe/dockerData/mysql/conf:/etc/mysql
      - /itwxe/dockerData/mysql/log:/var/log/mysql
    # Specifies the container environment variable
      - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=123456
  Specifies the name of the Redis service
    Use custom image (specify profile)
    image: Itwxe/redis: 5.0.8
    container_name: admin_redis
      - 6379: 6379
      - /itwxe/dockerData/redis/data:/data
  Specifies the name of the project service
    Specifies the image used by the service
    image: Itwxe/sunny - admin: 0.0.1
    Specifies the container name
    container_name: sunny-admin
    Specifies the port on which the service is running
      - 9002: 9002
    # Specifies the file to be mounted in the container
      - /itwxe/dockerData/sunny-admin/logs:/var/logs
    Yml can be accessed by an alias. For example:
      - mysql:admin_mysql
      - redis:admin_redis
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6. Go to the docker-compose. Yml file directory and start the service.

docker-compose up -d
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You can see that the service is started normally, at this time you can access the project, the project is normal access.

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