The environment

Mysql mysql80-community-release-el8-1.noarch.rpm mysql mysql80-community-release-el8-1.noarch.rpmCopy the code

Docker environment construction


Download and install it from

Virtualization Settings

You can check whether virtualization is enabled in the task manager

Note: If virtualization is not enabled, log in to the BOIS to enable CPU virtualization (the specific operation varies with the mainboard).

Install centos

Search for and pull up a centos image

Docker pull centos Pulls an image

Run the mirror

Docker runit image encoding (enter the first three digits here)

Note: The default installation and image pulling environment of Docker is disk C. If you want to change, you can use soft link to link files to disk D mklink/J. docker d :.docker

The mysql environment is set up

If necessary, you can use the following command to check whether mysql has been installed

RPM - qa | grep mysql query whether install mysql RPM -e (mysql/delete mode RPM -e -- nodeps mysql / / strong delete mode, if you are using the above command to remove, prompt rely on other documents, You can use this command to forcibly delete itCopy the code

Yum -y install wget yum -y install wget

Download and install

Download address is:…

I installed Centos8, so let’s copy mysql80-community-release-el8-1.noarch. RPM

Then use the following command to install

wget rpm -ivh Mysql80-community-release-el8-1.noarch. RPM yum update yum install mysql80-community-release-el8-1.noarch. RPM yum update yum install mysql80-server install chown mysql:mysql -r /var/lib/mysql Mysqld --initialize Initialize mysql systemctl start mysqld start systemctl status mysqld Check the mysql running statusCopy the code

The installation result is as follows

Pay attention to the point

Systemctl introduction

Two methods of managing Linux services Service and systemctl Systemd is the latest Linux system initialization (init). It is used to speed up the system startup by starting as few processes as possible and concurrently starting as many processes as possible. The systemd process management command is systemctlCopy the code

The first use of the system is not required by the installation of systemctl

Yum install systemd -yCopy the code

I cannot run systemctl directly due to the problem of installing the centos version. I need to exit the image (remember docker commit save the image changes).

Use docker run-ITd --privileged -P -p -p 1cf Run/usr/sbin/init containers - ring: all get root root - p is the interface mapping, later used, can let the docker port mapped to our local docker exec - coding/bin/bash it container into the containerCopy the code

Systemctl start mysqld = mysqld

Job for mysqld.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status mysqld.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
Copy the code

Run mysqld.service systemctl status mysqlD. service

Enter the cat/var/log/mysql/mysqld. Log to check the mysql run log can be found

The innodb_system data file 'ibdata1' must be writable
Copy the code

Error: chmod -r 777 /var/lib/mysql: error: chmod -r 777 /var/lib/mysql

And then it starts successfully

Use mysqladmin –version to check the mysql version

Mysql -u root -p mysql -u root -p mysql -u root -p mysql -u root -p mysql -u root -p mysql -u root -p

Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YESCopy the code

To query data, you can add skip-grant-tables to your mysql configuration

The default configuration of mysql version I downloaded is not my.cnf, but mysql-server. CNF in my.cnf.d folder

Navicat connects to the database


show global variables like 'port'; Viewing port NumbersCopy the code

The port number is found to be 0 because port number configuration is not enabled

show variables like 'skip_networking'; Check whether the network port is configuredCopy the code

After querying relevant information, I found that skip-networking needs to be commented out to enable port configuration, which is not found in the configuration file. Then I found that skip-networking and skip-grant-tables need to be commented out at the same time to avoid secret login, because I don’t know the mysql password now. Therefore, you need to change the password of mysql root

Changing the Root Password

Log in to mysql in secret free mode and log in to the mysql database (use mysql). Run the following command to change the password

Update user set password= password (" your password ") where user = 'root'; Update user set authentication_string=' your password 'where user='root'; Alter user 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '123456' alter user 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '123456'; # Set password flush PRIVILEGES; The refreshCopy the code

Exit, comment out skip_networking and skip-grant-tables, re-log in mysql with the password we changed, and you can find the port number is 3306. Previously, we mapped 3306 to our local port 3306 when running Docker. Navicat connects to the database successfully. Procedure

The end of the


Update user set host =' %' where user ='root'; Select 'host' from user where user='root';Copy the code