The docker’s official website
Image: Docker image is like a template, you can create container service from this template, Tomcat image = “run” = “tomcat01 container (server), you can create multiple containers from this image (the final service or project run is in the container).
Container: Docker uses container technology to run a single application or group of applications independently, created by · image.
Start, stop, delete, basic commands can now be understood as recommended Linux system, project
A shared repository a private repository
Install the docker
Environment Preparation:
1. The Linux foundation
2.centos 7
3. Xhell Connects to the remote server
Environment view
Uname -r Displays the system kernel3.10The aboveCopy the code
Cat /etc/os-release Displays the system versionCopy the code
Help document: Ctrl+ left mouse button
Linux Installation version
1. Uninstall the earlier version
yum remove docker \docker-client\docker-client-latest\docker-common\docker-latest\docker-latest-logrotate\docker-logrotate \docker-engine
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2. Required installation package
yum install -y yum-utils
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3. Configure the mirror vault
Yum - config - manager \ - add-repo\ / / mirror address or abroad Yum - config manager \ - add-repo\ / / domestic ali cloudCopy the code
4. Update yum package index
yum makecache fast
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5. Install docker Engine CE Community Edition EE Enterprise Edition
yum install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
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6. Start the docker
systemctl start docker
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7. If the Docker version information is displayed, the installation is successful
8. Verify that the Docker Engine is properly installed by running the Hello-world image.
docker run hello-world
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The image is automatically downloaded if it is not found the first time
Hello from Docker! The installation is successful
9. View the downloaded Hello-Word image
docker images
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Learn about uninstalling Docker
Yum remove docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd. IO delete resources rm -rf /var/lib/docker docker default working path /var/lib/dockerCopy the code
Ali Cloud image acceleration
Objective: To improve efficiency
1. Log in to Aliyun and find the container service
2. Find the mirror accelerator address (bottom of left sidebar)
The operation documentation will tell you how to make centos
3. Find configuration files similar to the following table
sudo mkdir -p /etc/docker
sudo tee /etc/docker/daemon.json <<-'EOF'
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart docker
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Review the Hello-Word process
The underlying principle
How does Docker work
Docker is a client-serve structure of the system, docker daemon running on the host. Access from the client through socker.
Dockerserve executes this command when it receives the Docker-client command
Why is Docker faster than virtual machines
1. Docker has fewer abstraction layers than virtual machines
2. Docker uses the host kernel · Vm uses guest OS
Therefore, when creating a container, Docker does not need to reload an operating system kernel like a virtual machine to avoid boot operations. The guest OS is loaded on the VM at the minute level. Docker, on the other hand, makes use of the host operating system, omitting the complex process at the second level.
Common docker commands
The help command
Docker -version # display version information docker info # display system information including image and container number docker --help # help commandCopy the code
Help document
The mirror command
Docker Images View all host images
Docker Search searches for images
docker search mysql
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Docker pull Downloads the image
Docker pull mysql 5.7
Docker RMI delete image
Container order
You need an image to create a container
docker pull centos
Create a new container and start
Lists all running containers
Out of the container
CTRL + P + Q # can exit the container without stoppingCopy the code
Remove the container
Docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq) # delete all containers docker ps -a -qixargs docker rm # delete all containersCopy the code
Start and stop containers
Docker stop docker stop docker stop docker stop docker kill docker stop docker stopCopy the code
Other Common Commands
Background startup container