1. Mirroring operations

1. List mirrors

View locally owned mirrors

$ docker images
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$ docker image ls
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REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE centos latest 9f38484d220f 2 days ago 202MB redis latest 0f88f9be5839 11 days ago 95MB Hello - World latest FCE289e99eb9 2 months ago 1.84kBCopy the code

2. Search for images

For example, query an Nginx image

$ docker search nginx
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NAME DESCRIPTION STARS OFFICIAL AUTOMATED nginx Official build of Nginx. 11081 [OK] jwilder/nginx-proxy Automated Nginx Reverse Proxy for Docker Con... 1562 [OK] richarvey/ nginx-fpm capable of running nginx + php-fpm capable of... 690 [OK]Copy the code

3. Download the image

Pulling nginx is commonly referred to as pulling a pull image

$ docker pull nginx
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4. Import/export images

Export nginx image, tar file if there is no path, the exported file is in the current directory

$ docker save nginx > nginx.tar
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Import an Nginx image

$ docker load < nginx.tar
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5. Delete the mirror

$ docker rmi nginx
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Container operation

1. List containers

Lists running containers

$ docker ps
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A container that lists all states, both running and stopped

$ docker ps -a
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2. Create and start the container

Load an image into a container, such as a centos image

$ docker run -i -t centos /bin/bash
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-t indicates that after the container is started, a pseudo-terminal /bin/bash is allocated to indicate the program to be run

Once started, you can press CTRL + P + Q to make the container run in the background

3. Enter the container

Enter the running CONTAINER, where a00AA07536CF is the CONTAINER ID (CONTAINER ID)

$ docker attach a00aa07536cf
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You can customize a name

$ docker rename modest_goldberg my_centos
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Then run it directly using the name

$ docker attach my_centos
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4. Run the command

The arguments are the same as the run command

$ docker exec -it 280edfce7598 /bin/bash
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-t indicates that after the container is started, a pseudo-terminal /bin/bash is allocated to indicate the program to be run

5. Stop the container

$ docker stop a00aa07536cf
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6. Terminate the container

Forced out of

$ docker kill a00aa07536cf
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7. Start the container

$ docker start a00aa07536cf
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8. Restart the container

$ docker restart a00aa07536cf
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9. Delete the container

To stop the container before deleting it, run the stop and kill commands

$ docker rm a00aa07536cf
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Import/export containers

Export containers to generate container packages

$ docker export 3ae8f1fc3bfe > centos.tar
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Zqyu /centos: Latest indicates the image name and version

$ docker import centos.tar zqyu/centos:latest
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Native operation that generates images directly from the container

$ docker commit 3ae8f1fc3bfe zqyu/centos:latest
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