This is the 11th day of my participation in Gwen Challenge


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In the past, docker had to be on Linux, and then if we use Windos, we’d have to install a virtual machine first, and then we’d have to play Docker, which is the right way to play docker, because we’re going to end up on Linux, but if you don’t like Linux, So today small 66 to take you to see how to play under Windows

Download address

Windows Download address

Open the Hyper – V

Hyper-v is a VM application that comes with Windows. If yes, open the Control Panel, choose Programs > Programs and Features > Enable or Disable Windows features, locate Hyper-V, select it, and click OK.

Download the docker

After downloading, you will see an EXE file marked below

Install the docker

In fact, the installation is very simple, is the next step, the next step is good, I believe that you should be able to it!

Finally, the desktop generates an icon

At this point docker is installed successfully

And then you just have to sign up, sign up by email, and log in. It’s pretty easy

Get ali mirror step

Because docker uses official foreign images by default, it will take a long time for friends to pull the images down. Here you have Aliyun to configure the domestic warehouse of Docker images, and the time to download the images will be reduced a lot.

Log in to Aliyun

Ali cloud

Products and Services –> Container image services

Find your own image accelerator, then open up our Docker and hit Settings

Then configure the mirror accelerator

Now that Docker is fully configured, we can play with it

Using a Docker

Open up our own Windows CMD console

  • docker -v

Now you can see that we have installed doker-compose successfully. Ok, next, let’s look at doker-compose. Why? Because a lot of times we deploy components through Compose

Download the docker – compose

Download address

Just go to a downloadable file and download it and look like this

And then we run and we set it up, which is very convenient.

Verifying the Installation

Docker – compose the mysql installation

To use docker-compose, you need to create a file named docker-compose. Yml.

As shown above, you need to enter the command line tool in the current directory and run docker-compose up -d

version: '3'
    image: mysql
    restart: always
    privileged: true
      - 3306:3306
      - ./data:/var/lib/mysql
Copy the code

Then you will find that mysql is started.

And he also provides a page of some operations, or pretty convenient.

I finally connected to my database


Actually quite simple, but small sixty-six side is the default you will point docker, otherwise a lot of you do not know the preconditions, it is difficult to complete, well, here, I am small sixty-six three days fishing, two days drying nets.

Daily for praise

Ok, everybody, that’s all for this article, you can see people here, they are real fans.

Creation is not easy, your support and recognition, is the biggest motivation for my creation, we will see in the next article

Six pulse excalibur | article “original” if there are any errors in this blog, please give criticisms, be obliged!