
Bitcoin is one of a number of technologies that generate a lot of buzz and debate when they first come out.

So jun every day when browsing information, all kinds of news “BTC near $6290 shock mainstream currency general fall”, “BTC market value accounted for 56% hit the highest since December 2017” every day disturbed the little brother next door. [Hee hee, I heard that when he started, the price was 5 zeros

All this news has left investors with a lot of questions. Is bitcoin the currency of the future? Is Bitcoin a currency? Should I start?

I don’t know, but knowing these questions should help you make some decisions.


What affects the price of Bitcoin

Bitcoin has had a roller-coaster ride since it came into the public eye in 2013. Before Mt Gox, the largest online bitcoin exchange at the time, crashed, its price rose nearly 10,000 percent.

Prices slowly recovered after the crash before surging again in 2017. Although the phenomenon of bitcoin’s soaring price is caused by large-scale online trading, or short sellers jumping ship, encouraging a flood of buyers. But in 2017, it was really the emergence of regulatory interest and the rise of ICOs. — ICOs are projects that raise money by selling crypto tokens similar to Bitcoin.

Skeptics say we’re in the middle of a bitcoin bubble, while proponents say it’s the beginning of growth.

Bitcoin prices are down this year on fears of a regulatory crackdown.


How many people are using bitcoin?

According to blockchain.info, one of the largest bitcoin storage platforms, there are more than 25 million cryptocurrency wallet holders, almost double the 10 million at the beginning of 2017.

Judging from the people around So jun, most of them have only heard of Bitcoin, but only the company’s friends actually buy it. I wonder what’s going on around you?


What can bitcoin be used for?

Bitcoin is widely used, but it is currently most widely used in drug trafficking, cybercrime, money laundering and other criminal activities. After all, we all know that it is impossible to find out who owns a Bitcoin wallet.

In addition, bitcoin can actually be used online and even in physical stores.

In the UK, CEX Stores, pubs, vape shops and YourSushi Restaurants can be used directly.

But the proliferation of online transactions means that transaction fees will also rise, meaning that some retailers have lost enthusiasm. For example, computer-maker Dell, like Steam, an online gaming store, has refused to experiment with Bitcoin again.

Others want to hold bitcoin, hoping it will prove to be a good investment as it appreciates. After all, it’s no secret that bitcoin’s price is so volatile that early investors have now made a fortune.


Should you invest in Bitcoin

Because of its independent, distributed nature, Bitcoin is effective in preventing fraud and theft, and it can also offer high returns to investors. It was a few dollars at the start of 2013, and by November it was $1,100, so everyone who bought bitcoin five years ago is now rich and free.

“So I feel bitter.”

In addition, prices surged again in 2017, peaking at more than $20,000. It is inevitable that many people will follow the trend of investment, or even lose their minds, thinking that this is a guaranteed profit project.

“So I feel even worse.”

“DappSo” hastened to pour another basin of water:

What needs special attention is that after 17 years of soaring, bitcoin prices have been plummeting!!

Suddenly remembered the fear that had dominated the waterfall last week…

So whether this is the end of the bitcoin bubble or whether the best is yet to come is anyone’s guess.

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