There are thousands of Python packages on the web, but almost no one knows all of them. There are over 47,000 package listings on PyPi alone.

More and more data scientists are using Python, and while they have benefited from pandas, SciKit-learn, and Numpy, I would like to introduce them to some older and very useful Python libraries.

In this article, I’ll list some of the lesser-known libraries that are worth checking out, even if you’re an experienced Python developer.

1, delorean

Dolorean is a very cool date/time library. Javascript-like Moment has very good technical documentation.

2, prettytable

You’ve probably never heard of this library since it’s hosted on Google Ecode. Prettytable is primarily used to build good output on the terminal or browser side.

3, snowballstemmer

Well, I’m also new to installing the library. It’s a very skinny language conversion library that supports 15 languages. Therefore, if you want to learn Python, it is necessary to listen to the teacher’s class and receive the benefits of Python. If you want to learn Python, you can go to the weixin (same pronunciation) of Teacher Mengya: the front group is: Mengy, the back group is: 7762, and she will arrange to learn the above two groups of letters in order.

4, wget

Do you remember that every time you wrote a web crawler for a purpose, you never had to use it again because Wget was all you needed? Wget is the Python version of the web crawler library, easy to use.

5, PyMC

Scikit-learn seems to be everyone’s favourite, but in my opinion PyMC is more glamorous. PyMC is mainly used to do Bayesian analysis.

6, sh

The sh library is used to import shell commands as functions into Python. It’s very useful to use in bash, but not easy to remember how to use in Python (that is, recursively search files).

7, fuzzywuzzy

Fuzzywuzzy is a library for fuzzy matching of strings

8 progressbar.

The progressbar is a progressbar library that provides a text-mode progressbar.

9 and colorama

Colorama is mainly used to add various colors to text and is very easy to use.

10 and uuid

Uuid is a Python based uuid library that implements versions 1,3,4, and 5 of the uuid annotation, which is really handy for ensuring uniqueness. 1. Python installation package 2. Electronic books for programmers: 3. Three copies of python project source code: (Python cracking WiFi password, VIP video permission cracking, crawler automation) 4. PPT teaching plan for basic learning 5. 6. Sharing career planning of programmers 7. Making money on orders in spare time

11, bashplotlib

Bashplotlib is a drawing library that allows you to use stdin to draw bar and scatter charts, etc.

Feel free to leave a comment. What other Python libraries do you know of?