
  • Purpose and Content

    • Improved skill tree

    • Ask questions

    • answer

  • Participate in the way

  • Content sources

  • Today’s question

After sharing the experience of changing jobs last time, I talked a lot with my friends in the group and found that they had some common problems:

  • Learning Android feels like you can’t do planned learning, like a hammer and a hammer

  • Did not form their own knowledge system

  • Want to fill foundation to do not know what should fill specifically

  • I felt a bottleneck, no progress for a long time

Quite a few of my friends have been working for years, mostly on UI. Finding nothing to write when writing your resume and being asked basic questions in interviews can easily lead to lost opportunities.

Some friends asked me what to do?

At the beginning, BASED on my experience and understanding of the market, I told them:

Go back and learn Java, Android, concurrent programming, network programming, design patterns, performance optimization, framework principles, and you’ll be ahead of a lot of people.

When I said it, I felt that I had given a good medicine. However, after careful reflection, I found that my answer was not of much value. The main reason was that the scope was too large.

Indeed, each part I mentioned has a lot of content. For those who are not familiar with it, questions such as “what knowledge points are in each part, to what extent should be mastered in each knowledge point, and what foundations must be mastered” will also make them confused.

In addition, without a good learning atmosphere, it is difficult to stick to the study catalog even if there is one.

Therefore, in order to help such friends learn the knowledge needed for Android development in a better and more systematic way, and in combination with the original intention of “Android Evolution” to “progress with everyone”, I want to propose an “Android Advanced Skill Tree Point Plan” (hereinafter referred to as “Advanced Plan”), including the following contents:

  1. Objectives and Content

  2. The skill tree

  3. Participate in the way

Purpose and Content

The purpose of the advanced program is to systematically and step by step learn android development knowledge according to the skill tree, so that the participating readers can grasp solid android development knowledge from the basic to the advanced.

The plan mainly includes the following parts:

  1. Improved skill tree

  2. Ask questions

  3. answer

Improved skill tree

What skills and qualities do a good Android engineer need?

This is a matter of opinion, we might as well take a salary range of 20-30K JD to take a look:

It can be seen that the knowledge to be mastered is as follows:

However, some of my friends only pay attention to Android and the right part at work, ignoring the foundation on the left, which leads to various confusion when learning framework source code, and often fail to answer some basic questions in the interview.

So this time we’re going to start at the base on the left.

The basic knowledge is still quite certain, but a person’s power is limited after all, I hope you see my hair skill tree shortage, take the initiative to leave a message or add my wechat, we work together to improve the skill tree, and strive to light up more!

Ask questions

Studies show that learning a piece of knowledge and using your own thinking to collide and combine with other people’s answers is easier to absorb.

Therefore, when we study next, we will first issue an article on the official account to ask questions.

There will be a variety of types of questions, may be interview questions, may be knowledge range, may be some divergent questions.

I hope you can take the initiative to think, participate in, send your answers to the message, and other people’s answers contrast, consult.

No one can learn for you, only you can think and participate.

In addition, due to the limited scope of my personal vision, I also welcome friends to send me some interview questions you see, you can leave a message or send me wechat (my wechat: SXkejinet).


After collecting certain answers, we send out an article containing the answers every day or two.

In this article, I try to answer the Why, What and How questions.

Feel free to post your own findings, or your different opinions, in the comments section.

Participate in the way

The success of an event requires not only the seriousness of the organizer, but also the positive feedback from readers.

I hope friends have money to pay, powerful output.

You can reward us, like us, or get involved in the following ways:

  1. Improved skill tree

  • Give us any important points that you think are missing

  • Provide knowledge interview questions

    • Give us questions that you don’t think other people have

  • Provide detailed introduction of knowledge points

    • If there’s something you’ve written about or want to write about, just let us know in advance and send it to us

  • Evaluate each article

    • Clock in and keep learning

    • Your encouragement and blame are the motivation of our efforts

    Through the first three ways to participate in the friends will appear in the corresponding article, this insignificant thank you accept.

    Content sources

    To be honest, it took me a long time to decide whether to put forward this plan. After all, this is a very large project, and there are many knowledge points in each part, which requires a lot of energy and time to adhere to.

    But I hope this challenge will sharpen my will and help readers as much as possible.

    The most important goal of this project is to create a system that Android developers should have, so to keep things up to date, we’ll be studying articles from three sources:

    1. original

    2. Small partners contribute

    3. The network reproduced

    Today’s question

    The above are some of my ideas, how to achieve the final is still open to discussion, hope to read this article friends can give some feedback.

    Are you interested in the program, which points are more focused on the skill tree, and do you have any suggestions for better learning styles? Please let me know by voting, commenting or liking and giving me more directions.

    Leave a comment and tell me what you think. Your opinion matters!