Ai, founded by Former Baidu chief scientist Andrew Ng, aims to bring the benefits of artificial intelligence to everyone. After all, why is artificial intelligence so hot now?Copy the code
In recent years, ARTIFICIAL intelligence (AI) has become increasingly hot. Many industry giants, including Google, Apple and Facebook, are rushing to enter the field first. Even Baidu chief scientist Andrew Ng quit his job to create Deeplearning. AI in order to focus on bringing the benefits of AI to everyone.
It makes people think: why do so many industry giants want to enter the field of artificial intelligence, why is artificial intelligence so hot now?

First of all, we still need to understand what artificial intelligence is.

Artificial Intelligence (Artificial Intelligence for short) is a new technical science that researches and develops theories, methods, technologies and application systems for simulating, extending and expanding human Intelligence. Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that seeks to understand the nature of intelligence and produce a new type of intelligent machine that can react in a manner similar to human intelligence. Research in this field includes robotics, speech recognition, image recognition, natural language processing, and expert systems. Since the birth of artificial intelligence, the theory and technology are increasingly mature, and the application field is also expanding. It can be imagined that the future scientific and technological products brought by artificial intelligence will be the “container” of human wisdom. (From Baidu Encyclopedia)


The concept of AI first appeared in 1956, when John McCarthy, then a professor of mathematics at Dartmouth College, proposed that “every aspect of learning or other feature of intelligence can in principle be accurately described and imitated by machines”.
Then there was the enthusiasm for AI.

Why is ARTIFICIAL intelligence so hot?

From Alpha Go to gaokao robots, there are obvious examples of AI, but why is AI so hot now?
In fact, it is largely due to the data generated by the rapid development of the Internet in recent years. These data are extremely large and need to be processed and refined. It is very difficult for manual processing because of the huge data.
The most important technology in the world in the next 20 years will be artificial intelligence, which will be as important as electricity was 200 years ago, according to Kevin Kelly, one of the world’s leading technology visionaries and author of Out of Control.
With the development of the Internet, allowing ordinary users to contribute data has accumulated a lot of data. Big data and cloud computing play a great role in promoting the development of artificial intelligence, which has developed from the former algorithm-oriented mode to the development mode of “algorithm + big data”. Search engine and big data technology are the basis for the development of ARTIFICIAL intelligence. For example, Microsoft’s Bing search engine, which ranks second in the US market, is the basic support platform for Artificial intelligence, cloud computing and big data of Microsoft or third-party platforms.
Tencent’s 2017 “Cloud + Future” Summit was held in Shenzhen on June 21. Ma Huateng, chairman and CEO of Tencent, also made a speech on ARTIFICIAL intelligence and cloud computing, proposing the three future of ARTIFICIAL intelligence and cloud computing: promoting the upgrading of traditional industries; Improve the efficiency of government and social management; Become the bottom building of artificial intelligence.
It can be seen how important artificial intelligence is in the future.

Is ARTIFICIAL intelligence really safe?

I believe that many people have seen movies about artificial intelligence, such as Mechanical Enemies, terminator and so on, which describe the future of artificial intelligence and give people a warning: artificial intelligence may rule human beings in the future. Even Stephen Hawking warned last year of the dangers of ARTIFICIAL intelligence, saying it should be administered only under ethical and safety measures, because once artificial intelligence is out of human control, it will be hard to stop and the consequences will be disastrous.
“When machines have reached an important stage in their development where they can evolve on their own, it is difficult to predict how closely their goals align with human desires.”Hawking said.
In fact, the arrival of artificial intelligence is not the Wolf.
Yang Xueshan, a professor at Peking University and former vice minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, delivered a speech at the RAIC Conference — Robotics and Artificial Intelligence 2017. In his speech, Yang said, “This time the Wolf is not coming, although the specific process will be different from what is predicted, but it is always coming.”
At the conference, Professor Yang pointed out: “The era of intelligence is coming. Although artificial intelligence has experienced many setbacks in the development process, we still find a practical path that can fulfill the tasks and responsibilities of adults, among which Alpha GO is the most classic representative. The reality of the needs of society coupled with the feasibility of the practical path and the feasibility of the support capability, and the affordability of the price, all of these things together, so the smart age is really here.
He believes that we should focus technology on manufacturing, manufacturing intelligence plays a very important role in economic and social development, and the use of ARTIFICIAL intelligence and robots in manufacturing will play a key role in the use of other fields.
So, as long as we develop within reasonable limits, as Hawking said, we don’t have to worry about the safety of ARTIFICIAL intelligence.
Generally speaking, the prospect of artificial intelligence is infinite at present, but the foundation is still relatively weak, and more accumulation is needed. I believe that in the near future, artificial intelligence will be able to help humans a lot and save labor more and more.